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Rated: 13+ · In & Out · Personal · #2091605
If someone says 'Are you okay?' and you say 'Yes' (or 'No'), what does that mean?
What does 'being okay' mean to you?
If someone asks if you are okay, and you answer either yes or no, what are you really saying?
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If I don't seem okay and someone asks, I either tear up if I'm not feeling all that okay or I'll smile and lie, It really depends on the situation and the person asking. A close friend will get the truth. (Just a Penguin Author Icon)

Being okay to me is when my friends inquire how I'm doing. Not being okay is when they don't ask. (Innerlight Author Author Icon)

Okay means when you stop asking are you okay. The person being asked might sock you in the face one day. Especially those who suffer with ongoing Pain. (Innerlight Author Author Icon)

It depends on whether someone named "Kay" is in the room. "Oh, Kay, can you get me some more coffee?" But never ask her twice. If you do she will bring tea to spite you. If her brother is there you can say "Oh, Henry..." (Steev the Friction Wizurd Author Icon)

okay means' only asking once and only once. If asked to many times I will be polite and excuse myself or change subject. (Innerlight Author Author Icon)

When someone asks me if i'm okay , my answer depends on how close i am with that person because few will people do care. So even though i say i'm okay sometime i'm actually not . (Louka Author Icon)

Most of the time when I say "Ok" I mean "Fine" (Amyaurora Author Icon)

It depends. Sometimes I say it if I can't immediately think of a response. I might of had a great day but okay is what manages to come out. Okay may be just a noncommittal brush off. Or it might mean I'm tired and not up to rehashing how my day was. (BlueMoon Author Icon)

My definition when asked are you okay! Number 1. It's an automatic response when someone see's you are in distress. Number 2. Are they reaching out because of similar circumstances. Number 3. Do they truly want to hear your demise. (Innerlight Author Author Icon)

When I'm ask "Are You OKAY?" My standard answer is "I'm doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances?" If the person wants to know what the circumstances are they can ask or change the subject. (Prosperous Snow celebrating Author Icon)

My definition of OKAY. write in bold letters if you want to know more. Many times I don't want to bore my friends. I feel anxious when asked this question but then realize they care. Once started I tend to ramble on. (Innerlight Author Author Icon)

Errr...... why are you asking me if I'm okay? I'm not okay? You are not okay? You okay there? (Elycia Lee ☮ Reviewing Author Icon)

To me "okay" is a filler word. It's an automatic reaction to change the conversation. I don't feel like going into a lengthy explanation about my current feelings, so I give a vague answer people won't dwell on. (Desini Snyder Author Icon)

Definitely yes, yes, maybe yes, if I remember yes, if I feel like it yes. Definitely no, no, maybe no, if I remember no, if I feel like it no. All answers depend on hormone levels, and whether I've gained a few or lost a few pounds, Bribes help. (Mari McKee Author Icon)

Okay for me is just a automated response, kind of like when you call the your cell phone provider "How may we direct your call?","How may I direct my feelings",,,,I'm Okay??? (Trebor Author Icon)

Similar to the word 'fine', in which you're saying you're neither 'okay' or 'fine' but do not feel the need to share feelings with you; or know, deep down, that if they were to, they would be showing their true self. And no one wants to do that nowadays. (LauraBethell Author Icon)

OK is the platypus of words *Laugh*. Just like the platypus, it doesn't wonder what it is. It can mean mind your own business, everything's fine, Oklahoma, or, Oll Korrect - its original meaning. Its essence is "shut up and go away." *Rolling* (🌖 HuntersMoon Author Icon)

Don't ask! Don't ask me if I am okay unless you REALLY want to know. If I say, "Yes." then I'm fine. If the answer is no, I'll give you the essay version. Be forewarned! *Smirk2* (ruwth Author Icon)

I'm with Samberine on this. What happens you are asked about your wellbeing (in Australia, it's often, "Oweryagoin' mate, okay?" To which the answer is, "Fine, yerself?"). This is a social interaction with almost no meaning. Don't list all your problems. (☮ The Grum Of Grums Author Icon)

Most of the time, I'm "okay", as in "fine", or "could be better, but at least it's not worse, so yeah, I'm fine." I hardly say no, ever, mostly because I don't care for others to know my feelings, I guess. <- And that is where it gets complicated. *Pthb* (Dragon is hiding Author Icon)

I pretty much always answer an okay query with an affirmative. To me, "okay" means I don't believe I'm in need of immediate medical assistance. If I need help with anything else, I'll ask for it. (CeruleanSon Author Icon)

