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by TOR
Rated: E · In & Out · Fantasy · #1494864
Ch 4 and 5 of my 2nd book
Chapter 4
after being crushed under rock and dirt, ike was a bit exhausted. he looked around and saw none of the dwarves which had also been crushed. ike thought, maybe they are buried under, or maybe they have already escaped. ike didn't know what he would do next, so he just checked to see that the scroll was still in his pocession. he felt for it, and found an emptiness where it had been.
"oh great!" ike shouted.
"what happened, big fella?" a dwarf said, digging its way from under the rocks.
"oh, you're alive, well, you are. where are the others?"
"they probably took the escape route and are already back up to section a."
"can we take this route?"
"i can, i dont know about you. size has nothing to do with it, either. its the fact that its a tunnel leading straight up, vertically. you could do it, but it wouldn't be fun, since you would have to go up about twenty feet. remember, you cant just go up seven feet or so to section b, section b is under our feet, in debris."
"how high can ya jump?"
"about thirteen feet."
"that should give you a major headstart. then, you only have to climb about seven feet."
the dwarf ran off, and ike followed. they came to a small section. ike looked up and saw the tunnel. it was wide enough to jump up in, so he could get his headstart. the dwarf jumped up and began to climb up the tunnel. after the dwarf was to the top, ike jumped up, and used his feet and back to press against the walls, allowing for his body to get stuck in the tunnel. he began to inch his way to the top. it took him a few minutes, but ike eventually made it to the top. he was greeted by several dwarves.
"great job." the dwarf said.
"thanks." ike replied.
then ike remembered, he did not have the scroll any longer.
"any of you find a scroll down there?" ike asked.
"no." the dwarves stated.
"i gotta go back down to find it." ike said, jumping down into the tunnel.
ike landed, and looked around. he returned to where the cave in occured, and searched for the scroll. he looked under rocks the size of a human head, and rocks the size of a rhino. he looked for 15 minutes, when finally his hope was nearly crushed. he decided to give up on it. he jumped back up into the tunnel, inched his way up, and made it to the top. at the top, he saw it. fifteen feet away, laying on the ground, was a scroll, near a group of dwarves. he walked over and snatched it up. he made sure it was the one, and opened it. sure enough, it was.
"thank god!" he shouted.
he headed for the exit, which was a series of giant steps, or platforms to jump on. he jumped up, onto one step, then the next. finally, he had reached the top, and pushed up through the wooden shutter. he climbed up and took a gulp of fresh air. he had found the aqua sentinal scroll. having the scroll, however, was not enough for ike. he opened the scroll, and held his hand completely over the water symbol upon it. suddenly, out of the scroll in ike's hand, came a jet of water, straight up, the direction of the symbol. ike turned the scroll away from himself, and the water blasted into a tree, cutting it down. he placed his hand over the symbol again and deactivated the scroll. he rolled it up, and placed it where it belonged, in his armor. he looked around to familiarize himself with the surroundings, and headed back the way he came.
meanwhile, troy and kent had arrived at muralin mountain. not the largest place in the kingdom, but definitely not a hill.
"this spring may not be all that hard to find." kent blurted.
"maybe, maybe not. lets split up. you go to the eastern part of the mountain, ill go to the western." troy commanded.
so the two went their ways; troy to the west, kent to the east. kent's stradegy was to go straight up the mountain, and come back down, and continue, doing zig-zags up and down the mountain. troy's stradegy was quite a bit different. he wanted to spiral his way to the center of his half of the mountain. kent began to climb the mountain. the mountain stood at about 1200 cubits high. the climb would be treacherous, but he could almost just slide back down. troy was also heading to the top. he had just as rough a climb, only, he didn't have the slide back down, neither did he have to climb all the way back up. 20 minutes had passed, and kent had made it to a height of around 350 feet. ahead of him, also climbing the mountain, was a woman. she was around 60 cubits above him. he had noticed her, but wasn't too concerned. after a while, he was within twenty cubits of her, because he climbed quicker. she heard him, and turned to see who was behind her. right at that moment, she fell. down on kent she came. the two began tumbling down the mountain. kent thought quick. he took control of his own body, and grabbed the woman. still falling, but now sliding, he jumped up to a flat surface, on top of a rock. he sat the woman down.
