English Major: spidey  
Time: 05-08-14 @ 1:49pm Experience: Was able to answer whether you use "a" or "an" in front of the word "affluent." (Also, spelled "affluent.")
English Major: Mighty  
Time: 04-10-14 @ 3:23pm Experience: Oh, I also defined and spelled "etymology," to which one of my coworkers said, "But isn't that the study of the history of atoms?"
Oh, engineers.
English Major: Mighty  
Time: 04-10-14 @ 3:20pm Experience: Over the course of two days I defined the words "fortnight" and "dystopia."
English Major: Chewie Kittie  
Time: 03-19-14 @ 2:23pm Experience: I corrected a bid for a coworker asking her if she meant "assessed" instead of "accessed." Bit of a difference in meaning there.
English Major: spidey  
Time: 03-19-14 @ 2:00pm Experience: I spelled "obsolescence" and confirmed that "outdoor" is one word, not two.
English Major: spidey  
Time: 03-13-14 @ 12:21pm Experience: I spelled "Des Moines" for a coworker and corrected her state abbreviation from IO to IA.
English Major: spidey  
Time: 03-12-14 @ 1:27pm Experience: Confirmed correct use of "their" in a report. Rather than learning the difference between there, they're and their, people just ask me which one to use.
English Major: spidey  
Time: 03-12-14 @ 12:06pm Experience: I showed my co-workers how to use the new printer. "To fax something, press the fax button." *rolls eyes*
English Major: Mighty  
Time: 03-10-14 @ 4:46pm Experience: When I loaded the paper in the printer for The Boss. Because, you know, it takes an English degree to read the words "load paper" flashing across a digital screen.
English Major: Chewie Kittie  
Time: 03-04-14 @ 3:01pm Experience: When I wrote a paper for a project detailing point by point why both the project and the paper were wastes of my time. I REALLY don't like this professor.
English Major: spidey  
Time: 03-04-14 @ 2:08pm Experience: I was able to answer the question, "Do I use THEN or THAN?" today.
English Major: Mighty  
Time: 02-28-14 @ 3:41pm Experience: When I had to spell "accommodate" for one of the engineers.
English Major: spidey  
Time: 02-28-14 @ 6:16am Experience: Hubby and I analyzed song lyrics. I remember when I learned to dissect poems. I thought it was so much fun!
English Major: Jenn  
Time: 02-27-14 @ 11:20pm Experience: When I explained to a customer today why she prefers classics to modern literature.
English Major: Chewie Kittie  
Time: 02-27-14 @ 5:02pm Experience: When I wrote a in depth letter of complain to the department head regarding my professor. It was cogent, thoughtful and insightful. It was professional sounding without being whiny. I rocked it.
English Major: Jenn  
Time: 02-26-14 @ 8:46pm Experience: When I went to my job at a bookstore. Yay economy. Seriously, though, I love my job. Who needs money when you get to be around books all day?
English Major: spidey  
Time: 02-26-14 @ 5:07pm Experience: I defined comma splice for a co-worker who loves to use them.
Total Displayed: 17 |