Printed from https://writing.com/main/handler/item_id/2003313-Dated
by kelly
Rated: E · Community Note · Other · #2003313
Dating in the me generation


If I gathered up all my dates, and put them all on a plate,

Could I find where I'd gone,

The surfer dude, and I we skateboarded, just to try,

The poor one, he turned out to be the least fun, but always gave me a place to hide, where many times I swallowed my pride and cried,

The preppy one; it was the sweaters he wore, he just had to go, it simply wasn't me,

The two from different countries I suppose I shouldn't have tossed all that soon,

But I needed to explore more, because when I settle down I am gonna be sure,

The dreamboat, well we had lots of fun, but the costs of paying for both, that wasn't a life I was ever gonna lead,

The older one, he's scared my mom, but taught me much, yet I look and smile, planning the time I escape, but before I move on, I will be sure, he will always remember me,

Perhaps some time on my own, lasted 2 weeks, it just isn't me,

Stimulation and conversation, that's all I need,

A heartache or two, I received early on, but now I'm certain the heart pain, wont be mine,

Fore, I've learned from the best, from all of my men,

I do have a plan, for that certain man, so he'd best watch out,

fore he best be prepared because I'll catch him, wait and see,

Settling down, I say with a frown

no, there's still room on the plate.
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