The following winners for the running of "Hook Us!" were chosen from the 17 entries that advanced to Round Two. Congratulations to the following three winners:
Winner of the Grand Prize of $750 credit from InstantPublisher.Com plus Writing.Com will buy a personally signed, first InstantPublisher print edition of the book, shipped to us, for a price of $250 cash** is:
"Invalid Item" by A Guest Visitor 
Second Place - "Invalid Item" by A Guest Visitor
Third Place - "Within Shouting Distance-Query" by SwordntheStone22
Thanks to everyone who entered and especially to the judges for their time and consideration of each entry!
This Contest is Now Closed
Have you written a book you want published? If so, this is the contest for you! Simply write your query letter following the instructions below and enter today!
Your query letter must:
Begin with a paragraph that "hooks" the reader into wanting to know more about the book. This paragraph should be copied into the text area below for inclusion in Round One.
Continue with a mini-synopsis of the book. This should be no more than three paragraphs.
Close with a concluding paragraph, which could contain marketing information for your book, your biography, or simply a "thanks for considering my book".
Be placed in your Writing.Com portfolio: The item ID must be included when submitting the entry form below.
Be rated 18+ or below: Any entry that falls above this rating will be disqualified.
Be Submitted One Time Only: You may only enter this contest one time per round, so make it a good one!
Be Edited Only Until the Deadline: Entries edited after the submission deadline may be disqualified from winning without notice.
 And your book should be under way: As we are looking for projects close to completion, the InstantPublisher.Com credit may expire 6 months after the contest results are announced.
The submission deadline is: 11:59 pm EST, April 30, 2014 extended to May 31, 2014
A list of round one finalists will be posted on or around: June 15, 2014
Winners will be posted on or around: July 15, 2014
This contest will be judged using two rounds:
Round 1: The judges will review the "hooks" from each entry and decide which should advance to the next round. Only entries advancing to Round 2 will receive feedback from the judges on their query letter.
Round 2: Each judge will submit a score for qualifying entries in Round 2. Those scores will be totaled and the winner chosen from the combined scores from the judges.
The prizes are:
Grand Prize
$750.00 credit with plus Writing.Com will buy a personally signed, first InstantPublisher print edition of the book, shipped to us, for a price of $250 cash**!
Second Prize
$50.00 in Writing.Com Gift Points and a Merit Badge
Third Prize
$25.00 in Writing.Com Gift Points and a Merit Badge
Important rules and terms:
 Anyone may enter. No paid membership or purchase necessary.
 Entrants under the age of 18 must have consent of a legal guardian to enter.
 Winners under the age of 18 must have a legal guardian claim their prize for them.
 Winners are solely responsible for any taxes and/or fees that may be incurred.
 The InstantPublisher.Com credit may expire in 6 months. Winners demonstrating forward progress towards the publication of their project may receive up to 2 three month extensions.
 The Writing.Com offer to buy the signed book for $250 expires 1 year after the winner is announced.
 Additional personal information may be required from winners in order for Writing.Com to provide prizes.
 Additional rules and terms may be added by staff as needed without additional notice or notification to entrants.
 The decision of Writing.Com's judges and/or staff is final.
The Judges:
We are pleased to have the following Moderators judging: Jeff  , blue jellybaby  , and northernwrites
In the event a judge can not complete the judging, their scores will not be used, and at our discretion, a judging substitution may be used. In the event of a tie, staff will render the tie-breaking decision.
Questions regarding the contest should be emailed to: Diane  
** Cash payouts will be made via PayPal; winner must have or open a PayPal account to receive the prize money. As an alternative to a PayPal pay out, winners may opt to have their winnings paid via Writing.Com Gift Points.