Submitted By: Write_to_disorder  
Submission Time: 05-03-16 @ 5:26am Description: Hi I have a few tales I would like to get reviews for. There is comedy, romance, horror, children's. I've set some GP as a thanks for anyone wishing to review. Please note some are liked and other not great. I'm happy with any reviews. Thanks for reading.
Submitted By: morganwilliams  
Submission Time: 02-15-11 @ 3:58am Description: please read some of my stores i need peoples opians thnk u
Submitted By: Nok2  
Submission Time: 12-25-09 @ 10:42pm Description: A Give and Take review forum for novels
Submitted By: Anti  
Submission Time: 10-31-09 @ 4:28pm Description: My review center has returned. Post inside for FREE, in-depth reviews!
Submitted By: Mike~Dolphins Fan 4 Life  
Submission Time: 10-16-09 @ 12:03pm Description: Forum is open once again after a long hiatus. Drop in and take a look. Low fees which will later be donated to various groups. Thank you!
Submitted By: Summer... who's she again?  
Submission Time: 10-16-09 @ 10:04am Description: Specializing in punctuation & spelling. :-)
Submitted By: Pyper working hard on project  
Submission Time: 10-14-09 @ 12:37am Description: Review forum now reopened. Please allow me enough time to read and review. Thanks.
Submitted By: RisanF  
Submission Time: 10-02-09 @ 12:02pm Description: A Give and Take review forum; timely return, detailed reviews, and no limits on file size.
Submitted By: Grace  
Submission Time: 09-28-09 @ 3:25pm Description: This is the perfect place for those looking for unique and in-depth reviews of their work by actually chatting live with a group of other writers!
Submitted By: Tania  
Submission Time: 09-27-09 @ 6:19pm Description: come in and take a peek at what i have to offer.
Total Displayed: 10 |