"pheww. that was close." kent sighed.
"thanks for saving me." the woman said, cheerfully.
"sorry, im kent, nice to meet you."
"kent, eh. great name. im emmit."
"emmit is a great name too, thank you."
"what brings you into this mountain, kent?"
"secret business."
"you aren't looking for a scroll, are you?"
"yeah, how did you know?"
"im looking as well. trying to beat my brothers to it."
"yes, my brothers are top notch on the evil end."
"what are their names?"
"haha, trigend and gordon."
"alrighty. ill make sure to avoid them." kent said with a small laugh.
"ha, well, as long as your going to find the scroll, i dont find it necessary for me to. ill see you around, kent." she said before disappearing.
"whoah, wha? where did she go?"
kent was truly confused, but none the less, he continued his climb. troy, over on the western side, had already made it 800 feet up.
"ah, this mountain is easy to climb, especially since i can jump over 17 feet up."
a long ways off, ike had swam back to the mainland. he was headed for his home kingdom, vartik. ozrin was great, but ike wanted to return to his own territory. he had left the small town, and was on the road to vartik, when a man dressed in a blue robe approached him.
"halt, thief." the man growled.
"thief? what do you mean?"
"dont fool around, hand it over."
"hand what over?"
"you are wearing my patience. the scroll!"
"no, im not handing over the scroll. why would you want it?"
"i want it to return it to its origin. i will take it by force."
then, the man snapped his fingers. smoke rose out of the ground, and ike couldnt see his own hands in front of his face. a few seconds passed and the smoke cleared. the man was gone. ike checked his armor for the scroll, and was astonished by the absence of it.
"not again!" he shouted.
he was honestly down to his last nerve.
"something he said caught my attention. he wanted to return it to its origin. that cannot be good." ike mumbled. "that means i have to search all over again, without any clue as to where it is!"
so ike continued down the road heading for vartik. he figured that if he had to start from scratch, might as well go home to do it. so off to vartik ike went.
troy had made it to the top of the western side. now he had to travel across the top of the mountain. kent had made it to the top as well, but only stayed at the top long enough to travel 50 cubits, then headed back down the mountain. neither one had found the spring yet.
tornado, jayrem, juli and tina were now headed for orc pass. orc pass was a giant valley, with a lot of history. centuries before, a large army of orcs settled in the valley secretly for many years. then, the army was wiped out by an army of goblins.
"hey jay, lets get outta this swamp, i wanna make it to the pass soon." tornado said.
"ok, we can speed things up."
so jayrem put tina on his shoulders, and tornado put juli on his shoulders. the two began to run, regardless of the three feet deep mud and water. occasionally, tornado would jump up into a tree, and jump back down into the water, just to get juli wet. then, tornado ran ahead of jayrem, for one reason. he jumped up in a big tree, and took juli off of his shoulders. then, they kissed for a few seconds.
"what are you two doing up there?" jayrem shouted up.
"nothing." tornado shouted back down.
tornado put juli back up on his shoulders and jumped out. tornado and jayrem decided to race to the pass from the tree. tornado, being faster, took the lead very quickly, and held it easily.
"come on, jay. i have a woman on my shoulders, you have a little girl."
"whats that supposed to mean, tor?" juli questioned him.
"it means, uh, your grown, tina isnt."
"ok tor."
after a few minutes of racing, tornado had made it to the pass, just a few seconds before jayrem did. the pass looked to be a very peaceful place. tornado and jayrem slid down the hill leading down into the valley. they headed straight into the valley, to find a good place to rest. jayrem continued straight ahead, toward a large pool of water, while tornado jumped right into the water. juli was not the most pleased person. after a second, they both surfaced, followed by tornado getting hit upside his head by juli. jayrem followed, without tina of course. tina was ammused by the flowers growing around the pool. juli eventually decided to take it easy, and hung from tor's shoulder. then, suddenly, out of nowhere, three boys came and jumped into the pool.
"woah. geez, kill me by surprise, will ya." tornado grumbled.
