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Rated: 13+ · In & Out · Action/Adventure · #2081279
continuation of Tower in the Sky: Prologue
Chapter 1
         The soft sound of distant music flowed through the trees as Vlanara and Darin held each other beneath a giant oak.
“I must be dreaming.” Vlanara whispered softly, holding her hand to her chest. “Are we really here?” she continued, with nervous excitement in her voice.
         Darin chuckled, “I hope that we are. I did not suffer through hours of that dreadful music and shaking hands with the entire village…twice , to lose you at the end of it all.” He shook his head in denial of the illegitimacy of the last few hours.
         “I quite liked the music.” Vlanara responded. “It was rather…”she paused, trying to find the right words to describe such noise, “…classical?” She finished in a skeptical tone.
         “I do believe that the word you seek, is ancient.” He chortled. “I am quite surprised that even Aunt Bethel has heard of such an archaic piece as that music.” Darin continued with a clear undertone of mirth.
         “The music was lovely” came the reply, “and that is what we are going to tell all who ask. Understood?” Vlanara gave him a playful glare, showing her love for him but daring him to say otherwise. Darin raised his hands in surrender and wisely kept his mouth firmly shut.
         It had been a beautiful ceremony. One that all of Talun had been planning for the better part of two decades. From the moment Elder Sern and Old Man Panar had announced children born to each of their families, a boy and a girl. The two families had been close for generations always promising to wed their children but never had the luck of having a boy and a girl at the proper age. This was the first time in centuries and the people of Talun knew it. They all watched with fondness as the two grew older and closer with each passing day, waiting for the glorious day that she reaches an age suitable for marriage.
It astounded all who came upon them that such a perfect couple could exist. Everything they did resonated with affection. The way they laughed together, cried together, knew each other. But most of all is the way they looked at each other. Such deep love could not be found in all of Esca, some would say. While others would argue that such deep love could not be found in all of Regānia.
         After eighteen years, the long awaited day finally arrived. The whole village became alight with excitement. They came together to crate the greatest wedding south of the Delē. Farmer Canul provided the land Bethel baked the cake and Magistrate Newl preformed the binding. Even little baby Lillith picked the flowers for the dress and tiara.
         “Must I keep silent about Gwenda’s fanatical tales?” Darin inquired with a slight plea. “Because if I hear her describe her lustrous affair with Setulis once more, I may toss her into the Lake and see if she really can float to Iris”
         Vlanara swatted his arm. “Do not be so rude.” She ordered rather firmly. “She is just tired of living her life. She is a dreamer.” She explained. “All she wants is excitement and adventure. I do believe she has never stepped foot out of Talun in all her seven decades of life.” She continued her monologue, becoming more and more passionate as she defended her life-long friend. “Can you blame her for imagining wild stories? It is the only way she can leave these fields.”
         Darin gave her an inquisitive look. “You say that as one who has an intimate knowledge of such a feeling.” His eyes seemed to shine as hope coursed through his veins. “Is that what you want? Do you wish to leave these vapid fields and experience the world beyond? We could pass through the Desert of Atalana, hunt in the forests of Metonil, climb to the peak of Mount Setulis, search for the dragons of Caldur. Or perhaps we could travel with the Seuraaja, forever living beneath the shadow of the Tower.” His voice rose with each word he spoke as his anticipation increased. “Just say the word and it shall be done. I will take you from this dull life and show you the wonders of Regānia!”
         Vlanara gave him a sympathetic smile as she slowly turned her head. “I know that is what you desire, to travel the world and have thrilling adventures through the great unknown. And perhaps on a currently unforeseeable day, we shall travel some.” She continued, giving Darin a reassuring kiss on the hand. “But this is not that day. You know that I love Talun and have no wish to leave it. This is my home. Where you see ‘vapid fields', I see peaceful lands.” She stood and looked across the small lake to the east. “Beyond that horizon lays a world fraught with danger. A world full of liars, thieves, and murderers. And that is without the raising number of demon attacks.” She hugged herself, her insecurity showing in a rare display of trepidation.
