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List your Favorite quotes here!
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Funny Quote Of The Day:

"Some people are like slinkies - not really good for anything, but you can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs."
Padfoot [Hakuna Matata]

Wise Quote Of The Day:

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. ~ Winston Churchill"


Great Job On Really Getting My Attention!

Have fun! Keep em 5 lines and smaller!

[11-13-16 @ 9:09am] “Try not to associate bodily defect with mental, my good friend, except for a solid reason” ― Charles Dickens, David Copperfield
  Posted by: innerlight

[11-12-16 @ 2:23pm] “I am the shore and the ocean, awaiting myself on both sides.” ― Dejan Stojanovic
  Posted by: innerlight

[07-11-14 @ 1:06pm] My mother once said to me, "Elwood", she always called me Elwood, "in this life one must be oh, so smart or oh, so pleasant." I've tried smart, I recommend pleasant. (Elwood P Dowd in the movie, "Harvey"
  Posted by: Alala

[07-11-14 @ 1:02pm] oops, I see the posts are listed first first. Here is another line then
  Posted by: Alala

[07-11-14 @ 1:00pm] Fly specks! Fly specks! All my life I have been swatting at fly specks when miracles have been leaning on lamp posts on 18th and Fairfax. From the best movie ever made, "Harvey" starring Jimmy Stewart.
  Posted by: Alala

[07-11-14 @ 12:57pm] Fly specks! Flys pecks! All my life I have been swatting at fly specks when miracles are leaning on lamposts at 18th and Fairfax. (From "Harvey" a perfect movie you must not miss! It makes you a better person everytime you watch it!)
  Posted by: Alala

[07-11-14 @ 7:23am] The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread. (Anatole France)
  Posted by: ☮ The Grum Of Grums

[06-15-14 @ 12:43am] "A memorandum is written not to inform the reader but to protect the writer." Dean Acheson
  Posted by: ☮ The Grum Of Grums

[06-12-14 @ 3:52pm] Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty. ~Stephen King
  Posted by: Noyoki

[06-09-14 @ 4:49pm] “Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.” ― John Parker
  Posted by: Kai Rajaniemi

[04-30-14 @ 12:26am] Read over your compositions, and wherever you meet with a passage which you think is particularly fine, strike it out. - Dr Samuel Johnson
  Posted by: ☮ The Grum Of Grums

[04-29-14 @ 7:57am] "The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originality." - H L Mencken
  Posted by: ☮ The Grum Of Grums

[04-29-14 @ 7:53am] "In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
  Posted by: ☮ The Grum Of Grums

[04-29-14 @ 7:52am] "If you believe the doctors, nothing is wholesome; if you believe the theologians, nothing is innocent; if you believe the military, nothing is safe." - Lord Salisbury
  Posted by: ☮ The Grum Of Grums

[08-14-13 @ 7:30pm] Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it’s just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
  Posted by: ☮ The Grum Of Grums

[08-14-13 @ 7:28pm] His lack of education is more than compensated for by his keenly developed moral bankruptcy. - Woody Allen
  Posted by: ☮ The Grum Of Grums

[08-14-13 @ 7:27pm] If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt. - Dean Martin
  Posted by: ☮ The Grum Of Grums

[07-30-09 @ 10:29pm] "Outside a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's too dark to read." - Groucho Marx
  Posted by: Steve Jebson

[07-30-09 @ 10:28pm] "The depressing thing about tennis is that, no matter how good I get, I'll never be as good as a wall." - Mitch Hedberg
  Posted by: Steve Jebson

[07-30-09 @ 10:27pm] "I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize." - Steven Wright
  Posted by: Steve Jebson

[06-13-09 @ 9:57am] "Life is too short to drink cheap wine" - Spanish proverb
  Posted by: Dad

[03-07-09 @ 8:45pm] "You have to be determined to be successful." "No matter how hard the task is, just go out and do it" "take a risk, you may see a miracle happen"
  Posted by: happygolucky

[01-16-09 @ 6:30am] "People are like stained glass windows; they sparkle and shine when the sun is out. But when darkness sets in, their beauty is revealed only if there's light within..."
  Posted by: mARi☠StressedAtWork

[01-16-09 @ 6:24am] "The power of Faith can change even Fate!!!" *Wink*
  Posted by: mARi☠StressedAtWork

[11-21-08 @ 12:12pm] It is not enough that we do our best. Sometimes we must do what is required. Winston Churchill
  Posted by: Coal

[11-06-08 @ 5:08pm] We are truly but shadows and dust. Our actions in life are what remain.
  Posted by: Sanguinary Smiles

[10-11-08 @ 3:51pm] "Why is there a pancake in the silverware drawer?" "You mean why is there silverware in the pancake drawer?" -Carla and Turk from Scrubs
  Posted by: 'Rav - Overflooding...