"owww!" juli yelped.
the three boys surfaced.
"what was it juli? what happened?" tornado asked.
"someone grabbed my butt, and hard."
the three boys high-fived eachother. angered, tornado swam over to them. he grabbed the one that seemed to have done it, and put him on his shoulders. he jumped out of the pool. he stood for a second.
"this'll teach ya."
then, tornado jumped as high as he could, 25 feet into the air, and landed in the water, boy first. the two stayed under a minute, but soon surfaced. the boy swam over to his friends and wasn't too pleased about what had just happened.
"only tornado can grab my butt!" juli shouted at the boys, turning to tornado with a wink.
"well tor, you were just notified, come on man, dont be chicken." jayrem laughed.
tornado swam under juli and placed his hand on her butt. he surfaced and shouted, "WOW!"
"what tor?"
"one word juli, perfect."
juli blushed and turned from the two men, who were high-fiving eachother.
"im sorry i put you on the spot juli. i wont do it again." tornado apologized.
"thats ok, tor." she said, turning and hugging him.
"well, you two, care to see who can hold their breath the longest?" jayrem interrupted.
"sure." tornado and juli answered.
"on 3. 1, 2, 3!"
all three went under simultaneously. a minute passed, and juli came up. jayrem and tornado were under, and could be for a few minutes. four minutes after juli had come up, jayrem came up. tornado remained underwater 15 seconds after that, and finally came up gasping for air.
"WOOHOO!!!!" juli shouted.
"alright tor, you fish you."
"ha, anyone can do it, with practice. you guys wanna head out, maybe get to finding that scroll?"
"sure, lets get outta here." juli replied.
so the three swam over to the bank, climbed out, and layed out on the grass of the valley. tina was still picking flowers. the sun was still out, so they could dry off. they decided to nap while they dried.
ike, on the road to vartik, had almost made it to the borderline. soon, he would be in vartik again. then, he saw two men walking toward him, from where he was headed. as they came together, he noticed that they seemed to be friendly, smiling at him.
"hello, good sir." one said.
ike and the two men stopped, just before passing eachother.
"what might your name be?" the man said.
"im ike, how about yourselves?"
"im turton."
"and im kelvar."
"hey, you two seem to be lawful. wouldn't happen to know where any sentinal scrolls are, would ya?"
"actually, we do. we know where it is now, and its origin." turton explained.
"yeah, right now, it is on grave island, down in the dwarven mines there."
"hehe, no, not anymore. you see, i kinda retrieved it. when i returned, a man in blue sorta stole it from me." ike chuckled.
"not a problem, he is part of the ars, or ancient retrieval squad. we can help you get it back from its origin."
"you can. thank you guys. im in debt to you."
"its not a problem at all. just follow us, and we can take you right to its origin." kelvar stated.
so turton and kelvar headed for vartik, followed by ike. ike was unmeasurably happy, now that he had found help with his problem.

Chapter 5
"ok, so everyone is accounted for." a man said.
"yes, you, me, yhord, hector, and gilderoy." another man said.
"ok gordon, understood. by the way, i saw a cut on your back. from where did it come?"
"a fight. i failed to kill troy, trigend." gordon answered.
"ah, i see. i failed to kill mr. tornado, as well. he is quite a tough opponent." trigend moaned.
"well, tornado has the fire scroll. i believe that is the only one retrieved so far." gilderoy stated.
"we have the shadow and heaven scrolls. oh, and the blizzard."
"when are we heading to the secret hall in himtet?" hector asked.
"when i am good and ready. right now, we are fine. soon, the group will have the other scrolls, and come looking for ours."
"ok, so we aren't relocating yet. what are we to do for now?" yhord asked.
"yhord, i want you to find bishdu. see whats going on, and report back to me." trigend demanded.
"ok, got it."
"gordon, i want you to get going to orc pass. the scroll hidden there should be in a hollowed fig tree. hector, i want you to go to ginit caves and just camp out. i guarentee somebody will come through sometime. if and when they do, watch them for a while, and report back to me. gilderoy, we all know you are no fighter, but i need you to take care of someone."