Okay for me is in neutral. This is between being fine or having a bad feelings. Okay means that I can still control/manage myself in which direction it may likely to go. {e:smile] (Samberine Everose Author Icon)

"Okay"...often means life could be better but I/they don't want to complain. And it can mean "it's so complicated I don't want to go there". It can also mean "please ask more". (Fi Author Icon)

"being okay" means that life is complicated and not wanting to divulge too much because nobody would understand. For me "being okay" means I am handling things. Things could be better but getting through it one day at a time. (~Lifelessons~ Author Icon)

When someone asks if I'm okay, I invariably answer yes. I think it's partly a British "stiff upper lip" thing. I never assume people genuinely want to know how I am. However, if I ask someone else, it's because I really want to know. (Choconut Author Icon)

If someone asks if I am okay and I say no, it is most probably because I am really nervous about something. If I am okay, I'll say I'm okay. Sometimes, I'll say I'm okay when I am actually really hurt by something but I don't want that person to feel bad. (CasualWriter~thanks, Anon! Author Icon)

Now you'll know if I consider you as a friend or random person when you're asking me that question. (~Minja~ Author Icon)

When I don't talk to a cute boy  Open in new Window. I answer with "yes/no" to friends who are asking, especially when I talk to someone who can't see me. If random person ask, I thumbs up. (~Minja~ Author Icon)

I'll add to this most people don't know that I'm not okay and they never have a clue. I play a good game of never showing my emotions and there isn't anyone who 'knows' me as well as the people on WDC. I feel like I can be honest on here better. (SB Musing Author Icon)

For the latter group, "I'm okay" means "I can handle this on my own, but thank you for your concern" for the friendly ones or "Mind your own business" for the casual ones. (Soh ~ Luminousa Author Icon)

'Okay' means I'm not okay... "I'm just Fine" is I'm angry. And good means I'm better than okay. And great means I'm pretty splendid. And I'm friking fantastic means it's a terrible day. "I'm walking on sunshine... how bout that?" (SB Musing Author Icon)

Being okay for me means two things, one for those whom I'm very close to and another for those who are relatively less (or not at all) close to. For the first group, it means being able to share my problems with them without breaking down in the middle. (Soh ~ Luminousa Author Icon)

Answering "Yes or no," is a cue to whoever is asking me the question. If you really want to know if I'm "okay," then you'd better ask me specifically what is wrong, otherwise, I'll just think your question is a platitude, and you're not truly interested. (Dee Author Icon)

I think the definition of okay is to have an inner turmoil inside and not know how to say anything. Sometimes it's hard to talk when I know it might not make any sense. That's where okay comes in. One word stores away thousands of thoughts and emotions. (Anders-Yuletide Uni Graduate Author Icon)

When I answer "Yeah, I'm okay" it means I'm not in the hospital or suicidal, no 'fire' here. If I say "No, not really" it means I'm either really ill, or feeling dark & twisty inside.If I say "I'm fine" then uh-oh, it means I'm too upset to talk yet. (Whata SpoonStealer Author Icon)

Okay means, to me, that I'm not really into talking about what I feel at the point. I'm famous for saying, I'm okay or fine and that usually means that things are not okay, but I don't want to discuss it right now. (Piratess Dawniebelle Author Icon)

If a waiter, sales clerk, etc. asks someone if they are okay, they are asking if anything is needed...Help, for example. If the answer is 'yes', it means that the person doesn't need anything. If they do need something, that's the time to say so. (Maryann Author Icon)

Around here they don't ask that unless they think you are not okay. The common greeting is, "How are you today?" and the common answer is, "Fine, thank you, and you?" If you have just stumbled out of a house fire, THEN they would ask, "Are you okay?" (Steev the Friction Wizurd Author Icon)

If somebody asks me sincerely, then my answer is a much elaborated one, which tells the truth. Otherwise, my answer is a smile or a nod-- as cursory as the question. (sorry, three posts for character count limitations) (LostGhost: Seeking & Learning Author Icon)

I rarely answer in "yes" or "no". I just pass a smile. I actually hate this question, especially when the people ask this question in passing. They don't even stop to listen to the answer. So why should I even waste one word, right? (LostGhost: Seeking & Learning Author Icon)

Being okay means that the people do not need to fear me crying (or laughing or shouting in anger) at the drop of the hat. They can be assured that I'll behave normally. (LostGhost: Seeking & Learning Author Icon)

"okay" may mean that someone simply does not want to go into their thoughts and feelings at that point. If they say they are "okay", it implies something neutral or less that they are hoping to get through to a better state. (Beck Firing back up! Author Icon)

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