Printed from https://writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1573163-Getting-To-Know-You
Rated: E · In & Out · Activity · #1573163
Describe yourself in 7 sentences or less. You can add on.
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Who are you? Sometimes we need to stop and think about this because we get away from ourselves.

If you wanted to share anything with anyone about yourself, what would that be?
Tell us 7 things or less about yourself. I will go first.

: Petra Pansky
: 03-16-10 @ 1:51pm
: I'm the world's best procrastinator and W.com is my tool of enablement - if I'm not here, it means I'm actually getting something done (doesn't happen very often).

: Jenks
: 01-05-10 @ 11:42pm
: I am a person who does not know anything better to do than contributing to unemployment rate in my country and live life by using chances.

: SummerLyn Guthrie
: 09-05-09 @ 10:15pm
: Steve~ You got me laughing hysterically with this comment! LMAO

: Steev the Friction Wizurd
: 09-04-09 @ 6:35am
: I'm the guy your mother told you never to talk to but you were irresistibly drawn to me and now we are both in jail.

: Sarah~goodbye writing.com
: 09-04-09 @ 3:27am
: I'm Sarah, 13, naturally evil =D, an animal-lover, loves eating (although I wouldn't go to the extend of "fat"), love fashion designing and writing.

: 07-18-09 @ 3:41pm
: I'm a 50's plus, self-employed woodworker who enjoys what he does. Writing and photography are passions. I write because I want to, I review because I love to, and I love because I'm made to.

: Stephens burnt toast
: 07-06-09 @ 11:57pm
: Cooking's my trade, writing my hobby, staying fit my goal, and laughter my souls survival.easy to get on with and like to be label free and own my own mind.

: SummerLyn Guthrie
: 06-26-09 @ 8:58pm
: 7 more things. I appreciate most music/art. I love photography. I hated beets as a kid but love them now. I miss my parents. I feel comfortable writing now. I love jokes but terrible at telling them. I don't like to see people struggle in life.

: vantha
: 06-25-09 @ 8:11pm
: In the story of my life I am the villain searching for a hero to torment. I am the loner who is cast away for having idle thoughts. I am the wallflower that refuses to bloom.

: ShellySunshine
: 06-22-09 @ 3:01pm
: I am a fun sunny person, that will have you laugh and cry and feel every emotion. I love life. All of it, even the ugly stuff! I am a Master's student, full time mom and married for 20 years this August. Wow!

Total Displayed: 10

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