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If you could put a law into place, what would it be. |
How often have you said or heard it said, "There ought to be a law..." How many could we enact to make the world a better place. Example: There ought to be a law: Politicians can only make speeches about their own short comings. Here's your chance to write the laws you feel should be in place. Don't just complain about the state of things, make some changes. (No capital punishment allowed.we want to improve society not decimate it.) |
There ought to be a law...that allows high schools and colleges to have night classes from 7:00 pm to 2:00 am There ought to be a law...that schools can not start before 9:30 am There ought to be a law... that requires all adult TV shows to air their commercials only after 8:00 at night. I have a three year old nephew that my family has to rush out of the room every time there's a commercial with a zombie in it! There should be a law where people paying for items with change should be forced into a "Change Only" line. And they should further be forced to only put in one coin at a time so they know what it's like to wait forever. There should be a law to prevent agencies or individuals from providing assistance, food or shelter or financial, to persons that enter our country without proper documentation. No rewards for bad behavior. There ought to be a law...for when someone's standing so close to you in line at the grocery store that their chest nearly presses against your back, you have the right to smack them in the face with your purse. There ought to be a law preventing commercial producers from jacking up the volume in thier adds to twice that of the movie your watching. There outght to be law where animals shan't be tortured. Its the crulest thing in the world and its just sick There ought to be a law where there are no laws... Wait a second! There ought to be a law forbidding men from saying "nothing" when asked what is wrong when it's obvious something is wrong. that Simon Cowell (on American Idol) has to say at least ten nice things for every 1 mean thing he says to the contestants. that allows me to cry in public without being told "don't cry" There ought to be a law..against freethinking writers posting ridiculous thoughts on the internet- you never know- it could result in original thinking or some other damned hellbound idea. There ought to be a law againsein ghetto housing projects against advertisers pumping up the volume on your television to make sure you ask your Doctor about Agitakin, to cure your agitation at such interference! There ought to be a law that stops teacher from giving more than two paragraphs to write for homework when the student have a giant project they need to finish. >~< There ought to be a law against writing..."there ought to be a law..." There ought to be a law against loud, personal conversations on cellphones in public places! ...that says that we replant the rain forrest! Why not make WAR illegal. Start a war, we drop used bandaids all over your country. And flying squirrels. And DVDs of 'Borat vs. Roseanne Barr, a Decathlon of Decadence' There ought to be a law requiring prospective parents to go to parenting school. There ought to be a law requiring violent criminals to take out their aggression at the dump, separating recyclables. (or rebuilding polar ice caps one cube at a time) There should be a law outlawing lawyers as politicans and judges. That way they are less likely to benefit themselves and encourge red tape instead of fixing it. There ought to be a law against self-importance... ...against all vanity products (if there were none, wouldn't we all still face the same proportion of "flaws"/beauty - but without the cost and low self esteem?) ...that provides (really, and fully) for the families of rescue workers who are hurt or die in the line of duty. ...that employees in charitable organization make no more money than equivelent jobs in government. ...againt vegetarian tailgating ...against intolerance. How can we tolerate this any longer? ...parents lying to their children The ought to be a law...That if you've gained weight (namely Britney spears) don't go on stage in your underwear. There should definitely be a law against frivolous civil suits. Only sue someone if pain and suffering was actually caused, and it wasn't you're own stupid fault! My law would be very simple. If you are not a legal citizen of this country you must leave. And, if you are a legal citizen, the only language you can speak is English. There ought to be a law about those commercial spots on TV that envourage people to call 1 800 SHYSTER and sue somebody. There ought to be a law that electronic signals from the brain are delayed at least 10 seconds before directing the mouth or fingers. There ought to be a law that states that anyone who comes through my home town trying to get to the beach should have to pay me a toll! Even @ a penny, Id be richer then Bill Gates by the end of day one! There ought to be a law creating a tax incentive for anybody planting a tree on their property- and one additional lungful of fresh air every day the tree is alive. There ought to be a law that all traffic lights be equipped with a backup solar battery so that in case of a power failure the lights will still work. Yhere oughta be a law requiring a waiting period before people adopt a pet. This would give them time to think over all the responsibilities and whether they can and really want to take care of a pet. There ought to be a law limiting the number of judge shows about small claims court that may be shown on TV in a single day. There ought to be a law against having people collecting money for a cause standing in the middle of the road at intersections. There ought to be a law prohibiting politicians and other advertisers from sticking papers under windshield wipers! There ought to be a law against saying 'basically' in every sentence. There should be a law that people have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them. There ought to be a law against the city simultaneously repairing five roads on the same side of town. I say outlaw congress from serving more that two 4 year terms. fresh blood means fresh ideas There ought to be a law that cell phone conversations do not automatically elevate you to King or Queen of the Universe. Memo to cell-heads- "WE DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR CAT. PAY ATTENTION. WE'RE ALIVE HERE TOO!" There ought to be a law that on Valentine's Day, all girls MUST get chocolate. There ought to be a law - that every 5 years you have to go through driver's ed again so you know that RED MEANS STOP!. I had 5 people turn in front of me at a green light! GOOD GOD PEOPLE RED = STOP!!! I feel better