Printed from https://writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1428039-Lather-Rinse-Repeat
Rated: E · In & Out · Activity · #1428039
Kelly Bundy staring into space, a space I know too well. My space invites you if you dare.
*Rolleyes* What is best?*Rolleyes*
Today I begin the "cut" down into my inner self. I have asked many questions of myself,
but I have not asked this one. Probably for the reason that I don't know the answer. Other questions I have asked only because I knew the answer before I even posed the questions;
my intent was not to discover myself but to mask what I really knew lurked beneath.

: wordshurt @ 05-20-08 @ 9:46pm
Today sprung controversy with me. When I woke up I controlled time, soon time controlled me. All I heard was a voice today, a voice sneering you're late,

: wordshurt @ 05-20-08 @ 9:44pm
a voice objecting the methods of my tasks, a voice silenced by a calmer one, one that whispered I like that idea, needing it in a different way. Everything changed.

: wordshurt @ 05-20-08 @ 9:41pm
My idea rejected on execution, execution that just needed improvement. The concept was good but the implementation not so good. That's me. Good concept, bad implementation.

: wordshurt @ 05-20-08 @ 9:41pm
I create my ideas, needing someone else backing them up. A dilemna exists today, today when I see less backers and more stompers. How can I get my ideas across to the people,

: wordshurt @ 05-20-08 @ 9:40pm
implementing rather than deprimenting, lost in the shuffle and left out in the dark, missing a meal and thinking about how to pay rent,

: wordshurt @ 05-20-08 @ 9:39pm
serving others only to survive, experiencing wealth on the installment plan. How can I truly live my dream, thinking all day long I am valuble,

: wordshurt @ 05-20-08 @ 9:37pm
valuable in accordance with me, beginning with me. My thoughts validate, sharing them discerns only those who agree or disagree,

: wordshurt @ 05-20-08 @ 9:36pm
realizing agreement itself comes through values, set in stone before my approval, my pearls thrown before the swine.

: wordshurt @ 05-19-08 @ 11:00pm
Today I arrived early to work.

: wordshurt @ 05-19-08 @ 10:59pm
I calmly watched people driving to their destinations, knowing I arrived at mine. The campus seemed silent, not the bussle of the semester before.

: wordshurt @ 05-19-08 @ 10:58pm
This silence grabs you in reflection, a time to ask yourself is it good to continue forward or do I need something with more energy to carry me through?

: wordshurt @ 05-19-08 @ 10:58pm
Energy that I own today simmers inside me, not a raging boil only a steady stream, stream of steam riding on the surface. Lukewarm with attitude.

: wordshurt @ 05-19-08 @ 10:57pm
I spent four hours on a project at work today, simmering at a comment made in passing, a criticism that sliced into me.

: wordshurt @ 05-19-08 @ 10:56pm
I corrected the flaw on my terms, terms that screamed my hunger for excellence, perfection that looked imperfect to the passerby, perfection that challenged the core of my silence to remain humble.

: wordshurt @ 05-19-08 @ 10:55pm
Humility reminds me that I am not in charge yet, only leading myself right now, a task quite demanding since I am prone to veer off.

: wordshurt @ 05-19-08 @ 10:54pm
My purpose today lied in humility, humility that serves graciously. It is hard to stay on task, but I'm on a journey to explore what humility can bring.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1428039-Lather-Rinse-Repeat