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Rated: E · In & Out · Other · #1514074
My story is about a girl who is new to the city
CHAPTER 1          

         She's surrounded by the unknown. All she knows is the bitter coldness tickling the tiny tip of her

nose. The icy tears of winter are starting to come down now. The New York Flyer she's clenching in her

mitten covered hand soon becomes a temporary umbrella while she delicately runs for cover.
         "Oh shoot, Now I'm gonna be late" she quietly mumbles to herself. Frustated and looking for her

royal blue cell phone, she realizes... "Damn, my cell is on the kitchen counter. What am I gonna do now? I

can't be late and not call him."
         As she looks up at the night sky with the New York Flyer sheilding the droplets of tardyness from

her dolled up face, tapping the heel of her Monolo Blanic on the concrete ground, she waits. Slowly

stepping back under the enterance of the movie theater, she notices her local newspaper is dripping wet.

The feeling of disapointment slivers across her face.
         "Crap. I really wanted to read that article 'New to the Big Apple'. Oh well, It's not the end of

the world". She says to an older gentleman wearing a black overcoat with a matching hat.
         "Your not missing anything, miss. I've already read it and it did me no good". He proudly makes her

aware. "So you just moved here, eh? I'm in the same boat. In fact, I finally finished unpacking all those

boxes. What a work out that was, I'll tell ya."
         "Yea, I've been here for a week now and I'm so lost." She said with relief. "That article caught my

eye as I was walking to a meeting I was supposed to be at ten minutes ago. This rain, damn rain. I hate to

admit this to you sir, but I miss my car." A cute chuckle sneaked past her red lips.
         The older man grinned and said with a laugh, "Ha, I miss mine too. Well, my name is Daniel Hooper.

Would you mind if I asked what your name is?" He asked sincerely.
         "Oh, absolutely, after all we've been chatting for minute and we're both new to the city. I'm

Rozlyn." She smiled. " Rozlyn Carrington, It's so very nice to meet you sir" She grined showing her snow

white teeth.
         Daniel looked into Rozlyn's crystal blue eyes with some intensity. "Well, well, well." He quietly

mumbled. "So so very nice to meet a young lady with such a radiant smile and beautiful name. Maybe I could

take you out to dinner one night?"
         Rozlyn's muscles flenched and all of a sudden felt a strong sense of awkwardness towards Mr.

Hooper. She very kindly reminded him she was late for a meeting. "Oh look, the rain has let up. It was so

very nice to meet you, but I'm already late for my meeting. Have a good night, sir." Her already dripping

wet paper was once again an umbrella to protect her long black curls from the mist of rain lightly dripping

down on the big city as she promptly ran away from that man. That man who's first impression was sincere

but quickly turned sour.


         Taking a slow glance at his shiny gold Rolex watch while sipping his Jack Daniels on the rocks he

looked up and saw the most beautiful women gracefully walking through the rotating door. Her skin the color

of milk with a hint of chocolate syrup and her eyes, her big ocean blue eyes. Her pouty red wine colored

lips were irresistable to him. As she cordially ran her fingers through her midnight black, curls he

noticed she's wearing just enough make up to make the room glow in her essence.
         "She's unbelievable." He whispered to himself.
          This lady was wearing a simple cranberry red dress, flowing naturally around her body with every

delicate step she took, showing a hint of her long, never ending legs and a glimpse of her natural clevage.

He couldn't help himself. Every thought in his manly mind was telling him she was for him. He was compelled

to her beauty. Watching her every step with curiosity. Hoping she's the women he's here to meet.
         "Excuse me, miss?" Rozlyn swiftly asked the hostess.
         "Yes? How can I..." The hostess answered back. Rozlyn was in such a hurry she cut her off. "I'm

meeting someone here and I'm late. Where's your powder room?"
         "Down the hall to the left. Who are you here to meet? I'll let him know that you'll be joining him

in a moment." The hostest professionally offered.
         "Oh! yes. His name is John Williams." She so kindly answered.
         "Mr. Williams. He is quite the gentleman." The hostess said with a smile as she walked towards

John's table.
         Looking in the Oval mirror above the marbled bathroom sink, wiping the almost dried rain drops from

her face, Rozlyn runs a brush through her dishoveled hair and touches up her lipstick. Becoming oddly

nervous about the date, she observes herself in the full length mirror to make sure she's as close to

perfect as she could possibly be. Going by the hostess' reaction to her mystery date, John Williams has a

reputation, "Hopefully a good one" she thought to herself as she winked and smiled at herself in the

          The hostess noticed Rozlyn standing and looking around. She seemed confused, yet excited. She was

standing there with great posture, noticing every man in the restaraunt wondering which one is her date.

Which man has patiently waited for her arrival.
         "Excuse me? Would you like me to show you to your party?" The hostess asked with grace.
         "Yes, please ma'am. Thank you so much", Rozlyn said with confidence.
         "Okay, follow me." She said as she hurriedly began walking to Mr. John William's table.
         Walking as if she'd just won a beauty pageant, feeling radiant and gorgeous, she finally see's the

man she is here to meet. His dark coffee brown hair matched his walnut brown eyes. Very clean cut, no

mustache or beard. Rozlyn hates facial hair and absolutely loves a clean cut man. Relief came over her like

a breath of fresh air. As she got closer to the table John stood up and introduced himself with his deep

barotone voice. "You are an absolute delight to look at." He smiled showing his pearl white teeth. "I'm

John Williams and I'm so happy to finally meet you."
         Rozlyn began to blush. "I'm Rozlyn Carrington. I must apologize for being late. The rain began

pouring on me and I thought it would be a good idea to wait it off. I'm so sorry to keep you waiting." She

so quietly explained herself.
         "You should never have to apologize. A women as beautiful as you. Can I offer you a drink?" John

offered unhesitantly.
         "Absolutely. Thank you. How about a Grey Goose and cranberry?" Rozlyn answered back ecstatically.

"You know I meant to call you to let you know I was gonna be late, but my cell is on my kitchen counter. I

never leave it at home. I guess I'm so used to it being by the door, but my new apartment doesn't have an

outlet near my front door. I've been here a week and I still feel so lost, even in my own place." She

laughed telling herself to shut up.
         "You don't need to explain yourself. It's alright. Your worth the wait." John so calmly told her as

he waived to their waiter. "Blind dates usually are't my thing, but I've heard nothing to wonderful things

about you. Excuse me..." John turned his head to the waiter and asked, "Can I have another Jack on the

rocks and my beautiful date would like a Grey Goose and cranberry, please sir?"
         "Absolutely, Mr. Williams." He said with respect and professionalism.
         "So, you must have a reputation, eh? The hostess mentioned you were quite the gentleman." Rozlyn

smiled. "Are you a regular here?" She asked John with curiosity.
         "I come here a few times a week, they make the best steak in town." John mentioned.
         Their waiter came by with their drinks. "Here you are miss, Grey Goose and cranberry and the usual

for Mr. Williams. Can I get you two anything else?" The waiter asked so plainly. He doesn't seem to have

much of a personality. Some what boring to most people.
         "I'm fine for now, thank you."
         "And for you Mr. Williams?"
         "No thanks, I'm good."
         "Alright. If you'll need anything else, feel free to let me know." The waiter offered with a smile

of pure happiness, then he walked off into the crowd.


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