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Rated: 13+ · In & Out · Community · #2134582
For our newbies --- Here's something our oldbies would like to say to you!

This in-and-out is a gift to you from our oldbies. It's something that goes beyond the technical aspects of the site, to the emotional. It's all about how you can get the most out of your time here on Writing Dot Com. I really hope you find this in-and-out useful! *Delight*

TO MY FELLOW OLDBIES: If you've been around on this site for a year or more, you must've had a lot of experiences here already.

What's the ONE THING you'd like to share with newbies?
It can be something small or something life-changing ... it could be something you wish you'd known as a newbie, or simply something you'd like to share ... go for it!

Since I want it to be the ONE thing you found important, I'm going to limit this in and out to one post per person. (I'm going to blab, in my newsletter, I can't let everyone blab! *Whistle*)

Keep it ASR rated, please! Thank you!

"Weeeeeen!Open in new Window.! was nominated for a Quill Award in 2012 when I didn't even know what a Quill was! Blew my mind when it actually won THE BEST FLASH FICTION FOR 2012! (Angus Author Icon)

You are the only expert on your own writing. Don't let anyone change what is your unique voice and style. There is only one you. Take what is helpful and throw out the rest with the bathwater. (♥HOOves♥ Author Icon)

If you are an avid writer, you gotta beef up your account to UPGRADED. It's not expensive if you pay for it by winning contests instead of purchasing Gift Points. It can be done! I've done it for ten years. (W.D.Wilcox Author Icon)

ENTER CONTESTS! Once you enter contests, other members WILL notice you and read your poems, stories, or other writing. Entering contests also gives you an opportunity to identify like-minded active members. *BigSmile* (Christopher Roy Denton Author Icon)

Don't be afraid to explore. Don't be afraid to experiment. I used to think of myself as a short story writer. Now I love writing poetry, too. Contests are a good way to try your hand at different types of writing. *Smile* (Kit Author Icon)

Make yourself visible! Even as a new writer, introduce yourself on the Community newsfeed, comment on other people's posts, get active. You may be unsure but you'll gain many friends this way who may have the same interests as you, other than writing. (Gaby Author Icon)

Most of us are friendly and helpful; if you have a question about anything don't hesitate to ask (someone's bound to know the answer). And don't be intimidated by case colors or titles! Blues & Yellows put their pants on one leg at a time, just like you! (Fivesixer Author Icon)


Trinkets are fun!
(ruwth Author Icon)

Get involved! *Bigsmile* - join activities, send stuff to random people! Enter contests, write something cool in your bio-block, post replies on Newsfeed.......the more people you connect with on WDC, the more friends you will make! *Heart* (Jellyfish Author Icon)

Don't let a bad review discourage you. Most reviews are helpful and positive, but if you get a bad one keep writing. Remember it's just one person's opinion. *Heart* (River Author Icon)

The most awesome moment on this site? Easy. The first review/comment/feedback I ever received for my first posted story. That was the springboard to my active involvement with the site. Do the same for others. Trust me, it makes a world of a difference. (iKïyå§ama Author Icon)

Make your brief description interesting! It's a hugely visible piece of your writing and can make or break readership. You can quote from your piece; describe the tone in a short phrase; or make the conflict sound catchy. Lure us in! (Elisa, Stik of Clubs Author Icon)

You might be surprised at how well you thrive here in WdC-land. But at the same time, keep in mind that you have to put yourself out there to make that happen. Have fun joining contests, groups, and learning about the site. (Anders-Yuletide Uni Graduate Author Icon)

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