Printed from https://writing.com/main/handler/first_in/1/item_id/1994568-Basic-Newbie-Experience-Survey
by Cinn
Rated: E · Survey Form · Activity · #1994568
A survey covering the basic positive and negative experiences of WDC newbies.
This survey, like all of the materials in "The Newbie Research Center, will be used to improve the experiences of people who join WDC in the future. Your responses are important to us!

Please be as honest as possible. If it makes you more comfortable, you are welcome to fill out the survey anonymously. Remember, the goal is to make experiences better for other newbies, so if you have a horror story to tell, please feel free to tell it. Thank you!
*Dollar* Reward for completing this survey: 200 Gift Points
(R) denotes a required field.
You may submit your survey anonymously by checking the box to the left.
1.   How long have you been a member of Writing.com? (R)
        Less than 6 months
        6+ months
        1+ years
        2+ years
        3 or more years
2.   Regardless of account age, I consider myself a "newbie".
      Check this box to agree with the above statement.
3.   Someone welcomed me to the site within one week of joining.
      Check this box to agree with the above statement.
4.   The welcome seemed friendly and genuine.
      Check this box to agree with the above statement.
5.   What was your first meaningful interaction with someone on the site (the first that meant something to YOU)?
6.   If you chose 'Other' or wish to describe your first meaningful interaction, please use the space provided below.
7.   In general, how would you describe your early experiences on WDC? (R)
        Some Positive & Some Negative
8.   If you wish to describe the positive and/or negative aspects of your early WDC experience, please do so.
9.   I received my first review the day I joined Writing.com
      Check this box to agree with the above statement.
10.   I received my first review within one week of joining WDC.
      Check this box to agree with the above statement.
11.   Choose the most fitting description of your earliest reviews on WDC. (R)
12.   If you wish to elaborate on the positive/negative aspects of your earliest reviews, please do so.
13.   Did you have trouble finding your way around Writing.com when you first joined? (R)
14.   Was it DIFFICULT to find help when you first joined WDC? (R)
15.   In general, were people kind to you when you first joined the site?
        Some were & Some were not
16.   What was the first gift you received in WDC?
17.   What was the first group you joined on WDC? How did you find the group?
18.   What would have made your earliest experiences better? If you cannot think of any improvements, just say None. (R)
19.   What kept you coming back to WDC?
        Receiving Reviews
        Community Aspects -- friends, groups, etc
        Contests / Prompts
        Giving Reviews
        Reading Other People's Writing
        A Combination of the Above
20.   If you answered 'Other' or wish to elaborate, please do so.
21.   Is there anything else that you would like to add about your early experiences? Feel free to mention specific groups or users if you wish to do so.

22.   This survey allows the sending of Gift Points.
      Gift Points are not required, but donations are welcome if you wish to do so.

      You have 0 Gift Points.
      Gift Points to send:
      Confirm Gift Points:
      (Minimum: 100 / Maximum: 1,000,000)
Important: Gift Points included will be sent to "Newbie Research Center Funds. Writing.Com will deduct a processing fee of 5%. Gift Points sent via this form are non-refundable.
*Note* Disclaimer: The information submitted will be sent to Cinn . Do not submit anything private or confidential.


Printed from https://writing.com/main/handler/first_in/1/item_id/1994568-Basic-Newbie-Experience-Survey