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Rated: E · Community Note · Educational · #1977549
I asked superman for his opinion, he's still out on this one.
I woke up with the library of WDC at my disposal, it's a good feeling.  I'm in the absolute worse place I can be in my life.  I wake up now and smile.  Because my head has so much useless information so I thought.  Then, I went into WDC storage shed.  Right, that's what I thought.  I opened it and a massive worm fell out.  It stood on it's feet, with his hand, reached out and shook my hand. 

I said for what Mr. cool looking 17.5 ft long raspberry red worm thing.  Looked more like a red snake, but the label next to the jar with the humans in it said big red worm food.  The snaky worm thing spun me in a tizzy that made me so dizzy.  When I stopped my head popped, no wait it was my ears, was it my fears?  I looked straight from a distance so I leaned with it.

When I looked up, I could see this place and beyond, its a beautiful thing.  They way I eat my corn flakes is a must see.  As for what's my point?  You'll never know unless I make it so.

This WDC, writing group of astronauts has become a part of me so much then when I would once cry and not know what to do.  I now type through a smile and tear lines often.  It's the hardest most beautiful thing I ever felt.  It's true, Live, Love Laugh.  WDC community, every one of you is an inspiration, we all are part of something so big.

For now I must go, an army is at my door, then it hit me what I came here for, right now.  I've found it in the shed.  My reason, my purpose.  while I can't read what it say's, I know it's mine.  I'll write again when I have the time.

Thank you all
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