Friend of someone: pentatonic  
Time: 01-28-10 @ 11:03am Whatever they said: Haha, she's killed for much less. *laughs nervously**cries a little in fear*
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 01-29-10 @ 7:37am Whatever they said: *hands him a tissue*
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 01-29-10 @ 8:42am Whatever they said: I just hope we don't discover a photo collection of her victims. That would be too much for me to handle. I don't even like to watch CSI shows on TV.
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 01-30-10 @ 3:47am Whatever they said: Really? All I need to do is imagine the director yelling "Cut!" and the victims getting back up on their feet and brushing the blood off their suits and saying to the guy who plays their murderer, "Hey, wanna go for a drink after this?"
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 01-30-10 @ 3:47am Whatever they said: Makes me feel much better.
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 01-30-10 @ 9:37am Whatever they said: But why watch it in the first place if you're convinced it's a hoax?
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 01-31-10 @ 5:07am Whatever they said: 'Cause I wanna see how believable the hoax is.
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 01-31-10 @ 9:43am Whatever they said: That's the difference between you and me. Or one of them. Hey, would you like to collaborate on a book about our differences?
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 02-02-10 @ 6:43am Whatever they said: Cool. 'K. What'll we call it?
Friend of someone: pentatonic  
Time: 02-02-10 @ 10:46am Whatever they said: Maybe: "Steve and Winter are Different and Here's Why".
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 02-02-10 @ 11:05am Whatever they said: Good title! You can be in charge of our "pages that only contain a few words" division. Together the three of us will produce a book.
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 02-05-10 @ 4:25am Whatever they said: Then we have to retitle it "Steve And Winter Are Different And Here's Why, With A Few Words By Penta".
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 02-05-10 @ 10:15am Whatever they said: And that's why we have to let Penta write the title page. He actually knows the meaning of the phrase "a few words". :P
Friend of someone: pentatonic  
Time: 02-05-10 @ 11:34am Whatever they said: Yep.
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 02-06-10 @ 9:27am Whatever they said: I rest my point.
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 02-07-10 @ 12:24am Whatever they said: *pokes his point* Get up. It's not naptime yet, buster.
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 02-07-10 @ 9:36am Whatever they said: Oh, that's right. I forgot we haven't had our oatmeal cookies and pink Koolaid yet.
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 02-08-10 @ 3:57am Whatever they said: Umh-hmh.
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 02-08-10 @ 8:47am Whatever they said: Roll out the mats! Nap time.
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 02-09-10 @ 7:45am Whatever they said: *zzzz
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 02-09-10 @ 9:22am Whatever they said: As they slept, a strange dream began to play out in their heads...
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 02-19-10 @ 6:50am Whatever they said: ... which was ...
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 02-19-10 @ 9:17am Whatever they said: ... strange ...
Friend of someone: pentatonic  
Time: 02-19-10 @ 11:35am Whatever they said: ...and involved...
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 02-20-10 @ 5:41am Whatever they said: ... lots of ...
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 02-20-10 @ 9:24am Whatever they said: ... use of the ellipsis ...
Friend of someone: pentatonic  
Time: 02-20-10 @ 6:15pm Whatever they said: ...but little substance...
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 02-21-10 @ 8:16am Whatever they said: When they woke up they looked at each other sheepishly and said...
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 02-23-10 @ 8:04am Whatever they said: ... "Who are you? And what the hell are you doing in my BED?!" ...
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 02-23-10 @ 10:01am Whatever they said: Then they giggled because they had said the same thing together like two people having the same thought at the same time and that made them smile and twinkle their eyes and wonder if a romance was beginning to happen between them...
Friend of someone: pentatonic  
Time: 02-23-10 @ 10:38am Whatever they said: Then, a rhinocerous charged into the room and broke all the mirrors!!!
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 02-24-10 @ 7:47am Whatever they said: And from the splinters of the mirrors rose the ghost of a dead lemming and it howled at the two starstruck almost-lovers and demanded hot chocolate or everlasting servitude. Or a blue Corvette, I don't know.
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 02-24-10 @ 9:02am Whatever they said: But it didn't get any of those items, it got a T-shirt that said "Lemmings do it together" and it screamed, "You guys are so lame it hurts my brain to even think about it!" Unfortunately, the rhinoceros found that remark very offensive
Friend of someone: pentatonic  
Time: 02-24-10 @ 11:31am Whatever they said: and we all know how rhinoceroses get sometimes...
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 02-25-10 @ 6:00am Whatever they said: ... rather ...
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 02-25-10 @ 10:08am Whatever they said: ... arrogant ...
Friend of someone: pentatonic  
Time: 02-25-10 @ 10:29am Whatever they said: ...with their dense epidermis...
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 02-26-10 @ 9:59am Whatever they said: ...and flair for uprooting mud-dwelling wildlife. I remember once when my Uncle Bob's rhinoceros, Herman, was out in the drainage ditch hunting for mudpuppies and we heard Bob yell, "Come here, boys, and see what old Herman has done found!"
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 02-28-10 @ 4:03am Whatever they said: The police investigation took five months and they still don't know who did it.
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 02-28-10 @ 9:15am Whatever they said: Or even how it was done. Or why.
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 03-02-10 @ 4:49am Whatever they said: Let alone when.
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 03-02-10 @ 7:42am Whatever they said: And as for the what... well, no one really wants to discuss that too much, especially around lunch time.
Friend of someone: Summer... who's she again?  
Time: 03-07-10 @ 10:48pm Whatever they said: *shrugs*
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 03-08-10 @ 6:26am Whatever they said: Want some of my sandwich?
Friend of someone: pentatonic  
Time: 03-08-10 @ 11:32am Whatever they said: What's in it?
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 03-09-10 @ 9:14am Whatever they said: No hairs this time, I promise!
Friend of someone: Dad  
Time: 03-09-10 @ 10:39pm Whatever they said: Don't! Notice how he didn't say he didn't put a booger in it!
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 03-10-10 @ 11:17am Whatever they said: I can't make a list of everything I didn't put in it! That's an unreasonable demand. Just eat the sandwich and write any complaints you may have on a napkin. The busboy will take care of it.
Friend of someone: pentatonic  
Time: 03-10-10 @ 1:49pm Whatever they said: Assuming I'm still alive afterward...
Friend of someone: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 03-11-10 @ 10:00am Whatever they said: I'm telling you, the busboy has your back. He's very good at interpreting whispered last remarks from dying people.
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