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Rated: E · In & Out · Fantasy · #1539911
Chapter one- The basis of a beginning. {br} Yes, i use the old spelling of vampyre.
Chapter One: The Basis of a Beginning

"Well crap mom, maybe I don't want to turn into a vampyre." After a short response from my mom, I continued to bicker.
"Yeah, I know the better half of our family is vampyre... No, don't 'Aw Riha!' me. I'm done with your shit."
I closed the cell phone abruptly. No way was I going to let her push her beliefs on me.

It is said that once your worthy (In which means totally crazy) the Vampyric Orb of Change will find you. Talk about some pathetically profound bullshit. A few years ago when my family and I had an argument -much the same as the last- my parents explained how they changed.

My mother had been working in a surfboarding hut right on Beaufort beach. And of course, when you’re on a beach there’s bound to be someone to be drowning. With her previous lifeguard training and hard-iron nerves, she swam. While fighting through the rough waves she managed to grab the young (and handsome) man. Once ashore, it happened. The young man (which would turn out to be my father) started puking. After about the third heave, a small, golf ball sized orb came up along with the vile smell. After gazing up at my mother lovingly he whispered.
"My love at first sight, I congratulate you. You are the most beautiful women on this beach, and within a matter of days, you will be a vampyre. My queen Amadia -for who I am a messenger- also sends her accolades. Welcome."
And with that, he reached up and kissed her.

My father's change was not so romantic, but just as unexpected. He was walking down a gloomy street and he was alone, that is excluding a few street dwellers. My father told me that nothing was running through his mind accept the terrible smell. One of the street dwellers stood up and slowly approached him. Instantly assuming he was going to be robbed, he escaped down the street with blinding speed. Unaware of the dead end, he was trapped. As the grumpy, and now very tired old man approached, he pulled something from his coat pocket. An orb.

Part of me thought my parents were insane freaks. They had put their trust and faith in the hands of Queen Amadia. This queen, renowned for her beauty –as all young vampyres were- was entangled in many controversies. She was not the cleanest hand towel in the linen basket. After her first lover died from old age (yes he was human) she went on to live in Paris with her human brother-in-law. This is where she decided to play with her dead husbands brother, stringing him alone like a marionette. The good people of Paris, and further more France, banished her. They were reluctant to allow any vampyres in, but as my parents proved, everyone is different. Some honest and faithful, some bitches.

So after the controversies were cleared up and proven true, everyone went on normally. No on sieges the castle as you think people would do to a vampyre queen. No, they let her rule the world with out actually doing any harm. Letting her live in ignorance the rest of her immortality. If she got out of hand, the Insurers stepped in.
It was his or her job to ‘insure’ everyone was safe. Yes even humans. The humans never really intervened in the Vampyre world (Accept Salem, [yes Vampyre doings, not witches] and Paris.) They were too scared, many humans were glad to go through the vampyrism change.

The truth is, vampyres really do hunt humans. Only the criminals (By criminals, murder-convicts.) The misconception of vampyres hunting, stalking little children at night is all false. And that bullcrap about being allergic to sun, it’s an over exaduration. Vampyres did not shrivel up and die at the touch of sun; they simply start experiencing temporary schizophrenia.
I had been watching some stupid T.V show about vampyre myths. ‘Vampyres and bats are closely related.’ So now because my parents don’t like to be schizophrenic and prefer the night, they’re bats? Nu-uh. My parents had once shown me that they could transform into any animal.

I was thirteen and they had just put me to bed. Once they were gone (or so I thought) I had snuck out the back door. I thought I was going to meet up with my friends for some extra fun (partying). I’ll never trust a crow’s squawk again. I got caught.

Inside, I guess I kind of wanted to be a true creature of the night. That would mean switching ways of life, friends, and meals. If anyone knows me, I like my food; glad I have a fast metabolism. My parents had said that the decision was not one to be made rapidly, that I should take into consideration every aspect. Luckily my parents hadn’t pushed it onto me. They never made me eat raw meat, drink blood (cringe.) That is, until about a week ago. My mother had become rude, almost… bitchy. I guess still having a human offspring at the age of thirty didn’t help much. Wrinkles starting to appear on her face, hair growing slower and slower. All vampyres age, until about the age of thirty-five. It’s like body-menopause for vampyres. The agility and strength stays with you forever, but your outward appearance changes with your personality. It has been known that women with a more bubbly personality grown more beautiful, and hags (sorry, women) with a more gloomy out look grow old and un-slightly. There’s always cosmetic surgery.

҉ ҉ ҉

I was sitting on a beach chair soaking in the sun, when my parents came trotting up the deck, covered in layers of clothing. They must be sweating and cranky. I wasn’t sure how our argument had ended, hopefully in forgiveness. I wasn’t one to hold a grudge and be terrible towards my parents.

“Hi mom. What’cha carrying dad?” I asked, honestly curious.
Entangled in my father’s long fingers, was a brown legal-sized envelope. The seal was red wax imprinted with the initials: ‘QA’.

“For you.” He grunted, loud enough for me to hear.
He was clearly still mad. When I held out my hand, he tossed it to me.

“Err… I’m going to the food lounge. I assume you two are going to bed?” I asked, being careful not to piss them off. I think, they grumbled something of a yes. I lingered on the sun deck until my parents were gone. I took the elevator down to the food lounge, mind racing the whole time. Why was ‘QA’ giving me a letter? This had better not be about my vampyre change, cause I don’t want to. When I arrived I sat down in a puffy crimson chair. The place was nearly empty.

With my fingers trembling, I tore off the top of the large envelope. To my surprise, there were three things enclosed along with the letter.
A pendant.
And an orb.

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