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by Hailey
Rated: · In & Out · Other · #1526540
Katelyn arrives at her new school
Chapter Two

California was beautiful, I couldn’t deny that. I couldn’t stand the scorching heat, and I never felt comfortable in large cities, but the palm trees, brilliant sunlight and the sparking blue ocean made it all bearable.

My taxi rounded the corner onto the street of my new school and I strained my neck to see over the seat in front of me. It was just coming into view and I could now see the large red brick building.

“Here we are” My driver announced as he pulled into the parking lot “Brigham Academy”
The taxi came to a stop and I pulled on my backpack as I stepped out of the car and took a look around. The campus of Brigham academy looked much more like a college campus then I had imagined, with a large main building and about five smaller ones scattered about. The agriculture was beautiful, with several gardens full of vibrantly colored flowers planted around the main building, and a few other gardens that I could see planted around the smaller ones. I had a feeling I was going to be spending most of my time outside.

I went around to the rear of the taxi as my driver was opening the trunk and pulled out my large suitcase, stumbling over as it dropped heavily to the ground. He pulled out my smaller suit case and my duffel bag and offered to help me carry them. I insisted I would be alright on my own, partly because I was sure I could carry it all myself, and party because I had no idea where I was headed.

I threw my duffel bag over my right shoulder, covering the strap of my backpack and grabbed a hold of the handles of my two suitcases, silently praising who ever it was who had come up with the idea of attaching wheels to the bottoms. I pulled my luggage up over the curb and onto the sidewalk and started heading towards the large main building, hoping that's where I was supposed to be going. The duffel bag had me slightly off balanced and I tried to lean to my left as I walked.

A loud bell sounded and I watched as kids filed out from all of the smaller buildings in navy blue and white uniforms, the girls all in skirts, and I cringed at the thought of having to wear one for the next six months. The campus was becoming more populated and I was already receiving curious looks from the other students. I put my head down to avoid their eyes and began walking faster.

There were a few small steps leading up to the main building. I began heading up them, my luggage in tow, when a couple walked by me, accidentally knocking me off balance. My bag started pulling me down and when I realized I had no hope of stabilizing myself I closed my eyes to wait until I hit the ground.

There were suddenly two hands on my arm, pushing me back up to a standing position. I opened my eyes to see a boy about my age, with a puff of curly brown hair and bright blue eyes smiling down at me.

“You alright?” He asked.

“Thanks” I said, slightly embarrassed “I'm a little off balanced”

“Would you like some help?” He offered, reaching to take my duffel bag from me.

“No thanks” I said smiling “I got it” I took a step forward and just missed the step in front of me, causing me to trip. He caught me for a second time and laughed. I sighed and let go of my large suit case, gesturing with my hand for him to take it.

He took a hold of it and started carrying it up the stairs “Are you just moving in?” He asked.

“What gave me away?” I asked, smiling at him.

“What’s your name?” He asked as we reached the top step.

“Kate. Yours?”

“Jesse Clarke” He replied “Where exactly are you going?” He asked.

I took a look around “The office, where ever that may be”

“This way” He said, walking in front of me.

I followed Jesse down the side walk, avoiding eye contact with anyone who passed. As much as the thought of having to wear one of their horrible uniforms made me cringe, I was desperately wishing I had one on at the moment. As if my luggage weren’t enough, my casual outfit stuck out like a sore thumb here.

“Here we are” Jesse announced, coming to a stop. I looked up at the door in front of us. Hanging over head was a sign that read ‘Front Office’. Jesse held the door open for me and I dragged my luggage up to the front desk.

I opened my mouth to introduce myself to the elderly woman behind the desk, but she began speaking instead “Oh! You must be Katelyn Thomas!” He said excitedly, reaching into her desk drawer and shuffling through some papers.

“That I am” I confirmed, a little confused at her excitement.

“Well we’re very pleased to have you on board Miss Thomas” She grinned up at me and handed me a couple papers. “I’ll just need you to fill a few of these out”

I looked over at Jesse who was leaning against a table by the door, “This might take a while” I explained. “Thank you for your help though” I said, smiled sincerely.

“It’s ok, I’ll wait. You’ll need help carrying your things to your dorm anyways” He said.

I was about to argue, when a woman’s voice from behind me said “That won’t be necessary Mr. Clarke.” I quickly turned around to see a woman who could only be described as short and stout walking towards us. Her hair was graying and she wore her glasses around her neck on a string, hanging over her business suit. “We’re going to have a cart come and take her things to her room” She told him.

Jesse nodded at the woman, then gave me a nod goodbye “I’ll catch up with you later” He promised.

“Thanks again!” I yelled as he exited.

I turned my attention back to the woman, who extended a hand towards me “Hello, Katelyn. I’m Mrs. Horne. The vice principal here at Brigham.” I shook her hand and smiled, “Mary” She said, turning towards the secretary “Katelyn will fill those out later, if you don’t mind. I’m going to take her on a tour of the campus right now”

We left the building and began walking down the side walk, passing groups of students a long the way.

“We were very pleased to hear you were coming to Brigham, Katelyn” She said as we walked.

I looked up at her, surprised “You were?”

“Of course. Your grades are phenomenal” I had a feeling that what she meant by that statement was ‘your fathers bribe to get you in was phenomenal’ but I let it slide.

Mrs. Horne to took me to every part of the school. The English building, the science building, the art building, the math building, and the business building, were the five smaller buildings spread out around main office building, and they were where all the classes were held. She took me to the auditorium, which doubled as the cafeteria. We walked all around the grounds so she could show me the swimming pools, tennis courts, basketball courts, volleyball courts, golf course and football field. Their football team had been undefeated for five consecutive years and they were very proud of that fact. I recognized a long stable and a small horse arena off to the side of the field that she hadn't bothered to show me.

“You have horse back riding here?” I asked.

She looked towards the stable and nodded “It isn't as big as it used to be, we went from thirty horses to ten, but we have the few occasional students who still enjoy it.” She explained “Do you ride?”

“I used to ride all the time when I was younger, but I haven't in a couple years”

“Well you should start up again; it would be nice for the horses to get some more use.”

When we had completed the lengthy tour, we went back to her office where I spent a good half hour filling out paper work, getting my rundown of the code of conduct and academy rules, as well as my order of uniforms. She then insisted on ordering a small golf cart to come and take my luggage and I over to residence, and I reluctantly rode across the campus in it over to residence building A, where I would be living for the next six months.

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