"mr. koth. we cannot have him giving aid to the group. just take him out. there will be no witnesses, all the people in that town are zombified."
"ill remain here, waiting for any reports or news. now you have your orders, lets get to it." trigend commanded with a sneer.
so with that, everyone headed to where they were ordered, to do what they were ordered to do. turton, kelvar and ike had made it to vartik, and were on their way to a place called degrau oasis. degrau oasis was named an oasis because it was basically a giant one. degrau was a small desert in the middle of a plateau. ike was truly thankful for the help by his two new friends, turton and kelvar. turton was a shorter man, around 5'7". he had short, gray-black hair pushed over to the side a bit. he was very lean for someone as short as himself. for a weapon, he basically carried darts on a belt. kelvar was not much taller, at around 5'8". he was a bit stalkier, and had brown hair, grown out a bit. his hair was spiked up, as if he had ran downhill and the wind pushed it up. he carried a dirk as a weapon. ike was much taller than the two, being around 6'0" to 6'1". they were not far off degrau, and would be there within the hour.
meanwhile, trigend was waiting for his partners to return, when a group of 5 men entered his quarters.
"excuse me, what are you doing in here?" trigend said, standing up from his bed.
"sir trigend. we are here to assist you. all 5 of us." the lead said.
"what are your names?"
"ah, ok, you are the 5 i was expecting. luck, kilbin, trent, venal, and zo-teeba."
"yeah, but please, dont put so much emphasis into our names." luk laughed.
"are you guys any good at fighting?" trigend asked them.
"are you kidding?"
"lets find out, follow me to the training room."
trigend exited his room and lead the 5 to the training room. he turned to them.
"come on, all 5 of ya, attack me."
with no questions asked, the five charged at him. within 5 seconds, they had him surrounded, weapons held to different body parts.
"nicely done." trigend said, clapping. "you 5 will do fine."
luk was the tallest of the 5, at around 5'11". he had short, blonde hair, that he seemed to keep very straight and well kept. kilbon was shorter, at 5'9". he, too, had short blonde hair. his was not quite as well kept, but was still straight. treant had brown hair. he had it grown out a bit. he stood at 5'8". he was the thickest of the 5, muscle-wise. venyl was around 5'9". he had the blackest of hair a human could have. it was just long enough to blow in the wind. he was thin, and had little muscle tone to him. lastly, zotiba stood at only 5'6". he was a red-head, and was built like a gnome. he seemed to always be looking around. the five did not look threatening in any way, which could be used to their advantage. if somebody ever let their guard down, the five could use that to beat them much easier.
"do you guys go by some team name or something?" trigend asked.
"we go by the qourtlyens." luk answered.
"alright, lets go back to the meeting room, where we can rest, and await a report."
so the six of them left the training room, and went back to the meeting room.
after a rather grusom and frightening experience so far in submare town, bishdu and nikita were finally going to get some sleep in an empty shack. but decided that it wasn't quite dark yet, so they could explore a bit more. there was someone constantly following them and spying on them from the shadows. everyone in the city seemed to never talk, and often sat around, and in weird places, too. whenever either of the two tried to make eye contact, the person would close his eyes, bow his head, until he knew nobody was staring. and if that is weird, the people of the town aren't human, they are small, black, fuzzy creatures. finding one in an alley or in a sewer pipe was hard, because they were black, but if they decided to change their lazy spot, they would up and run, and could possibly give you a heart attack, on the spot. bishdu and nikita were not liking it a bit.
"why do they just sit? there is absolutely nobody here talking or making a noise at all." nikita wondered.
"i dont know, and they are rather strange, too. fuzzy and black doesn't combine too well, and the stalker is gonna get his head sliced off."
"the only movement is when they switch spots to sit." nikita added.
"we have to get outta here. i just dont remember where we came in from. isn't it just great how this scary little dump is like a maze." bishdu said, possibly a bit too loud.
"how dare you call our peaceful town a dump!" a booming voice replied from nowhere.
then, bishdu and nikita saw it. a giant, strange looking creature stood up from behind a building and stared them down. he was human-like, but his torso was shaped more like a pill or an egg. he was at least 12 cubits tall, if not, much more.
