This is the survey to vote for winners in Best Fantasy/Sci-fi in "The Quills" .
You can see a full list of nominees here: "Invalid Item" . Voting will close at 11:59pm WDC on Sunday 22 February 2015.
The final ceremony will be held live at the end of the month or beginning of March at an In & Out to be created soon.
Guidelines (please read and watch the video!)
For each category, list the nominees (using the numbers provided) in order from first choice to last choice. You must list at least 2 choices for your ballot to be valid!
You don't have to list all of them, but you're welcome to. Likewise, you don't have to vote in all categories.
You cannot vote for yourself.
Be honest and fair! Vote based on quality, not your personal relationship with the authors.
Votes will be tallied and used to select winners and honorable mentions for genre categories.
Be careful how you vote, as you can only fill out 1 ballot per category!
Authorized secondary accounts may not vote, to prevent double-voting.
A special thanks to Mandy for working hard to sort all of this year's nominees into their appropriate genre categories! Thanks, Miss Bee! 
Most commonly asked/most important questions marked by 
I strongly encourage you to take a minute to look through these to avoid any confusion! Thanks!
Q: Are these all the categories? ▼
A: Nope, you can check out all the categories here: " Invalid Item"  Only the genre categories are decided by the public. The rest are being judged by our panel of all-star judges.
Q: Who can vote? ▼
A: All registered users and authors, except secondary accounts, are allowed to vote. If you can see this, you can probably vote!
Q: How should I vote? ▼
A: Select the item(s) you believe should receive the Quill Award or an honorable mention for the category, the items you think are best.
Q: Who should I vote for? ▼
A: Anyone but yourself. But vote based on quality, not on whether the author is your friend or not. Be honest.
Q: I know I can't vote for myself, but can I ask other people to vote for me? ▼
A: I'd rather you not solicit votes obnoxiously. By all means let your friends and family (and foes, if you'd like) know about your nominations, but please don't harass them too much! That said, there are more than enough mechanisms in place that even outright solicitation of votes is very unlikely to affect the final result.
An example e-mail might read something like this: "Hi! My item(s) [such and such] has/have been honored with a nomination to " The Quills"  in the Best [name] category. Voting is currently underway to select the winners in this category, and I would like to invite you to come vote for the most deserving pieces, whether or not that/those is/are my own. Thank you!" You have my full blessing to use that exact wording! 
Q: So... you want me to tell other people to vote? ▼
A: Absolutely! The more votes we have, the more accurate the picture we get, the better we can make this event, and the more people we can bring together in the great adventure that is the Quills!
Q: How does this help choose winners? ▼
A: The members of WDC will vote, and the items with the most votes per an STV system  will be the winners in their categories. If no outright winner is selected in the first three rounds (per the STV system), the eventual second-ranked item will receive an honorable mention. If no outright winner is selected after 7 rounds, the eventual third-ranked item will also receive an honorable mention, and so on every four additional rounds. This does not apply for categories with more than 12 nominees, where an honorable mention will be given to the 2nd ranked item regardless of rounds necessary. Judges are allowed to vote as well, with their votes equal to that of members of the public at large in these categories.
Q: When will results be posted? ▼
A: Winner will be announced at the live ceremony.
Q: Can I vote in a category I'm nominated in? ▼
A: Yes, just not for yourself.
Q: What if I don't like any of them? ▼
A: You can either not vote in that category (which will have no effect) or write in "none" in the space provided. If "none" receives enough votes, the Quill in that category will not be awarded.
Q: What about the invalid items? ▼
A: We like to keep them around on the list so we know how many pieces were nominated, but obviously you don't have to vote for them at all. Sorry for the clutter!
Q: What if I change my mind? Can I re-vote or something? ▼
A: No, unfortunately. Due to the logistical complexity of allowing multiple submissions, we've decided to limit everyone to just one ballot, so make sure you get it right! That said, if you seriously change your mind or filled out your ballot incorrectly, send me an email and I'll delete your response so you can vote again.
Q: Why are anonymous submissions not allowed? ▼
A: Since secondary accounts are not allowed to vote (as that would skew the system), we need to know who is voting. Voter rolls may also be used for statistical purposes (e.g., case color demographics). Names of voters are never released, nor are their votes or any data attached to them released at all.
Q: Can I help present/sponsor/administrate/etc.? ▼
A: YES!  We would love your help if you want to sponsor or present an award, or even help organize the ceremony! Just fill out the box at the end of the survey or send me an e-mail!
Feel free to e-mail me if you have any futher questions!
Cheating of any kind is strictly forbidden! This includes bribery or anything of the sort. Any allegations of cheating will be investigated thoroughly. Anyone found guilty of cheating will be indefinitely disqualified from future rounds, and if the person in question had previous or current awards and/or nominations, these will be revoked and eliminated from the records. That's one reason GPs have been disabled for this survey: to avoid any possibility of attempted bribery. |
The nominees for Best Fantasy/Sci-fi are:
1 "Flight of Fantasy Productions" [E] by A E Willcox
2 "Thrice Prompted" [E] by David the Dark one!
3 "The Lair Contest (Mythical Creatures)" [ASR] by Beacon's Light
4 "Invalid Item" [] by A Guest Visitor
5 "Invalid Item" [] by A Guest Visitor
6 "Invalid Item" [] by A Guest Visitor
7 "Fantasy and Science Fiction Society" [E] by David the Dark one!
8 "Wonderland" [13+] by Jeff
9 "Invalid Item" [] by A Guest Visitor
10 "A Fan Never a Panelist - Capclave Day 3" [E] by Highmage - D.H. Aire
11 "The Key" [E] by Juliet Bell
12 "Invalid Item" [] by A Guest Visitor
13 "Ignition" [13+] by Roseille ♥
14 "Nix" [13+] by Jeff
15 "Invalid Item" [] by A Guest Visitor
16 "Insolent Fop" [13+] by KMH
17 "The Line of Kings" [18+] by TheLookOut
18 "Invalid Item" [] by A Guest Visitor
19 "Invalid Item" [] by A Guest Visitor
20 "Invalid Item" [] by A Guest Visitor
21 "Threads in the Tapestry" [13+] by Escape Artist
22 "Invalid Item" [] by A Guest Visitor
Vote in the 2014 Quills: ▼