Printed from https://writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1520300-Long-Time-Listener-First-time-caller
Rated: E · In & Out · Other · #1520300
A place where imagination and creativity roam free!
Welcome to my Fantasy World!
Come in and fly with me!

This is my little land of make believe, be creative, intro your self and share your imagination with us!

A little about me- I love to write and loose my self in my dreams. I am currently writing my 1st book is on a girls travel through dimensions with her twin sister to save their homeworld. I just joined a fabulous newbie group : Paper Doll Gang-Newbie Project and they are a phenominal group of helpful, encouraging folks!

Come in, sit by the fire and let your imagination take us away.

: ShellySunshine
: 01-25-09 @ 7:59pm
: To Write is to set my soul on fire and the pen and paper keep it burning long after the ember's have faded.

: Hannah ♫♥♫
: 01-25-09 @ 10:36pm
: My poetry is a whisper from my soul, and my stories have danced in my head for years; longing to be free!

: Sticktalker
: 01-25-09 @ 10:45pm
: I usd to bee a jernalist for 45 years and writted news stories for newspappers. Now I rote 45 werds per hous with 59 typeos and pertend to be an aurtur. *smile*

: Sticktalker
: 01-25-09 @ 10:46pm
: Congratulations Allison my "pal". Good job on the "in and out"...I wish I could write poetry too.

: Jimminycritic
: 01-26-09 @ 10:13pm
: Hi. My imaginary self is very tiny, yet your fire is so warm. Is that face I see in the fire? I think, I think it is looking at me! I wish I was a little smaller now! Yiip!

: Scarecrow
: 01-27-09 @ 10:08am
: This one time I went to a pet store to find work and fella behind the counter asks "Have you worked with fish before?", so I say "I used to work at Deluxe,does that count?" (See, Deluxe is a fish n' chip restaurant in my hometown)

: Miz Kitty
: 01-30-09 @ 3:39pm
: I have the best critic, smiling, my granddaughter, Hailee. I read one of my stories to her, and when I was done, she asked who wrote it. I said, I did. I got the biggest smile, and hug. She loved it. That was worth the writing. Miz Kitty

: Puja
: 02-02-09 @ 5:51pm
: In the ocean of blue sky, the moon sails like a white ship and the stars are the glittering fishes in the water.

: 🌕 HuntersMoon
: 02-13-09 @ 2:49pm
: My tongue trips while thoughts run free. Pray, fingers fly where voice is dumb. I'll let my pencil speak for me.

: Michelle Broughton
: 03-28-09 @ 9:35pm
: My precious cat, my brilliant muse, passed his knowledge to my Shih Tzu before he passed away. Now the little one guides my thoughts and fingers through the joy of writing.

Total Displayed: 10

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