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by TOR
Rated: E · In & Out · Fantasy · #1494863
Ch 2 and 3 of my 2nd book
Chapter 2
the foreign land had been quite the adventure. ike had seen vast amounts of new creatures, new plants, and definately new weather. the sun beat down on him, which brought about sweat. he was in a small trading city called venin. he was currently seeking a way to grave island. he knew boat was the only way, unless a wizard could warp him, which was highly unlikely. there were only five wizards capable of warping people. ginny, an old wizard from ozrin. he was at least 85 years old, and knew most spells. tyjin, a bit younger of a wizard, around 65, who resided somewhere in vartik. gerth, also around 65, who lived in winstook. tuck, the youngest wizard to learn it, being only 39, residing in ozrin. lastly, there was the oldest, zorb, who was 122, and knew all but one spell, the ressurection spell. only 2 wizards could ever cast it, both being cousins. if alive, the two would be over 700 years old. now, there were no wizards that knew the spell, so if someone died, it was over. zorb hoped to one day learn it, but knew that it would not be easy. to learn new spells, a wizard had to harness energy, meditate for days, and focus while a practice spell was casted. learning how to bring dead back took years of meditation, and many practices. zorb had devoted the past 13 years for casting the spell, and had casted two practices already. often, a spell required four practices. the ressurection spell was an exception. the two cousins casted more than nine practices before learning it. since the average meditation for a practice with the spell was around six years, it could take 50 years or more. so ike decided that taking a boat was easier. who would be willing to let a knight use a boat more than a fisherman. he had already met a fisherman, and was on the brink of asking him for a boat.
"is it possible for you to let me use a boat, or even you use it to take me over to grave island?" ike asked.
"i can't let you use it, but i will gladly take you over there." the man replied.
"thank you, friend. i am in debt to you."
"nah, i love boating."
so the man took ike to show him his boat. the boat seemed sturdy enough to float, but ike wasn't sure it could carry him over to the island. the boat had no holes in it, but looked around 40 years old or more.
"sir, can this boat carry the two of us?" ike said, trying to sound as if the boat was just fine.
"yessir. just three years ago, she carried me, a man, and his son over to the island, and held up just fine."
ike climbed in the boat, wobbling it. then, before he knew it, he had lost his balance and into the water he went.
"ahh ha ha ha ha." the man chuckled.
ike climbed back into the boat, this time making sure not to tip it on him again. the man jumped into the boat as if it couldn't wobble. strange thing is, it didn't shake an inch.
"how did you do that?" ike questioned the man.
"sonny, when you've been boating as long as i have, things like getting into the boat become near habit, a way of life. jumping in this boat is nothing anymore."
"amazing, truly amazing." ike said.
the man took two oars and began to row toward the island. for a man of his age, he could row like ike would never have guessed. the man made rowing look easier than churning butter. ike sat in the boat, wondering what grave island had in store for him, and what he could find on it. the man soon began telling old stories of his fishing life, but ike was far too busy thinking of the island to hear a word, but it was alright, the man didn't notice a bit.
"one time, my friend and I went out six miles, and got drunk. he fell out of the boat several times, and soon, I finally made it back to shore, with him passed out. me and him had quite some times together, venturing out on the sea for hours at a time." the man mumbled.
ike's focus was ruined when he saw something in the water coming toward them at a high speed.
"holy cow, its a shark!" ike shouted.
the man was suddenly hyped with energy, commanding ike.
"listen sonny, take this oar here, and do what i say, when i say."
the shark came toward them, jaws first, of course. then, the man signaled,
"alright sonny, take the oar, and hit the base of his top fin, jab him a good one." the man stated.
ike did as he was told, and jabbed the oar into the base of it's fin. the man took his oar and hit it in it's head. the shark didn't like this, and swam off.
after ike regained his breath, he managed to say, "how, huh uh, did, huh hhuh, we, ahuhh, do huh, that?" ike said.
"easy, old trick of mine. sharks'll leave ya alone." the man said, back to his old rowing ways.
the man had changed moods when the shark arrived, and changed back after it's leave. ike, who had not been at sea much, had not changed moods so easily. he was still quite nervous, and couldn't calm himself. ike had not noticed, but they were very close to the island now. it would be another 20 seconds before they arrived. ike began to think, if i die, i will fail the group. he felt ashamed of himself for something that hadn't even happened. then, the boat jerked, and they were on the shore. ike hopped out of the boat, and the man began rowing back to the mainland.
