Printed from https://writing.com/main/handler/item_id/2070309-New-Year
Rated: E · Community Note · Philosophy · #2070309
the best year ever
"Le Bon Ton Roulier.

It seems to me that "good times" is now defined differently as age, experience, and wisdom are applied to how we define "Good Time."

Like father time I ponder and stroke my beard. Yes, I have let my beard grow. My definitions of important thinges change as the calendar gains numbers.

I like to think that my ability to make my own good times might well be worth sharing. If you disagree you have a delete button.

"Life is how you choose to define the things that happen.

Each morning changes shades of shadow into shades of light, color, and density and paint the world around us. Dont let your shadow block the light. Why limit its full potential.

In times of confusion . Even if the good things seem tiny, when you find them, take time to look closely at them closely. Watch the opening of the most beautiful blossom.you ever saw. Feel the awe and smell the scent. . Remember what it was like?
"Just for you",A kiss from our creator.

Enjoy this next year. It can be the very best year of your whole life! Let it happen, Life really occurrs in our mind. The way we interpret the things our senses tell us, as well as how we choose to let that define our life.

I remember meeting someone who was at least twenty years older than I am at this moment. His most important task was sitting under a Gazebo in the town square, a pile of willow branches on one side, and on the other side lying on top of a pile of shavings was the best whistles any child could ever want. I was "much too old to accept the whistle that he offerred me."

One lady did bring her pink cheeked manchildI to get a whistle. What he received was joy! It spread across his face in a smile and then filled the air with the delicious sound that only a willow whistle can make.

After they left I understood what the gift this old man was giving to the children of Carrington North Dakota that rainfilled afternoon.

After a battery of smiles and a period of silence, he dropped his latest creation after first putting it to his lips playing an anthym to joy. One note against the dripping wet green that surrounded us was enough, The note was "perfect," right in tune with what the old man remembered of his grand father who taught him the trick of willow whistles in the mountains of the old country far across the sea.

Then he told me something I will never forget!,

"Too soon oldt too late schmart!"

Perhaps that is a good driving force for each one of us to make the most of each second we have left!

May this year be the best experience of your lifetime!
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