: *Jenny*  
: 07-20-15 @ 8:31pm : Well apparently reviewing for me. I do so much of it to get my gps higher to be able to get another renewal. With my reviews, I have interacted with so many different people. And I review everything!
: Osirantinous  
: 12-20-14 @ 7:40pm : I actually like looking around at all the contests, seeing if one catches my eye, and just seeing the amazing things people put together. I also like perusing the newsfeed. Does that make me nosy?
: amy-Finally writing a novel.  
: 12-01-14 @ 12:27pm : I love reviewing the wonderful stories found on the site. I am also part of a blogging group and I really enjoy writing my blog entries.
: Rob G. ~Led by the Master~  
: 11-29-14 @ 8:32am : I like to spend my time reading and reviewing other authors, as well as taking a shot at a contest entry now and then.
: Tina B  
: 03-15-11 @ 7:06pm : I know this sounds silly, but my favorite thing to do is make new review tools. I love playing with fonts, styles, color, and even signatures. I probably need help. Or, at minimum, an intervention.
: Starr* Rathburn  
: 09-27-08 @ 12:19am : reading & writing & emailing friends. Keeping in touch with other writers of the DARK. :) *grin*
: SolarFlare  
: 09-01-08 @ 1:24pm : Bit of everything: developing new things for my port, contests, activities, reading & reviewing, exploring & learning about the nooks & crannies of the site, forum posting, reading blogs, playing puzzle contests, ... as the mood & the hyperlinks take me.
: Kaya  
: 06-10-08 @ 11:48pm : Hi! My name is Kaya and my sign is Aries. I... erm. Wrong In/Out. {e:blush} So... let's see. Making folks laugh! :-) Writing when the muse is willing. Reviewing. Running my contest. Yeah, all those. But mostly, making friends. ;-)
: Speedy's mom  
: 06-09-08 @ 4:48pm : How cute! My favorite way... hmmm... reviewing. :-D Then talking to my friends then writing!
: Simplicity-In-A-Jar  
: 05-07-08 @ 8:08am : Meeting and reading and meeting and reading!
: Maryann  
: 04-30-08 @ 8:37pm : 'talking with the long time writing.com friends I made here, and helping newbies. :-)
: Crys-not really here  
: 02-07-08 @ 2:49pm : Scroll, reviewing, writing in my blog, obsessively checking the tech support forum and other forums I go to regularly.
: Acme  
: 01-12-08 @ 2:51pm : That previous entry was after I clicked the "Ideanary" option in the drop down menu from the "Site Tools" in the navigation bar!
: Acme  
: 01-12-08 @ 2:50pm : clicking. IT'S ACE! boss, crackerjack, dandy, delicious, ducky, fab, fine and dandy, hot, keen, mean, neat, nifty, nobby (my personal fave), out of sight, peachy, ripping, rum, scrumptious, something else, spiffy, stunning, tough
: Lola - serially obsessed  
: 01-11-08 @ 2:16pm : 1. reading and reviewing, 2. finding ideas for new things to write about, 3. meeting new and interesting people, 4. blabbing in my blog.
: THANKFUL SONALI Love my family  
: 01-11-08 @ 12:19pm : 1. Entering contests 2. Reviewing 3. Checking my inbox and finding something new 99% of the time (I check every five minutes if I can!) 4. Doing word searches and interactives 5. Generally hanging around
: Elisa, Stik of Clubs  
: 01-11-08 @ 11:56am : any sort of writing (mostly journalling, but I can churn out some articles, poems and stuff like that)
Total Displayed: 17 |