: Illyria  
: 11-26-06 @ 12:27pm : I am Red Ridding Hood! I traveled north and east to find my Grandma! But, I am shore she doesn't live here, in this lonly forrest! I am so tired! I think I will stay here and rest for few days!
: Illyria  
: 11-26-06 @ 6:04pm : I am Red Ridding Hood! Oh! Look, it's a hut! Since it is getting dark I can go there! I can sleep there at night, and then keep travelling in the morning!
: Illyria  
: 11-26-06 @ 6:08pm : I am Red Ridding Hood! I have entered thehut! And my my is it buteful! Why no one lives here? What a loanly llittle town! I am so hungry good thing I brought some home made cookies! Now, where can I sleep?
: Illyria  
: 11-26-06 @ 6:10pm : I am Red Ridding Hood! Look, a bed! Oh! This is soft! Ahm... Let, me count sheep to fall asleep! One sheep, two sheep, three sheep....
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 11-27-06 @ 7:04am : I am the wolf. I would really like to eat Red Riding Hood. But I am afraid it might be forbidden. Red Riding Hood is very strict. Maybe I will eat Grandma instead.
: Illyria  
: 11-27-06 @ 3:28pm : I am Red Ridding Hood! I have slept throuh 3:00! Oh! Look! I see a wolf! Hello! Do you want some of my cookies! My mom baked them!
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 11-27-06 @ 4:40pm : Hello! I am Grandma, and I'm relaxing in bed and watching Oprah and Dr. Phil while waiting for my granddaughter to show up.
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 11-27-06 @ 4:42pm : Hello! I am Grandma, and I hear somebody at the door. It must be Little Red Riding Hood. I go to the door and find out that it's a wolf. Is he Jehovah's Witness or is he selling encyclopaedias? Neither! Oh dear me!
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 11-27-06 @ 4:44pm : Hello! I am Grandma, and I'm in this beast's stomach sharing space with a Big Mac and some nacho--all, seemingly, swallowed whole. Frankfully, I'm thankful this critter inhales his food instead of chewing it...
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 11-27-06 @ 4:46pm : Hello! I am Grandma! Why Hello, Little Red Riding Hood! Fancy our meeting here in the belly of that disgusting wolf! What's in that basket you have with you? Anything edible?
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 11-28-06 @ 7:46am : I am Wolf. My belly feels like a the double twist helix roller coaster at Six Flags park. I think I'll throw up now.
: Illyria  
: 11-28-06 @ 3:52pm : I am Red Ridding Hood! Oh! Hello grandma, and yes I have cookies! Hmmm! I wonder if the mean scasry Wolf will poop us out?
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 11-28-06 @ 6:47pm : I am Grandma. Honey, the way that critter eats, I have a feeling that we might be making a round-trip instead of a one-way journey. I have a little Pepto-Bismol with me that just might put this ride in reverse if I dump it in here.
: Illyria  
: 11-28-06 @ 7:46pm : I am Red Ridding Hood! We better get some help GrNDMA! bUT, HOW? gRANDMA? Do you have you cell phone? You can cal the wolf and ask him to gag! Since there is no one we know in this shallow neighborhood!
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 11-28-06 @ 9:16pm : I am Wolf. I am grunting. I am pushing. I am wishing something would move but nothing does. I am feeling like my belly is full of concrete. Will I EVER get relief?
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 11-29-06 @ 3:02am : I am Grandma, and I just happen to have some Ex-Lax with me, so I'm going to drop it into your stomach now!
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 11-29-06 @ 5:27am : I am Wolf. Ahhhhhh.... Relief! My little visitors have left the building. I wonder what they are up to now...
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 11-29-06 @ 9:39am : Hello! I am Grandma. Glad we're on the city sewage system now instead of the septic tank, or we might be in this situation for months--or even years.
: Illyria  
: 11-29-06 @ 3:13pm : I am Red Ridding Hood! What kind of wonder land is this? Oh! What is that funky smeell? We got to get out of here! I know all sewers lead to the oceans,and seas! Right?
: Illyria  
: 11-29-06 @ 3:16pm : well, the exit to the ocea is very dangerous, and far away! But we can use this very long dead eal that got trapped here, and use it to climb out of here back to the hut's toilet! Ready grandma?
: Illyria  
: 11-29-06 @ 9:37pm : Let's go! Woop we are out! Aty least I am! well, I will get revenge at the wolf , I will clime to that library and see if I can turn him into something weak so I can destroy him!
: Illyria  
: 11-29-06 @ 9:40pm : I am Red Ridding hood! Climbbing up the hill! Here I am ! And look Magic section is right here! What do you know? Ok! Turn into! ... turn into...got it! turn into apple, juice, bug, tiger, princes... rabbit! GGot it rabbity!