[10-11-08 @ 1:08pm] "The first rule of life is to live." -Dennis L. McKiernan
  Posted by: 'Rav - Overflooding...

[09-17-08 @ 8:54am] 'In my sentences I go where no man has gone before' Prez Dubya
  Posted by: Mr. Chowda Head

[09-17-08 @ 8:45am] "That depends on what your defintion of is is" Prez Bubba
  Posted by: Mr. Chowda Head

[08-28-08 @ 2:28am] I consider the dark side of fantasy to be a relief from the bright side of reality. - Forrest J. Ackerman
  Posted by: Starr* Rathburn

[08-28-08 @ 2:27am] A plagiarist should be made to copy the author 100 times. - Karl Kraus
  Posted by: Starr* Rathburn

[08-28-08 @ 2:27am] Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who only dream by night. - Edgar Allan Poe
  Posted by: Starr* Rathburn

[08-04-08 @ 10:12pm] "It is generally not a good idea to put something you are allergic to in your mouth, especially if that thing is cats." ~Lemony Snicket
  Posted by: Figment

[07-15-08 @ 10:56pm] Appreciate with your whole heart what you have. If you don't, it won't last long. D.L.Fields
  Posted by: D.L. Fields

[07-06-08 @ 3:30pm] I am not young enough to know everything. -J.M. Barrie, author of Peter Pan
  Posted by: Erin-bo-baron

[07-04-08 @ 1:35pm] Look once...Listen twice .... Love til you get it right
  Posted by: Spirit Flying Solo

[06-22-08 @ 3:26pm] “I have great faith that there’s a master plan and that even if we don’t understand it and even if it’s heartbreaking, there’s a reason for everything. And I hold on to that.” -TERRI URWIN, widow of Steve Irwin
  Posted by: Being Diane

[05-15-08 @ 3:28pm] OT:Ugh, its the bold. I'll try and stop it. {/b}
  Posted by: Simplicity-In-A-Jar

[05-01-08 @ 5:00pm] Johnny: [to Mrs. Oveur] Where did you get that dress, it's awful, and those shoes and that coat, jeeeeez!
  Posted by: Simplicity-In-A-Jar

[05-01-08 @ 4:57pm] Steve McCroskey: The fog is getting thicker Johnny: And Leon is getting laaaaaarrrger! THE RETURN OF JOHNNY! AIRPLANE!
  Posted by: Simplicity-In-A-Jar

[04-27-08 @ 10:53pm] If you need something short and clever to say but you can't think of anything yourself, then just quote somebody else." __ somebody else
  Posted by: Steev the Friction Wizurd

[04-27-08 @ 7:31pm] " Dogs with red teeth aren't nice" Me of course. OT: I'm being an idiot.
  Posted by: Simplicity-In-A-Jar

  Posted by: Simplicity-In-A-Jar

[04-25-08 @ 10:10pm] Come on! Only one more view and i'll hit a hundred!
  Posted by: Simplicity-In-A-Jar

[04-25-08 @ 8:58pm] "It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it." Go ahead guess who? Try at it!
  Posted by: Simplicity-In-A-Jar

[04-23-08 @ 8:58pm] "I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada." - Britney Spears, Pop Singer
  Posted by: Simplicity-In-A-Jar

[04-23-08 @ 3:59pm] "How to store your baby walker: First, remove baby." - Anonymous Manufacturer
  Posted by: Simplicity-In-A-Jar

[04-23-08 @ 3:57pm] I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.
  Posted by: Simplicity-In-A-Jar

[04-23-08 @ 7:57am] "A hippie is someone who looks like Tarzan, walks like Jane and smells like Cheetah." - Ronald Reagan
  Posted by: Simplicity-In-A-Jar

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