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Rated: E · Community Note · Community · #1981680
I'll write about them one day.
I've made myself at home now,
all settled in. No more random outbursts due to a massive mind stuffed into a little corn seed. I'm figuring out my styles and a whole lot of learning going on, for me. I am a Legend, I just don't know how to tell you all, in your own words. Yet. *Heart*

I've added a new entry to my book, "My Jarg ::WARNING MAY AFFECT YOU::" :

"Jargen Bargain" <--- this was the entry
The site calls it a book, I call it my note book. Your great great great, great, great, great, grand children might want them. You will just never know, not today anyway. My creativity is much like all of your own, only mine is better for just one simple reason.

Only one is allowed in my pool, if anyone knows anything for real, they might know how my jokes may not work. Everything starts with one, even my ramblings. I've been having fun learning again, It's been too long.

This community is probably one of the best things that has ever happened to me, well besides being born the smart one. You guys are great.


***Edit: It's a Blog. :)
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1981680-I-learned-from-you