: Illyria  
: 11-29-06 @ 9:46pm : I am Red Ridding hood! Wow I will need time to turn him! I need a carrot, and a blender! Blender? Oh! Hopmade carrot juice! I also need say those magical words, oh one word let's see "carrotwordirabbitosturnosucouticarrotdosis"
: Illyria  
: 11-29-06 @ 9:47pm : I am Red Ridding hood! OK! I am geetting the ingreadientse! Listen to the evil laugh! Ha Ha ha! You will pay Wolf, or should I say Wabbit?
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 11-30-06 @ 6:39am : I am Wabbit, the creature formally known as Wolf, until that mean-spirited little witch riding hood tricked me into drinking her carrot potion.
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 11-30-06 @ 6:41am : I am Wabbit, hear me roar. No, nobody remembers that song. Oh, I miss being Wolf sooo much! *sigh* Now no one is scared of me. They just want to play with my fluffy tale.
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 11-30-06 @ 6:42am : What big ears you have, they say. Why do you have such big ears? I say because wabbits ALWAYS have big ears, you stupid jerk!
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 11-30-06 @ 6:43am : I am Wabbit. Tonight I will dream of being a wolf and chasing rabbits and catching them and eating them. In the morning I have an appointment with my psychiatrist.
: Illyria  
: 11-30-06 @ 5:41pm : I am Ridding Hood! Oh, darn spoiled pies! I thought that by turning him into a rabbit, I could kill, him! But, he is too cute! Aren't you? Yes you are.. yes you are look at that little facy! Oh! He is getting to me!Oh, darn spoiled pies!
: Illyria  
: 11-30-06 @ 5:42pm : Now! I gotta find gramdma!
: Illyria  
: 11-30-06 @ 5:44pm : I am Red Ridding Hood! Darn spoiled pies! I got to find grandma!
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-01-06 @ 9:16am : I am Wabbit. Hmmm.... some advantages here. Everybody thinks I'm cute now and they don't want to run away from me. On the other hand, now I can only eat veggies. And they never did run away.
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 12-02-06 @ 2:01am : I am Grandma and so glad to be home. Oh Red! What an adorable, little bunny rabbit you have there! Where did you find her? No, Red, that's not a him, that's a her--and she's preggers!
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-02-06 @ 5:27am : I am Wabbit. I finally found where Red hides the carrot juice potion. I slipped some in Grandma's drink. Ooo, look at Grandma turn funny colors and morph. I wonder what she will be?
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-02-06 @ 5:30am : I am Wabbit. Grandma turned into a little bald man with a big gun. He says his name is Elmer Fudd. Hmmm... I wonder if he's the one that put a cake in my oven?
: Illyria  
: 12-02-06 @ 12:28pm : Oh! Holly Chezzee maccaronii! What is that ugly bold men with a gun! I show you! I just got back from my vidio karate lessons! Don't you come closer I am on the 5th tape now! Watch out Wabbit this may get ugly! He ya!
: Illyria  
: 12-02-06 @ 12:34pm : Since I beat the crackers out of this guy,I think I should tie him up to this chair!Now!Wabbit!Get some beans!We are going to torture him!When he wakes up, and doesn't answer our questions we give him beans! But, if he likes them, we feed dude lemons!
: Illyria  
: 12-02-06 @ 12:37pm : Ok! He isn't getting out of this one! I super glued his butt, tied him up with ropes, and wires, he ain't getting out! Until I untie him! Now we wait! Till he gets up!
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 12-02-06 @ 3:39pm : I am Elmer Fudd. I kinda wemember being a gwandma, and I think that that's my gwanddaughter Wed Widding Hood. She is cwazy about that pwegnant wabbit, so she kawattied me and tied me up. What is a gwandma turned bald-headed old man to do!?!
: Illyria  
: 12-02-06 @ 5:54pm : I am Red Ridding Hood! Lier! You are not the old woman! Ok! You lied once now you get beans'n lemonns! Ha! Ha! Ha! I slap you! Ha! Who are you and why are you in my hut... with a gun!
: Illyria  
: 12-02-06 @ 5:58pm : I am Red Ridding Hood! Look Elmer Shlemer! Fudd... ee... Flud! Oh! Girl you don't know how good you are! I can go to the High Hill Library any time! Get a posion book, and turn you into a bikini! Belive me it's not fun! Answer!
: Illyria  
: 12-02-06 @ 6:27pm : I am Red Ridding Hood! And it's not like it's possible that Wabbit used magical Carrot juice to turn you into a man name Elmer Fudd! Right Wabbit?