thanks. There ought to be a law where all street lights must be synchronized by sattelite. Can you imagine the money we'd save on gas, disc brakes, auto repair, road rage internment, seltzers, war, global warm..... ...that people can't pull out in front of your car, only to go realllly slllowwwwly for one block, only to take another right. There ought to be a law against talking in the cinema and requires confiscation of all mobile phones before entering into the movie theater Here Here! Although if we had too many ought to be laws the world could turn to chaotic control. Very interesting list. I especially liked the childrens services. There ought to be a law...that if you work in fast food at the drive thru people can't dig in their nose and hand you the money There ought to be an international law eradicating Diplomatic Immunity. Just because someone has political power and/or is a member of a royal family doesn't mean they should be given lighter judicial treatment. Chewing sweets at your desk at work all day long as a form of harrassing your colleagues who are actually working! Aaaargh!! There ought to be a law banning people from arguing based on their opinion alone. Just because you believe it doesn't make it so - get the facts! There ought to be a law.... Requiring that all campain signs must be removed by 8:00am the morning following Election Day. There ought to be a law preventing actors from becoming politicians. One of my students imitating Swift's Modest Proposal: There should be a law issuing everyone with shock collars to prevent jaywalking. If it works, it can also be used for drinking, premarital sex, and skipping class. that is punishable with the death penalty for spelling errors, unless they can be proven, beyond the shadow of a doubt, to be typos. There ought to be a law...that ALL teenagers are not to be judged by older people as unhonest, irresposible, drug users, and alcoholics...until it is a proven fact. There ought to be a law...That DNA testing for President be mandatory. (Just to make sure he is human). There ought to be a law.....that at least 68% of the male population should look like Josh Holloway (Sawyer). There ought to be a law that bans people from talking on and on,not letting the other person get a word in edgwise, and boring their head off. (This happened to me today. I was ready for the drone police.) that outlaws humidity and heatwaves. I hate them. There ought to be a law that if you can honestly do a better job, you SHOULD, and stop whining about someone else's attempt. there ought to be a law where politicians make minimum wage until "We the people think they deserve a raise. There ought to be law - to where beer is not cheaper than a soda. You can two beers for $1.19 and the corner store, but you pay $1.30 for a 16 oz soda. Go figure. There ought to be a law preventing people from holding up shopping lines when they begin to empty their bags to count out every little spare change they've got. There ought to be a law....that everyone has to walk in the person they are tring to judge shoe's for a few weeks before they can judge them. There ought to be a law... that doesn't allow children's services to think they are Gods. There ought to be a law... that makes Windows illegal and requires people to my Macs!!! Bill Gates is rich enough!! Macs are better, people! There ought to be a law requiring managers of McDonald's to be over 25 years old and have a good attitude! There ought to be a law....that ex-fiances cannot continue to be sexy and endearing long after the split-up. There ought to be a law...that good teachers should be held in high regard and that producing a worthy education system should be made the top-most priority...hoew esle ppl comunikate goode and undresatnd ecah ohter? There ought to be a law... that forbids the waxing of fresh fruit & veggies. (cucumbers, apples, etc) There ought to be a law...that bans those fear mongering OnStar commercials. There ought to be a law against illegal immigration...oh, wait, scratch that. A little birdie just told me that there is one, huh? There should be a law that bands cop cars from hiding in bushes to catch speeders. Being so sneaky is not nice. There ought to be a law... That stupid people can NOT be appointed president. (Not pointing any fingers) There ought to be a law... that NO ONE can wear their pants sagging. If the pants are too big... GET A FREAKIN BELT or pants that actually fit. There ought to be a law that whenever there are double entry doors, BOTH doors are unlocked, not just the one I invariably choose that IS locked. There ought to be a law...extending the amount of hours there are in a day! I cannot accomplish everything I would like to in such meager time! And can the sun stay out longer...please? There ought to be a law...banning rude people from speaking. Whatever happened to "hi! good morning! thanks! (and) sorry!" If a person is not courteous, s/he should be fined. There ought to be a law... that grants women complete diplomatic immunity whenever they are menstruating There ought to be a law... that allows you to ram the hell out of anyone that drives ten miles or more below the posted speed limit during rush hour traffic. There ought to be a law saying politicians and famous people have the EXACT same rights as the common man and woman. Send them to real jails too! There ought to be a law...that men (or women) not blow snot out of their noses in plain view of others! SICK! There ought to be a law....One should apply for a license to become a parent "There ought to be a law... that anyone claiming to be a webmaster (esp someone you succeeded the position as), should know the difference between WYSIWYG editing and real code ;o) There ought to be a law... that requires you to be able to read an entire Dick and Jane book without assistance before you can create your own review forum. There ought to be a law preventing windowless envelopes to exist. You cannot keep up with the right envelopes anyway. If someone in the car ahead of you flicks a cigarette out the window you should be able to ram him. There ought to be a law... that requires deer to look both ways before crossing the interstate. There ought to be a law... that prohibits the President from making "important" live announcements in the middle of otherwise entertaining television programs. There ought to be a law...outlawing rain for more than 20 days in a row! There ought to be a law... that says a person cannot go to work without first brushing their teeth. I mean, geez! When in close quarters, bad morning breath can kill. That cars must be labeled "CAUTION" if the driver has a certain number of tickets or accidents on his record. There ought to be a law... That lawyers cannot be appointed to government positions Total Displayed: 100 |