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Rated: E · In & Out · Sports · #1540977
This In & Our explains how grew to love the NBA and especially the Phoenix Suns.
I can't really make this long, because my In & Out itself is pretty short. I don't really know what an In & Out is, I just picked it because the title seemed like it would be fast but it's actually a pretty long process. Basically, I'm just talking about how I became a big fan of the Phoenix Suns and grew to watch the NBA so much that I know what seems to be, almost everything about it. It's a good story to blindly read if you're bored, if people like comment or whatever on it (this is my first time posting, so I don't know the routine,) I'll make some more short little stories.

: Johnthebomb
: 05-17-09 @ 7:02am
: I first started liking the Suns when I played with them on NBA live 2005 on PS2.This was before Nash was MVP, my favourite player in Phoenix was Nash, and not because he was a really unselfish player,it was because he was a 3 point shooter.

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I have no idea what all this processing my story is for, it's kind of stupid actually, so I'm just writing random things in random places and filling out random stuff I have no idea what it is about.

Saturday, March 21, 2009, 12:29 AM

Phoenix Suns

My love for the Phoenix Suns is just short of my love for my family. I guess one could call me obsessed with this team, and well, the NBA in general; but it’s just something to pass the time. It started in seventh grade, a couple of my good friends we’re into the NBA and constantly conversing about it. At the end of the school year, when the playoffs begin, we went on a school trip. My “roommates” were the same people interested in the NBA, and so they watched the playoff games whenever they could. As I quietly observed, I watched many teams play, including the Dallas Mavericks, Los Angeles Clipper, San Antonio Spurs, and Washington Wizards. Also, a team I saw was the Phoenix Suns. As I watched, I noticed, finally, a white player who was actually decent, and later picking up his name as Steve Nash. I didn’t know anything about him, like how he won back-to-back MVPs, and I liked his leadership and the floor, tenacity to attack the rim while maintaining a balance to distribute the ball to his players. He made very, well, cool plays happen all the time. The offense was run through him, and it worked famously. I took note of all this while watching, becoming very excited whenever I got to see them play. My friends told me more about Steve Nash and his Suns, so I got to know more about him and the team itself. I became more interested it and started watching games on my own the next season. Becoming more and more interested in the league as the next NBA season came, I came to watch the Suns, my hometown Houston Rockets, and the Denver Nuggets. Still, the Suns were my favorite. After watching an uncountable number of Phoenix Suns, and NBA games as a whole, a became a true fan of that team and the league. Now, years later, a sophomore at high school, I know more about the NBA than most analyzers on TV (or so I like to think.) I could even call a fair game for you, and give you pretty close stats of a player I barely know based off my common knowledge of the game. It really is a hobby for me I guess, and I’m really considering watching the NFL next season, because I play football myself, and watching college basketball and football, because it seems so intense. Even if I pick these other leagues up, I still will have one team above all the others I like, for any sport, and I’m pretty sure you can guess the team.
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