"good luck, lad. you're gonna need it." he shouted.
ike waved and turned to see the island. it looked like a tropical paradise. he wondered if he was on the wrong island, but then he saw a group of orcs coming over to him. he pulled his sword out, which was followed by the pulling out of their swords. they grew nearer, until they were in combat distance. then, they froze. ike noticed that all of their eyes were not staring at him, but were staring up, above him. he knew something was behind him, something large. the orcs took off in a sprint back to where they were, and ike heard a loud growl. now, he was sure of it. he turned slowly to come face to face with a troll's stomach. he jumped back, disenabling the troll to make an easy swipe. the troll roared again. ike smiled. the troll began to make a run for him, but stopped after a step, dead. he fell, with ike's sword in his chest. ike had thrown it so fast that the troll couldn't react.
"bingo." ike chanted.
ike turned to the jungle and darted off. ike was quite fast, but it wasnt his speed that allowed him to go through the jungle so easily, it was his reaction. he dodged every tree that he came upon. after a while, he grew tired, and noticed that the jungle was bigger than he had thought. he stopped for rest, listening to the many sounds around him that he was so unfamiliar with. then, he spotted something that stood out from everything around it. it was a large rock, with a door. he went over to the door, and noticed that there was something written on it, clearly not in english.
"hmmm, i wonder if thats goblin or troll. it can't be orc, they write with a bunch of circles. and ogres use dots. hmm, goblins do use lines and dashes, but i believe trolls do, too."
ike wasn't sure whether it be goblin or troll. the problem, he could only read ogre, and only a little. then it hit him. even if the writing was in troll, could a troll honestly fit through this door? he decided to open it and find out just what awaited him inside. when he opened it, he saw nothing but black.
"hello!" he hollered, listening to the echo that followed.
ike, being on the larger side, ducked down and entered the dark, but noticed that his foot rested upon nothing. if you havent guessed it, he fell. ike didn't yell or scream while falling, he simply fell in silence. he knew that if it wasn't prevented in some way, he would just hit the ground below and die in an instant. then, without a jerk or jolt, he stopped. he opened his eyes because he felt the falling to be over, and noticed that he was floating. below him was what looked like spinning swords. they were spinning so fast that the air lifted him. he swam over to where he wouldnt float, and fell to a hard ground. now, he could see, since torches were on the walls, here and there. he walked down and into a large area, where he heard laughing and chatting and even fighting. some of the voices were of drunk men, sober men, women and children. he walked over to the edge and looked down into the room. to his amazement, the chatter in here, being english, was neither goblin nor troll. it was dwarven. one dwarf spotted him and jumped up to where he was, on the ledge.
"welcum treveler, yoo are hyooman, so stay as long as yoo pleese." he said, with a strange accent.
"oh, thank you." ike replied.
ike and the dwarf jumped off of the ledge and down into the room. there were dwarves everywhere, at least two hundred. it was like a pub and a party mixed. some drunk, others fighting. women dancing. children playing with toys that seemed far too unsafe. ike felt extremely out of place. then, he remembered the spinning blades and had to ask a dwarf about it. he walked up to the bar, and decided to ask the bartender.
"excuse me, but, what exactly is the spinning blades at the bottom of the hole?"
"oh, you came in through the hilltop. that is what we call a propellor. you see, we have four large blades connected at one point. then, they are wired to a lightning gem using coppper. then, we spin them, and the gem keeps them going. one thing, i have no idea how or if they ever stop."
"propellor, eh. thank you." ike said, tossing him ten gold coins.
"oh, sir, i cannot take money for giving you information, but here, take an ale." the bartender said, handing ike a glass mug with an ale in it.
ike gulped it down quickly, and went over to a table with a single dwarf at it. he looked very secretive, like he knew something nobody else knew.
"hey." ike said, seating himself.
"oh, uh, hello." the dwarf said, as if he needed to be somewhere in the next two minutes.
"so, friend. ever heard of, the sentinal scrolls?" ike whispered.
the dwarf began to sweat. he fidgeted with his fingers.
"uh, yeah, why?"
"well, i sorta need it, because if i dont get it, the earth may be in trouble. sure, your underground, but the implosion will hit you guys first."
now the dwarf was really nervous, and looked as if he were about to pass out.
"ya know, if i knew where it was, and i didnt tell anyone, i sure would feel guilty if it costed everyone on earth their lives'."
"ok! its in the mine. section 82 C." the dwarf blurted loudly.
"ahh, i see. oh, and let me guess, the man that brought me here on his boat, an alliby?"
"you got what you wanted outta me, go." the dwarf snapped.
