Opinion: 10-25-16 @ 3:36am My soulmate is definitely my husband. I like this term when it is used for a Christian couple who God has joined together. I think people might mistake this for lust, but it's a much deeper connection. It literally goes soul deep. Opinion: 10-25-16 @ 5:21am I don't know if soulmates for people in a relationship exist- I've never been in a relationship so I could never say. As for soulmates between friends, I definitely think that's possible. I'm closer to people on this site than I am to many of my (pt 1) Opinion: 10-25-16 @ 5:48am (pt2) friends, or "friends" in real life- people I knew and were close with once upon a time, but just don't see frequently anymore. I don't think age and gender count- I think hat matters is what you have in common and how you interact.... Opinion: 10-25-16 @ 6:05am (pt 3) So no, I don't think it has to be romantic, but people these days always seem to think a soulmate is the \person with whom you'd spend forever and start a family. For me, if you take the word apart, it would mean "a mate for your soul." Opinion: 10-25-16 @ 6:16am (pt4) and in this case, a "mate" could be a friend or a partner. As for your "soul", according to Google Dictionary, it's "a person's moral or emotional nature or sense of identity", so somebody doesn't have to be your romantic partner if they're your Opinion: 10-25-16 @ 6:24am (pt5) soulmate- your soulmate could just as easily be your best friend as they could be your partner for life. Opinion: 10-25-16 @ 7:10am This is a SOUL level connection, that we all have and it knows no religion. We find instant chemistry, familiarity, share basic values with our soulmates, no matter how we meet them. They are not THE ONE, but there to help us on our life path. Opinion: 10-25-16 @ 10:58am All of those whom we are close to in our life both in a positive and a negative sense qualify as soulmates - family, pets, friends (even online), teachers, co-workers, bosses and even rivals and enemies and they are all with us to help us learn lessons. Opinion: 10-25-16 @ 8:06pm When we met, my husband told me that his soulmate was his best friend. A non-romantic relationship, but soulmates. If I were given to believe in soulmates, I would say that mine is my husband. But how can he be mine if I'm not his?  Opinion: 10-27-16 @ 7:53am There are no pre-defined soulmates, but you can become a soulmate with someone. So don't look for your soulmate, look for someone who has the potential to be your soulmate. Opinion: 11-08-16 @ 7:43pm Soulmates are the one whom we are comfortable with,he/she helps us grow and bring out the best in us that we don't know that we have.They can be our friends or best friend.This can be a romantic or not, often its not a lust, its platonic and in any ages. Opinion: 11-12-16 @ 11:09am Soulmates are linked in spirit, and share a deep, truthful connection that reaches beyond barriers of age and gender. They share insights and understanding, not fathomed by the general populace, which sets 'soul mates' apart from other relationships. Opinion: 11-25-16 @ 10:14am I don't have a soulmate but I do believe it has to mutual and does not have to be romantic but romance would be a nice fringe benefit Total Displayed: 13 |