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Rated: E · Community Note · Experience · #1977459
Even the professional writers need it. I am not a pro writer yet.
The volcano erupts and who's going to stop it?  No one that's who.  Many will try and all will fail, for when they lift my Vail for a kiss how pissed off will they be when before their very eye stands this big guy.  I don't wear a Vail I only wear them in your minds. 

So I'm new here great, what have I done?  Besides listen to new friends and family, readers alike.  I've learned tons and it was really fun fun.  That wasn't a typo or a misprint I repeated the word twice, spoke it out loud as such.  My mind is tripping, Ive seen the signs.  I keep saying I'll go to bed now, lie after lie. 

Ive written so many words in just one day, not only here but every where I go, other communities with my words I do carry, the ways to explain to the people who want to know.  To many others, I have not the history or the rumors I have come with thoughts bare. 

I forget it's only a note or an update to those who want to know.  I have limited amount of free time.  I'm using as best I can, I've set up lessons and made plans.  I am a writer now, I've seen it first hand.  When work finally calls and I have to go, I want to have as much time to write and plan and, oh wait. 

After work or before work that is the plan, I will sit down and force myself (without creating a block) to write.  So yeah, I still haven't slept in about a day now.  It doesn't matter to me as I do keep good health and basic habits.  But man how this rush will rock you.  This was also another one of those writing things us newer writers have to do to learn more.

Thank you for everyone's help today.  See you all soon.
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