"ha, right you are. ill be leaving. bye, friend." ike bellowed as he walked away.
ike wasn't necessarily a genius, but he was quite observant.
he walked over to the bartender, to ask a very simple question.
"hey, bartender, any way i can get to the mine, possibly, section 82 C?"
"oh, the mine. it starts just behind this wall behind me. just walk around. as for getting you to section 82 C, only a miner can. from what i've heard, after section 60, cave-ins are so numerous, dwarves cannot travel in without some sort of line to tell us."
"ok, thank you." ike said, heading around to enter the mine. as he entered, he noticed that the atmosphere changed drastically. the area he had left was warm and bright, but he was now colder, and it was dark, although he could still see plenty. on the wall, a wooden sign read "1 A".
"oh great, i have a long way to go." ike said to himself.
"no you don't." a dwarf said from behind him.
ike spun around to meet a dwarf that looked as though he had been in the mines his whole life.
"you are goin to 82 C, aren't ye?" the dwarf asked him.
"yeah, why?" ike replied.
"well, just take the shaft, straight down to C. 1 A, where we are, is right above 1 B, which is right above 100 C. so take the shaft down to C, and move to 82. simple as that." he explained.
"oh, thank you." ike said.
ike walked over and entered the shaft. the whole thing was basically a box that lowered using pulleys. the shaft lowered, and soon, he could see B. deeper and deeper it went, until finally, what seemed like 100 feet, he read a sign that said "C". he exitted the shaft and strode over to a sign.
"100 C, eh. not too bad of a walk." ike whispered.
so he began to walk, down through the isles of mine, where he saw very few dwarves mining. hmm, he wondered, why are there so very few dwarves down here? doesn't this mine go down to D? C isn't even the worst.
"84 C." he read aloud.
he was coming upon 82 C, quickly. when he made it to 83 C, he saw one dwarf mining, just a single one. he walked another twenty feet to 82 C.
"82 C. nobody here."
then, he saw it. on the ground, where it looked as though a dwarf had vanished, and left the pickaxe and lantern behind, lay a scroll. he walked over and picked it up. he opened it and read aloud,
"time sentinal scroll."
he slid the scroll into his pack and lifted the pickaxe. then, from above, was a loud rumbling noise. he ran back out into the main frame, and saw the other dwarves racing for the shaft. he knew something was up, and was possibly gonna come down. he ran toward the shaft, but noticed that the dwarves had crammed into it. the shaft slowly ascended the mine, until it was gone. only he and three dwarves were left. then, rocks began to fall upon them. ike got down on his hands and knees and curled up, for protection. the whole "B" section came tumbling down on ike and the dwarves.

Chapter 3
troy and kent had been in the city for over an hour, and had actually enjoyed their stay. they had eaten, slept, and even mingled a bit. they knew that it was time to move on and continue to muralin mountain. they bought some bread, packed it, and left the city.
"troy, do you think there is actually a scroll in the mountain?" kent asked.
"yes, i do think there is, and you should, too. by the way, you still have your original bow?"
"yep, its doin fine."
"cool, i had to get a new sword last year. my old one rusted out. weird thing, it never got left outside. it just sorta rusted."
"troy, swords do that, now and then. besides, if it wasn't rusted to the point of breaking, and was still sturdy, you should have used it. think about it, troy. a rusted sword, still strong enough to pierce human flesh. that rust is going to infect them. good stradegy."
"actually, i think bishdu used to dip his sword in jellyfish poison for hours at a time, just to make sure his enemies died after the fight, whether they won or not. of course, he also never really used a normal sword, he used a katana."
"ill list what everyone uses, correct me if im wrong. you use a sword, and i use a bow, duh. bishdu uses a katana. ike uses a sword and an axe. tornado uses a sword and shield, and jayrem uses a sword, and has a secret dagger."
"you got it."
"now troy, do you know anyone who has any dark or divine magic?"
"i believe ike knows how to create small water spheres. tornado knows a number of divine spells. lets see, he has his short duration invisibility. he can clot blood instantly, on very small wounds. he can purify poison, if he has most of his energy. and, lets see. i think thats it, but you would have to ask him for true accuracy."
"alright. and anyone with any other abilities or anything?"
"ok. me, i know a special move with my sword that catches enemies on fire for a short time. tornado knows his tornado special, incredible speed and jumping. you have your bow. thats about it, really. oh, and jayrem can put people to sleep with his sword, somehow."
"great! and who do you think is the strongest?"
"i would say, without a doubt or second thought, tornado."
"yeah, i agree. tornado is not only strong, fast, and agile, but he also has divine spells that would give him an edge."