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-03-06 @ 5:40am : I am Wabbit. I did it! I did it! I created a Fudd! Oooooo, I feel like Doctor Frakenstein must have felt... LIFE!
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-03-06 @ 5:41am : Heeheeheee... I am Wabbit. Now I must try my magic Carrot juice on Red Riding Hood. Come here, Little Red Riding Hood. Are you thirsty?
: Illyria  
: 12-03-06 @ 1:49pm : Ah! No! You monster! You might look innocent but you are pure evil! Why Wabbit! Why!? I understtand why you want to reveange me! But, why Grandma! She was nothing but good to you!
: Illyria  
: 12-03-06 @ 1:50pm : I am Red Ridding Hood! why wolf!
: Illyria  
: 12-03-06 @ 1:52pm : I am Red Ridding Hood! I like to stay thhat way... no! no......
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 12-04-06 @ 2:41am : I am Elmer Fudd who once was Grandma! Wed Widing Hood! What's happening to you!?! You're turning into the Woadwunner!
: Aradne  
: 12-04-06 @ 3:35am : I am the mother of 4.
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-04-06 @ 8:33am : I am Wabbit. Hello, Mother of Four! Four what? I hope it's not something that bites. Look! It's Little Red Roadrunner! What happened Little Red? Did you drink some magic carrot juice? Muahahahahahaha!
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-04-06 @ 8:34am : I am Wabbit. I challenge you, Little Red Roadrunner to a race! The loser has to drink more magic carrot juice. Muahahahahaha!
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 12-04-06 @ 1:41pm : I am Elmer Fudd (once Gwandma)! Wabbit lost to Woadwunner and had to dwink the cawwot juice! Now he's Daffy Duck, and--GUESS WHAT!?!--it's duck-hunting season!
: Illyria  
: 12-04-06 @ 5:05pm : Who is rafing now? Ha! Ha! HA! Grandma Fudd grab your gun! Let's tie the Duck to the chair!
: Illyria  
: 12-04-06 @ 5:09pm : I am Little Red Roadrunner! we tied duck to the chair now we must punish it! But, how? I know carrot juice, oh no! It's finished! I'll go to thew library!
: Illyria  
: 12-04-06 @ 5:15pm : I am Little Red Roadrunner! Climbbing up the hill! .........
: Illyria  
: 12-04-06 @ 5:20pm : ......got here! Hmmm. Magic book! See, make runny, bunny, funny, sunny, ... benge, blacamospertage, vegi , revenge! Ok! Reading! Revenge potion takes evil desi.........
: Illyria  
: 12-04-06 @ 5:21pm : res out of our hearts and puts them into the posion! Creats something strange! Needs lemons, chocolate milk, and tioothpaste! Ok! Mixin!.....
: Illyria  
: 12-04-06 @ 5:21pm : Got it! Now I spill it on rabbit and...
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-05-06 @ 10:54am : I am FRANKENSTEIN! Mwahahahahahaha! Everyone must die, crushed to death under my big clumsy clumping shoes as I stomp around with my arms outstretched. STOMP! STOMP! STOMP!
: Illyria  
: 12-05-06 @ 3:33pm : I am Little Red Roadrunner! I spil it again!
: Illyria  
: 12-05-06 @ 3:37pm : I am Little Red Roadrunner! While he is turning back I will look through books! Let's see!spellback.. chilly...spellback! Lets see. "All the magic we have done, We turned evil inside us on! Return are spell, In the ring of magic bell!
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-06-06 @ 5:30am : Ack! Gasp! Cough! What the_? Who is ringing that very annoying bell?
: Illyria  
: 12-06-06 @ 4:06pm : I am Red Ridding hood again! Wolf! Grandma! Great!
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 12-06-06 @ 9:26pm : I am Grandma--and glad of it! I've just called animal control, and guess who won't be here for dinner!
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-07-06 @ 8:47am : I am Wolf. My, that animal control officer tasted good. A pleasant snack. And now, me pretties, what's for dinner? *grin*
: Illyria  
: 12-07-06 @ 5:31pm : I am red Ridding Hood! Tofu Turkey, Wolf! No eating us! What did the doctor say to you, " No eating people!
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-08-06 @ 8:00am : I am Wolf. My doctor has me on a low-Grandma diet and I have to cut out those "little girls dressed in red" snacks. *sigh*
: Illyria  
: 12-08-06 @ 7:27pm : I am red ridding hood! That's right! Now, look the mail man! Get the mail, and if you like it him, not the mail the man!
