Kelticmyst says "The past several months have been very challenging for me. During this time of crisis I started going to church again. There was a moment when I truly turned everything over to God and found an inner peace and joy I have never had before." Duchess Laughing Lemurs says "I've struggled with a certain personal problem for years. I finally reached the point where I realized that, try as I might, I couldn't do it on my own. It required confession to my bishop, though I was afraid. I'm on the path of true healing." Bikerider says "Returning home from a year in Vietnam, I met my 4 month old son for the first time. Holding him and feeling his breath on my cheek, I knew my life had changed forever, especially everything pertaining to love. " UniquelyMe says "I'm going to be really honest here.... The turning point in my life was when I got sober after 8 years of addiction. I now have almost a year clean and it has ABSOLUTELY changed my life! I'm grateful to be alive!" BScholl says "My turning point had to be the entire year 2000. I changed jobs, we moved twice, sold a house, built a house, and had my son. All that while moving back to my wife and I's home town." Wordgoddess back from the dead says "one of the major points in my life was when I found out I was to have my fourth child. I was told we couldnt have anymore and for 7 years that was true, then...SURPRIZE, conception. This really changed things for me, starting all over with baby world. " JOY-on LOA says "I moved 2000 miles from my home to see what was "out there", to grow up, and to conquer my fears. I accomplished all of that, and met my husband too. Later, we came back home, and I have never regretted my choice to re-locate for awhile. " Blank Walls says "First year of medical school. The moment I saw her, was the moment everything in my life changed.
I never used to believe my smile could be so wide, my heart so open and love so passionately." Total Displayed: 8 |