"plus that tornado special with his sword. i heard that thing can wipe out cities at a time."
"yeah, true. oh, wow, we're here. this is muralin forest?" kent asked.
"i suppose. remember, we are headed for the mountain, so we have to make it through this forest first."
then, they saw a man approaching them. he had a sword at his belt. he seemed to be looking for a fight.
"ah, they've let fresh meat wonder here. great." the man said to himself.
the man drew his sword and ran toward troy. troy drew his sword just in time to block a strike. the two dueled for a minute, blocking eachother's attacks and trying to land a hit. kent finally decided to end it. he backed up and fired an arrow straight into the man's arm. the man pulled the arrow out of his arm like it was a thorn. he and troy continued dueling. troy ended it when he jumped a front flip over the man, turned around, and sliced into his back. the man fell, knowing he couldn't handle troy any longer.
"next time you want to fight me, make sure you can beat me." troy mumbled.
"next time, i will beat you, trust me." the man said, teleporting out of sight.
troy walked over to where kent was, but noticed kent had a strange look on his face.
"kent, you alright?"
"troy. i shot him. i shot him in the arm."
"i know, i saw it."
"troy, he pulled it out like it was nothing." kent stated, staring off into space.
"yeah, what of it?"
"dont you see? my arrow was useless. if you weren't with me, i would have died."
"kent, you didn't use any specials, dont worry about it. had you have used a special arrow, you woulda crushed him." troy said, trying to comfort kent.
"i guess you're right. maybe i shouldn't worry."
"dont, you are plenty strong."
so the two continued through the forest, hoping not to run into any fights. finally, they had made it through the forest, and came to the lake.
"i always thought the plateau bordered the forest." troy groaned.
"well, i can see the mountain from here." kent said, pointing west.
the two headed toward the mountain.
"not too big of a mountain. the scroll is as good as ours." kent said.
"the ars wont be able to take it from us." troy reminded.
"wait! was there or was there not a part of that little song that said something about your toes liking it. your toes would not like a mountain, it would be the opposite." kent remembered.
"you're right. wow, we arent even 100% on it."
"the only other possibility is the lake. it has plants. all other attributes."
"im lost, it says something about singing to the mutes. it just doesnt make sense."
"oh wait, just because your mute, doesnt mean your deaf. it just doesnt make any sense."
"i honestly dont understand it, at all. we may be paying a visit to koth."
"yeah, i say we just head to his house now."
so troy and kent headed for koth's. they knew he would have an answer. if koth didnt have an answer, the end of the world was near.
meanwhile, tornado, jayrem and tina were in black troll swamp. besides the fact that there were ten foot creatures that stalked the grounds, the grounds were mud and tar, and there wasnt much to walk on at all. tina couldnt walk, her legs were too weak, and she would be more than half buried. she sat on jayrem's shoulders. it was truly not a place to be, anytime. the troll's were fine, but being over ten feet tall, they have more than five feet of themselves above the muck.
"this is a dump. i mean, if there is a scroll, its rotting four feet below mud." tornado shouted.
"guys, i think we left the hostage back at the forest." jayrem remembered.
"oh great, we let him get away."
then, from right in front of tornado, rose a human, or at least the shape of a human.
tina began to cry, so jayrem jumped up on a log, to distance themselves. the shape wiped the mud off itself. it was a man, indeed.
"so you're tornado. you don't look very scary at all." the man growled.
"oh yeah, fight me, and find out just how scary i truly am." tornado roared back.
the man drew his sword and jumped onto dry land. tornado drew his and followed. the two began to duel with their swords. to tornado's surprise, the man was very strong, and knew exactly where he would swing. the man was very well trained. tornado jumped over the man and landed behind him, but the man had already spun around, ready to block. tornado began to run around the man, in circles. being able to run 40 ultra-cubits an hour, he was rather fast. soon, a tornado formed around the man.
"ha, a tornado."
the man pounded his sword into the ground, causing the tornado to disappear. tornado stopped running, and slid from going so fast. the man rushed him, but he jumped up.
what the heck, he killed my tornado, tornado thought to himself.
the man jumped up after him. the two dueled in mid-air. then, the fall toward earth. they landed, and continued. suddenly, the man slung his arm in tornado's direction. mud slung into his eyes, and before he knew it, he could feel a sword entering his body, through his stomach. at that point, jayrem had put tina down, and attacked the man, sword ready. the two dueled, blocking each other's attacks. finally, the man jumped up, and disappeared. jayrem ran over to tornado, who had fallen to the ground, and lifted him onto his shoulders.