: Illyria  
: 12-08-06 @ 7:30pm : I am red ridding hood! What is in the mail? The ivetetion? To the Cheap Chrystal Ball Club? We will go there no matter how far it is! Wolf you can eat hthe members! Let's go!
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-09-06 @ 7:23am : I am Wolf. We are off to the Ball! What color gown should I wear?
: Illyria  
: 12-09-06 @ 11:59am : i aM RED RIDDING HOOD , red!
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-10-06 @ 8:06am : I am Wolf - grey, black, and a touch of white. I hope Grandma doesn't wear that old pink housecoat again. And where is the Woodchopper?
: Illyria  
: 12-10-06 @ 2:27pm : I am red ridding hood, why? I don't know! Let's go already! I am gone! See ya there!
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 12-10-06 @ 3:47pm : I am Grandma, and I'm staying home and watching Grey's Anatomy because I can do that just fine in my comfy pink housecoat. Have fun, kiddos!
: Aradne  
: 12-11-06 @ 7:42pm : I am the mother of 4, and also a huge Grey's Anatomy fan. (Not Grey's actually anatomy, however. Just the television show)
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-13-06 @ 10:10am : I am Wolf. I have an anatomy. Do you want to see it?
: Illyria  
: 12-13-06 @ 9:01pm : I am red riddinng hood, and no! Oh! My mother of 4 needs a make over! No offence! K! Hook er up! Where is my purse!?
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-15-06 @ 5:42am : I am Wolf. Here's your purse. I had to borrow a few coins for a phone call. Where's the coin slot on this pay cellphone?
: Illyria  
: 12-16-06 @ 12:39pm : I am Red Ridding Hood! I am going!
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 12-20-06 @ 8:22am : I am the producer of a reality In & Out program. Now that the Red Riding Hood story has wrapped up, it's time to begin a series about people who get stuck in an elevator. Who will volunteer to become cast members?
: Illyria  
: 12-20-06 @ 9:31pm : I am Red Ridding hood! What do you mean wrapped up? Arer we are wrapped? Wrapped in toilet paper, with our mouths taped, and with a rag in our throaths, with our bodie taped up? Winter? Who are you?
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 12-20-06 @ 10:45pm : Well, Red. you're now competing on "Survivor--Stuck In An Elevator" for a million dollars--in Monopoly money, that is. Each week, one contestant will be voted out of the elevator with a Monopoly game piece as a consolation prize.
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 12-20-06 @ 10:48pm : To make things even more interesting, the only foods served to the contestants on the elevator will be beans, saurkraut, potato chips, beer, and carbonated beverages.
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-21-06 @ 7:24am : I am Wolf. I do not eat potato chips and sourkraut. I chew the flesh off of reality show producers. But first I will chew the tape off of Red and set her free.
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 12-21-06 @ 12:21pm : W-w-whoa! I-I'm n-not the producer! J-j-just the an-n-n-nouncer. OUCH! St-stop that, and I'll t-t-take you to the producer! D-d-d-deal? (um...I don't think Wolfman here is interested in making deals, so I'm outta here...) (exits)
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 12-21-06 @ 12:22pm : (Why do I get the sneaking feeling that Wolfman simply wants my job and not my body?)
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 12-21-06 @ 12:25pm : (No matter! There's got to be an easier job than this, so I'm staying far away from Wolfman and his appetite! After all, he might want my job and my body, too!)
: Illyria  
: 12-22-06 @ 9:38pm : I am Red and I am scared!
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 12-23-06 @ 6:41am : I am WOLF! Hear me roar! GRRRRRRRR! ... Just kidding. No, really. I'm just a puppydog at heart. I realize you might find my jaws intimidating but my brain is really friendly.
: Illyria  
: 01-01-07 @ 12:35pm : I am red! You ate me before Friendly brain!
: Illyria  
: 02-14-07 @ 1:10pm : I am red! Will not stand for this ! I am going to turn me into a hunter so I could hunt you down Ali! Kali! Fu pata!
: Illyria  
: 02-14-07 @ 1:13pm : I am a Victoria Secret model, I will shoot you with my... thong? That's not right! Why am III shooting lip gloss tube using a thing? I am not a hunter! Shoot! I must of got the spell wrong.
: Illyria  
: 02-14-07 @ 1:15pm : Ouch! This dress is tight! Oh well! I will still hunt you down, even if it means using lipgloss, and thongs ASmy weapons! Shoot!
: Illyria  
: 02-15-07 @ 4:41pm : I am a model, now that I hurt wolf with my thong,he and grandma flew away to Sandiego, I go find em! I will find the thong too! Maybe just the underware! YGive me a brake it is the number one thong in America!
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