"woah, what the heck?"
"leave if you do not like our town." it shouted.
"we are trying. may i ask, though, why are you so different from everyone, and why is everyone so quiet?" bishdu hollered.
"i dont have to be the same as they to live with them. do you humans or do you not live with dwarves, elves, and gnomes?"
"yes, agreed. but why is everyone so quiet, and lazy?"
"lazy! how dare you call us lazy. if it weren't for those little lazy fuzzy guys, you wouldn't ever be able to use what is called a sentinal scroll."
"wait, hold up there, big fella. are you trying to tell me that these little guys make sentinal scrolls by sitting around all day?"
"no, im not trying to tell you anything, im telling you. you obviously dont understand, so ill clear it up for ya. you see, here in submare town, hint the name, submare, there is a shrine in the center. in that shrine, lies a scroll, empty of course. ok, back to submare. in this town, instead of friction producing power, which is work, or running to produce power, the gorbits, the lazy fuzzy guys, sit, and daydream. daydreaming is when your mind is in a subconscious state. subconscious, submare, see now? while they daydream, energy and power is being absorbed by the scroll. gorbits are immortal, and were sent to this town by god. he makes us immortal, so we can make sentinal scrolls. he told us he would destroy us at the end of the world. by then, there should be over 14 scrolls. by the way, if you wanna leave, just daydream. the town will not recognize your subconscious mind, and teleport you right outside the front gate."
"oh, thank you." nikita replied.
"ok, i guess im off to daydream some more, goodbye, humans." the giant said, sitting back down behind the building.
so the two daydreamed, and sure enough, opened their eyes outside the town.
"woah, hold on. i have studied history. if im not mistaken, this town used to be vibrant with people living everyday lives. going to church and socializing was regular. now, that big oaf is gonna tell us that god sent them to sit and daydream?"
"bishdu, maybe there is an explanation. maybe because of their lifestyle, disobeying god, they were punished. now they dont just daydream when they can, they do it all the time." nikita explained, as if she were part of the town.
"maybe. although, how you came up with that is outside my knowledge."
"lets just get away from this city."
"yeah, lets go find my brother. he can tell us more about this submare town."
so the two headed for koth's house, which wasn't that far at all.
troy had made it half way through his spiral, and had not found the spring yet. he was beginning to lose hope, but one thing in his mind kept him going, and that was rita. kent, on the other side of the mountain, was on his way up the mountain for his third time. he was growing tired, after the many climbs up he had already made.
"arggg! this mountain is too big." he shouted.
then, he began to sense something.
"woah, i sense a scroll. the spring is close, very close."
he continued climbing, his sense for the scroll gaining strength with each cubit. then, he saw it. above him, was a cut into the mountain, where he figured the spring had to be. he jumped up and was extremely relieved to see what he was hoping. before his very eyes, was the spring of muralin mountain.
"ok kent, do not go insane. stay focused. now where would the scroll be? at the bottom of the spring? hidden under a rock? hmmm."
he gazed into the spring, its crystal clear water. its beautiful fish, living their perfect, healthy lives. then, he saw it, near the bottom of the spring. a bubble, containing some sort of paper.
"oh my god. could it honestly be the scroll?"
now kent had to think of an idea as to how to get the scroll out, without disturbing the perfect little habitat. he looked around, and an idea hit him like a horse. cattails grew around the water's edge. he thought that maybe if he hollowed out the stem, he could slip it into the water, gently poke it into the bubble, and add air to it to cause it to float. so he ended his thought and put it to action. he began to hollow out one of the cattail stems. then, with the stem, he lied down on his stomach and scooted as close to the water as possible. he stuck the stem into the water. carefully, he poked it through the bubble. no pop. he began to blow, and the bubble grew. then, as his idea had planned, the bubble began to float. it surfaced, and he pulled it toward the edge. he popped the bubble with his finger and grabbed the scroll. he opened it and was grateful that the scroll was real, from what he knew. his mind moving faster than a diving falcon, he slipped the scroll into his pack, and raced off, straight across the mountain, to find troy.
bishdu and nikita had already made it to koth's house. it hadn't taken them 15 minutes.
