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Rated: E · Community Note · Children's · #1977610
English teachers, I'm sorry, the ones who I punished as a child. Need ideas for them?
I'm finding creative ways to keep active and give back. Writing has become a third job for me. It doesn't pay anything yet, but I'm not concerned yet either as I just started transcribing and my typing skills are unavailable. I'm a man and I'm fun, I know what may keep some activities alive. Who turned up the heat?
My ideas are non stop, I find that the more I type, the better I feel.

I don't see me stopping anytime soon, so my offer should you accept. I'll help you if you help me. Things like writing tips or tricks. Any life life hacks I can apply? Where do you live? j/k, I am single and now get why guys write romance novels. I can make your little guys understand things like that. Why things don't make sense stuff.

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