         Darin arose and gently embraced her from behind, looking to the same horizon as she was. “You need not trouble yourself with such matters as demons. The Mages have protected us for millennia. There is no reason to believe that they will fail us now.” He said calmly, trying to soothe her fears.
         Vlanara lightly stepped out of his arms. She turned around and looked straight into Darin's eyes, her typical stubbornness showing through the fear in her own. “ If that is so, why have the Mages banned large gatherings without a Paladin present?” She asked with a tilt of her head.
         With a slight smile handshake of his head, Darin responded, “Vlanara, the Mages are not Kings, rulers, or lawmakers. Their sole purpose is to guard the gates to Zekor and protect us from the demons that make it through to this pane of existence.” He spoke though he wee speaking to a child who knew nothing of the world around them. “They cannot , the have not, nor will they ever pass a law. They only give council to those who do.”
         Vlanara let out a small, humorless laugh. “They must be gods then. Because all the council they give is immediately passed as law throughout all the realms.” She continued with amazement in her tone. “It did not take but a day for each one of the realms to pass the ban on gatherings without a Paladin into law.”
         Darin looked at her with surprise and a small amount of worry. “I did not know you held such contempt for the Mages.” He shook his head in disbelief. “You speak as though they are tyrants with an unquenchable lust for power.”
         Vlanara lowered her eyes in shame. “Forgive me for misspeaking. I did not mean that at all.” She lifted her eyes to meet his. “I only wished to express that they have tremendous power and influence over the realms. It is with this influence that they have laws passed.” She took his hands and stared hard into his eyes, trying to pass through them her true impression of the Mages. “I hold immense love and respect for the Mages. Their council is passed into law because it is wise council that will ensure our safety as best as possible. I know this to be true.” She dropped his hands to place hers on her hips. Fire seemed to flash through her eyes as anger and suspicion grew. “And I know that you know my opinion on this matter.” She spoke slowly, adding emphasis to each word. “Why then, must you antagonize me so?”
         Darin faced her with confidence and admiration. “I love the fire in your eyes as you fight for a cause you believe in.” He gave her a swift kiss on the cheek as if nothing was the matter.
         Vlanara rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest, her anxiety replaced by anger. However, the glint in her eye and petite curve of her lip gave away her pleasure. “Perhaps, we should have a major discord. Then we may see just how hot can burn.” She quirked her eyebrow, daring him to agree to her terms.
         Darin chuckled. “Perhaps we shall. But not at this moment.” He encircled her in his arms and rested his forehead against hers. “This moment is for us to enjoy each other.” He answered with a kiss to the tip of her nose.
         Vlanara nuzzled the nape of his neck and laid her head on his shoulder. They stood by the lake, held in each other’s arms. Music drifted above the trees, occasionally interrupted by the bellowing laughter of Goen the Smithy.
         Vlanara stared down at the modest brass ring around her finger. “So, this is what forever feels like.” She stated softly, excitement creeping back into her voice.
         “No.” Darin replied. Vlanara turned to look to look at him. Her eyebrows elevated, surprise and fear evident in her clear, blue eyes. “This is what forever feels like.” He continued as he leaned down and kissed her passionately, pouring all his love and devotion for her into her soul.
         After a few moments, they parted and gazed into each other’s eyes, each one trying to convey the emotions burning inside. Darin brushed a strand of Vlanara's net-black hair and cupped her face. He pulled her into another wearing kiss, express what words could not fathom.
“I kind of like forever.” Vlanara whispered as they parted once more. Tears shown plainly in her eyes as she contemplated spending her life with the man she loved so dearly.
         “As do I.” He replied as he continued to drown in her eyes. The love he had for her was ever present in their hazel depths. “And I look forward to every second of it spent with you.” He held her close as he placed a sweet kiss on the top of her head.
         The tears were now streaming down Vlanara’s cheeks as she clung to him with all her might. She had been dreaming of this day her whole life and she did not intend on letting pass without exploiting it to the fullest.

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