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Rated: E · In & Out · Action/Adventure · #1642238
What would you would bring to that island today. Is it different from yesterday's choice?
What thing stands above all else today as the thing you would bring to that lonely, desolate island everyone is always musing about. And what will tomorrow bring that will make that thing you just named with such certainty become second-rate, almost unthinkable, as compared with the newly discovered item that then serves as the replacement.

For example, consider some kid you might have gone to college with, suppose a Lutheran from the Midwest who as an adolescent would have brought his Metallica, but in his 20's, his beer, and by his 30's, a bible.

Now consider you.

: Morgan Adam Internet Problems! Author IconMail Icon
: 02-03-10 @ 7:32am
: At the moment, I would take my Ph.D. diploma (not that this would be useful at ALL on the proverbial island!).

: Pepper Author IconMail Icon
: 02-03-10 @ 12:42pm
: Definitely a laptop with Internet connectivity! How else am I going to keep submitting my assignments for this class?

: JOY-on LOA Author IconMail Icon
: 02-03-10 @ 7:59pm
: That's a hard one. I will say my Bible, but my human nature thinks of so many other things out of selfishness.

: SueV Author IconMail Icon
: 02-06-10 @ 12:33am
: Being the practical type, I'd bring a knife. What use is it to be on a desert island if you can't fend for yourself?

: Just call me Omni Author IconMail Icon
: 02-07-10 @ 10:21am
: I would bring flint..wait, a lighter!

: An apple a day.... Author IconMail Icon
: 02-08-10 @ 3:14pm
: A book to read while I'm waiting for my rescuer.

: ShelleyA~15 years at WDC Author IconMail Icon
: 02-08-10 @ 7:19pm
: I'd take my lap top and my Kindle.

: Nicki_Mist Author IconMail Icon
: 02-09-10 @ 7:02pm
: I would have to have my computer and music. How could I survive without either lol. Nicole

: ArizonaHeat Author IconMail Icon
: 02-21-10 @ 1:25am
: My Kindle. They do have Whispernet on this island,right?

: Prof Moriarty tries to return Author IconMail Icon
: 03-05-10 @ 5:23pm
: Inhaler, mosquito repellant cream, tent, sleeping bed, water purifying tablets

: Ashley Author IconMail Icon
: 03-20-10 @ 2:54pm
: A book to read and enjoy the silence!

: Free_Rip Author IconMail Icon
: 03-21-10 @ 4:29am
: Labtop, internet connection. I don't care if I had to drag that wire all the way across the pacific- I need my internet!

: WistyOne Author IconMail Icon
: 03-21-10 @ 8:52pm
: A cellphone....reception required. I'm no dummy... I need a way off this desolate place!

Total Displayed: 13

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