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Rated: 18+ · Community Note · Community · #2115994
To the pro's. I'm coming for you, do you like coffee or? That moment when....
You're training Administrators on you're secret (it's public) community. With a following of over 500 people.
And you need a copywrite. Right now

~note HUGE, no, MASSIVE............Something really big. The next Happy Days Franchise.....I'm copyrighting it as I type on multiple browsers. Just in case. Any Volunteer's, if this was giving life. We could donate a generous portion where we felt it was needed most, and still walk away with no money concerns ever again...Most of us*.

Starring Ann, who I must thank for most of this concept, for yelling her sons name.
Also her ability to make people smile.
RIP ~ Forever a servant, you wouldn't have it any other way.
Dave ~ The Son
Cindy, got my Back. *Heart*
The cast and crew of Cosmic's Pizza & Subs Series.

These words are my image, my vision.
Just in case.
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