"brother!" bishdu shouted as he entered koth's house.
"bishdu! come here little brother." koth returned, hugging bishdu.
"koth, are you doing ok?"
"yeah, how are you doing, brother?"
"im doing ok."
"how about you, nikita? doing ok?"
"im doing alright, thank you koth."
"koth, we have come to you for some information. we were wondering about a town called submare town. know anything about it?"
"submare town? brother, there is no such thing. from my studies, the closest thing to it is sugmint, a town in ozrin."
"brother, we were in a town called submare town. a strange giant man told us. there were fuzzy black things sitting around everywhere. the giant said they daydreamed, giving power to a scroll, making sentinal scrolls."
koth thought for a minute to himself.
"bishdu, sentinal scrolls were made by god when he created the earth. all 9 that exist have been since the beginning."
"are you calling me crazy brother?"
"no, i would never call you crazy. although i have to admit it, but brother, you may have been dreaming."
"koth, if he was dreaming, are you saying i had the exact same dream? why did we never feel as though we woke up?"
"here is the answer. you were both simply dreaming, and sleep-walking. you entered a town in your dream. you experienced everything, in a rather realistic feeling, because you were actually walking, but when you left this town, your mind simply didn't realize an awakening when you opened your eyes. it felt as though you left the town in your dream. do you understand?"
"yes, but we both had the same dream. explain that." bishdu argued.
"you two are unmarried, correct?"
"correct, but what does that have to do with dreams?"
"i sense that you two have done something you, not necessarily regret, but you wish you would have waited for. your guilt set your minds in a state, and when you fell asleep, your minds connected, and dreamed together."
"is this rare?"
"no, its rather common for a couple that is soon to be married." koth answered.
"brother, you are truly smart. i thank you."
just then, the three were interupted by a knock at koth's door. koth walked over and answered the door. a man stepped in.
"koth? i know not a koth. what might be your name?"
"i see why your here. i've heard of you. your entrance into my home told me you were of evil. brother! please come." bishdu hollered into the other room.
bishdu came running in and saw the man.
"brother, who is this?"
"this is gilderoy, he has come to kill me."
"now koth, i never said that."
"you needed not to."
"gilderoy, im smarter than that. when you came in, i noticed your shirt was moved out of the way of your weapon. you were planning for a quick draw."
bishdu stood in front of his brother.
"leave, now!"
"no, bishdu. grab him."
bishdu grabbed gilderoy and kept him in his ogre grip.
"now, gilderoy. you are going to tell me something. is your group responsible for what happened to my once thriving town?"
"no, i kid you not. we had nothing to do with it."
"i know why you came to kill me, but please, tell me why? i wish to see if you lie or not."
"i came to kill you because your knowledge is too vast. it must be destroyed."
"i do believe you on the first question. but you lie. your reason in killing me is to eliminate me and my knowledge from the six. bishdu, that means you and your friends. this man and his group wish to find the scrolls."
"brother, how do you know all this?"
"first, he entered with his weapon within easy reach. second, he never offered a hand shake. third, his left hand swayed, which means he was nervous. the first thing he looked at were the papers on my study desk. lastly, his visit was formal, like a tax collector's."
"brother, you always amaze me."
bishdu let go of gilderoy.
"if you please, im trying to enjoy my brother's visit."
gilderoy walked outside and turned around.
"sleep with an eye open. thats a warning."
he turned and walked off, disappearing into the fog.
"brother, i wish you luck in anything you go against in the future."
"thank you, brother." bishdu replied.
bishdu and koth hugged. koth hugged nikita.
"marry her, bish. she is a keeper and then some."
nikita blushed.
"take care of yourself koth." nikita said.
bishdu and nikita left koth's house, out into the fog of the city.
tornado, jayrem, juli and tina had all been asleep for several hours out on the grass of the valley. within the next hour, tornado, juli and tina had woken up. it took jayrem an extra hour, but he eventually woke, too. the four packed up and headed through the remainder of the pass, for riguemont, a small city near the altor sea. the four would be able to spend some time on a beach.

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