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Rated: 13+ · In & Out · Comedy · #1099422
A little In and Out, Where you get to write witty epitaphs!
Image taken for my I/O, Amusing Epitaphs

Amusing Epitaphs, the In and Out…

*Note1*You’ve seen them and read about them, those amusing epitaphs on some head stones. They usually creep up around Halloween, in peoples front lawns. I am guilty of owning and creating several of them! This is just a place for your creative juices to flow, and create an amusing epitaph of your own.*Bigsmile*

*Wink**Wink* *Wink* *Wink* *Wink* *Wink* *Wink* *Wink*

*Heart*It’s easy, here is all you have to do. Create an amazing or unusual name, and create a poem or saying regarding this particular person’s method of death. (Think Darwin Awards). If the name is more of a description, describe the shape, or the orientation of the headstone. *Heart*


Here are some examples, in case I have thoroughly confused you:


Name: Ima Hogg. Epitaph: She was too fond of sugary cakes, now she is dead, for goodness sakes!


Name: Eileen Overoffen. Headstone Description: The headstone leans to one side.

*Note1*OR: You can do a combo of both… For example, Joaquin Deadman would have a headstone in the shape of an electric chair, and perhaps an epitaph stating: He fried. He died.

*Note1*ANOTHER OPTION: Writing a poem about a Darwin Award kind of death. For example: Chuck was brave, Chuck was strong, the bungee cord was just too long.

*Question*Get it?*Question*

*Bigsmile*Well, not many do, but you can at least try! Have fun with it, I can’t wait to read what you have created!*Bigsmile*

Epitaph Engineer: Coal Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 05-17-07 @ 3:49pm
Amusing Epitaph: Goodnight you Princes of High Places, Kings of Long Bungie Cords

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 05-17-07 @ 6:25pm
Amusing Epitaph: Adora Bull: She was entrhalled by her own reflection; but the mirror broke, she cut herself, and died of a raging infection!

Epitaph Engineer: Coal Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 06-07-07 @ 5:50pm
Amusing Epitaph: Here lies Lifetime Channel. All us innocent guys killed it.

Epitaph Engineer: Mark Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 07-18-07 @ 3:12pm
Amusing Epitaph: He lies Aliza Lott, whose last lie got her shot

Epitaph Engineer: Mark Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 07-25-07 @ 12:53pm
Amusing Epitaph: Here, 'bout six foot down -lies the body of Nototious Nate - men hated him, ladies thought he was great. He lived large, if not unruley - until Sterile Steve came and shot 'im - when he found his wife was late.

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 09-08-07 @ 10:55am
Amusing Epitaph: Here Lies A Man Named Greg, He Had An Extra Leg. He Put On A Thong, That Ripped Off His Wong, And That Was The End Of His "Leg!"

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 09-08-07 @ 10:59am
Amusing Epitaph: In This Hole Is Pete. He was A Sneaky Cheat. He Courted My Sister, I Shot But I Missed Her, 'Least The Bugs Will Have Something To Eat!

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 09-08-07 @ 11:00am
Amusing Epitaph: Mandy Kaying: Watch Your Step!

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 10-25-07 @ 6:39pm
Amusing Epitaph: Here Lie The Bones Of An Unknown Sot. His Body Won't Rot, He Drank A Lot.

Epitaph Engineer: Coal Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 10-26-07 @ 4:55pm
Amusing Epitaph: Riverboat Joel. Borrowed to play. Got himself in the hoel

Epitaph Engineer: pentatonic Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 10-26-07 @ 7:53pm
Amusing Epitaph: I died. Frank (get it?)

Epitaph Engineer: Coal Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 10-26-07 @ 10:48pm
Amusing Epitaph: Frank Lee. Buried in reality.

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 10-27-07 @ 8:14am
Amusing Epitaph: Anita Shovel

Epitaph Engineer: pentatonic Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 10-28-07 @ 5:58pm
Amusing Epitaph: Bill DaCaughin

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 10-29-07 @ 6:24am
Amusing Epitaph: Phil Erupp: At A Gas Station, One Fine November, He Lit A Cigar And Turned Into An Ember.

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 10-29-07 @ 6:25am
Amusing Epitaph: Manuel Dunn: Habitually Forgot His Sunscreen

Epitaph Engineer: Coal Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 12-05-07 @ 7:34pm
Amusing Epitaph: Sensa Yuma: Lost it all but kept the tuma

Epitaph Engineer: pentatonic Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 12-05-07 @ 10:09pm
Amusing Epitaph: Tom E. Gunde: Shouldn't have hung out with gangsters

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 12-06-07 @ 6:09am
Amusing Epitaph: Kevin Federline... After Line After Line After Line.

Epitaph Engineer: Coal Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 12-06-07 @ 12:49pm
Amusing Epitaph: Mel O'deed: shoulda raced cars, sure loved speed

Epitaph Engineer: GMakin Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 12-06-07 @ 12:55pm
Amusing Epitaph: Lucy Lastic - Bungied badly

Epitaph Engineer: Summer... who's she again? Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 05-01-08 @ 11:56am
Amusing Epitaph: Here lies Hugh Jass... who had one. (Say out loud for best results!)