"tina, come on, tornado is hurt, badly."
so jayrem and tina ran through the swamp, looking for a safe place to rest.
many ultra-cubits away, troy and kent had arrived at koth's. they had noticed that the city was still zombified.
"koth, koth!" troy shouted, entering his home.
"troy, kent. what brings the two of you here?"
"we have come to ask you where the scroll would be in the muralin area. we cannot decide whether it be in the mountain, forest, plateau, or lake." troy said.
"ah, so you couldn't interpret the little rhyme."
"umm, no, how did you know about that?" kent asked, surprised.
"kent, my boy. i know far more than most. the scroll in that area, happens to be, in the mountain."
"so we had guessed right the first time. but part of the song doesn't fit." kent said.
"oh, the part that says its different for your toes. there is a spring in the mountain. it lies there."
"but, why would the song ever say although you may not like it there? who doesn't like a natural spring?"
"the unnatural."
"hmm, you know, there is wisdom in your words." troy proclaimed.
"ha. you guys understand the last part of the rhyme?"
"sorta, well, not really."
"ok, that part of the rhyme is derived from ancient days. back 1200 years ago or so, there was a group of speechless people, who also hunted down the scrolls. they had eight of the nine, but then, they died, from a man, a very powerful man. the story doesn't have a lot of details to back it up, but thats where it comes from."
"ah, i see." troy stated.
"so, you two. head to the spring in the mountain, and good luck."
troy and kent said their goodbyes to koth, and headed back for the mountain.
back at troll swamp, jayrem had found a nice little cave for tornado to rest in. then, jayrem heard someone outside the cave, so he and tina kept quiet. then, a girl entered the cave. not much of a girl, more a woman.
"oh my god! tornado!" the woman said loudly, echoing in the cave.
"uhh, who might you be?" jayrem asked.
"im tor's girlfriend, juli. i followed you guys for a few days, but it hurt me to see him get hurt like that."
"he is in a rough condition. he is very lucky to be breathing. actually, we could lose him at any moment." jayrem said, sadly.
juli buried her face in tor's chest and began to cry lightly. jayrem put his hand on her head to comfort her.
"he almost won, until the cheater blinded him." juli shouted.
"juli, you shouldn't get angry right now, spend some time with tor alone, tina and i will go out looking for food." jayrem said, lifting tina and exitting the cave. then, tornado woke up, but barely.
"woah, wha? where am i?" tornado said, half conscious.
"tor, this is juli here. don't try and talk too much."
"juli, are you ok?"
"tor, im fine, but you have been stabbed. i dont wanna lose you tor."
"he he, dont worry, juli. you wont be losing me anytime soon."
"tor, i am sorry for letting you come to this. im sorry." juli said, crying.
"juli, you didn't do anything that caused this. please, dont blame yourself."
juli leaned down and kissed tornado.
"i'll be up and fine in a few days. trust me."
then, juli lied down next to tornado, and hugged him. tornado wrapped his arm around her. then, jayrem and tina returned, with wood for a fire and some food. jayrem made a fire at the entrance of the cave, so the smoke had an exit. he cooked the rabbit over the fire.
"juli, im sorry. i should have jumped in before this happened, not after."
"no jayrem, you were as surprised as anyone." juli replied.
"i would love to know who that was, though. he was so well-trained."
"i know, but, i dont recall him ever saying his name." juli stated.
"juli, you should just spend time with tor, while i cook. lets not worry about the man. it will only haunt us."
so jayrem cooked the rabbit, and gave tina a bit to eat. he gave juli a small bit to give to tornado. juli put the meat in tor's mouth, and he swallowed it.
"rabbit meat, eh."
jayrem gave some to juli to eat, and had some for himself. after everyone had eaten, they all readied for sleep. jayrem had put the fire out, and lied down next to tina, near the front of the cave. juli was next to tornado, who had been asleep for a while. she wrapped around him, and fell asleep, too. in the morning, tornado was awake first. jayrem, tina and juli woke to a new tornado. he was up and moving about.
"tor, you shouldn't be up, you should rest." juli said, rushing to his side.
"im fine. we can get outta here and go find a scroll."
"woah tor, i agree with juli. maybe you should rest some more."
"i can't, or somebody may get to the scrolls before me."
"ok tor, we wont make you rest, but no fighting." juli insisted.
"ok, i wont fight, but only for you, juli." tornado said, smiling.
"tor, i will never allow such a thing to happen, ever again." jayrem swore.
"thanks jay." tornado said, with a tear in his eye.

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