Epitaph Engineer: Summer... who's she again? Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 05-01-08 @ 11:58am
Amusing Epitaph: Sndra Slater / met her end / from the alligator / of a friend.

Epitaph Engineer: Katya the Poet Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 10-17-08 @ 1:23pm
Amusing Epitaph: Katya Outback / With my fellow / That's why your nails are / Turning yellow

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 10-18-08 @ 8:17pm
Amusing Epitaph: They say your hair grows/ After you die / Now you'll finally have some / You old baldy guy

Epitaph Engineer: Steev the Friction Wizurd Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 10-20-08 @ 8:12am
Amusing Epitaph: Here lies little Summer's Child / She lived a life that was way too wild / Now her days of fun are done / Put to rest by her boyfriend's gun.

Epitaph Engineer: pentatonic Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 10-20-08 @ 2:27pm
Amusing Epitaph: Bob Dandy Weaved: He just couldn't avoid that fatal jab...

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 10-20-08 @ 7:01pm
Amusing Epitaph: He drank too much, His car went crunch, Now he is a maggots lunch.

Epitaph Engineer: Coal Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 10-23-08 @ 3:52pm
Amusing Epitaph: Rosylyn Dempty/beautiful dive/pool was empty

Epitaph Engineer: Coal Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 10-23-08 @ 3:54pm
Amusing Epitaph: Bailey Murph/"10" on the beach/"0" in the surf

Epitaph Engineer: Coal Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 10-23-08 @ 3:55pm
Amusing Epitaph: J.C. Digger/Dug for clams/Clam was bigger

Epitaph Engineer: Summer... who's she again? Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 11-01-08 @ 10:24am
Amusing Epitaph: Mary D. Elf / stuffed a lion / with herself

Epitaph Engineer: Coal Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 11-19-08 @ 8:39pm
Amusing Epitaph: Bartholomew/claimed he was fast/wasn't true

Epitaph Engineer: Coal Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 11-19-08 @ 8:40pm
Amusing Epitaph: Harold Bonesby

Epitaph Engineer: Summer... who's she again? Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 12-23-08 @ 10:12am
Amusing Epitaph: Took the dare, he had the nerve / Tried my grandma's plum preserve / Oh the poor fool, said it stank / Grammy threw him 'fore a tank.

Epitaph Engineer: Mark Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 12-23-08 @ 11:42am
Amusing Epitaph: It's a grave, but don't grieve, it's not really sad, it's just Steve

Epitaph Engineer: Mark Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 12-23-08 @ 2:39pm
Amusing Epitaph: 'Member poor Daryl's hideous fate and smile, 'stead of tellin' your lover she smell like she been festerin' a while.

Epitaph Engineer: Mark Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 12-23-08 @ 3:03pm
Amusing Epitaph: Folks Called him Gawd-All-Mikey the mining Monkey. Met his fate when Ashley came down his shaft, and was a bit too chunkey.

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 12-24-08 @ 8:38am
Amusing Epitaph: "He gelled his hair, so he'd be hotter, too close to a flare, now he's a rotter."

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 12-24-08 @ 8:39am
Amusing Epitaph: Pete Moss - He's Been Here A While

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 12-24-08 @ 8:41am
Amusing Epitaph: O. Howie Rotz

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 12-24-08 @ 8:42am
Amusing Epitaph: Mike Arcus Lies Here

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 12-24-08 @ 8:43am
Amusing Epitaph: May Herb Otty Rest In Peace

Epitaph Engineer: SilverMoon Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 08-19-09 @ 6:35pm
Amusing Epitaph: He never noticed the hungry signs/Those large fish, up to the brim/Handsome face, his scent divine/Shark attendant, Lucky Jim

Epitaph Engineer: Dad Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 08-21-09 @ 10:14pm
Amusing Epitaph: Here lies Hugh G. Rection. At least he was popular with the ladies.

Epitaph Engineer: Mark Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 08-22-09 @ 10:46am
Amusing Epitaph: It's right here where we filled the hole with a box, that we filled with Phil. Don't grieve, he was a pill, just ask his wife, who'd fallen ill, got ignored then planned his spill. (cont.)

Epitaph Engineer: Mark Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 08-22-09 @ 10:47am
Amusing Epitaph: Poor Phil, down a hill like a rolling log, and into the mill. We're not sure if he's the box, or the fill.

Epitaph Engineer: Ravenwand, Rising Star! Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 02-07-10 @ 9:58pm
Amusing Epitaph: He Got The Trots, From Bad Tater Tots, Pooped Too Much, Now He Rots.

Epitaph Engineer: CopyPaper Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 04-19-10 @ 7:00am
Amusing Epitaph: Hugh Jactor, bumped his head. Fell into a trash compactor, now he's dead.

Epitaph Engineer: SilverMoon Author IconMail Icon
Untimely Demise: 04-20-10 @ 4:27pm
Amusing Epitaph: OT: LMAO Raven Ellie Mae Muse, had an excuse, yet her big caboose hung from a noose. Later on, her butt was chartreuse. RIP

Total Displayed: 50

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