Printed from https://writing.com/main/handler/first_in/1/item_id/1758511-Talent-Pond-Workshop-Survey
by Jeff
Rated: E · Survey Form · Activity · #1758511
What kind of workshops would you like to see the Talent Pond offer?


The Talent Pond is planning on offering a regular array of workshops, but we need your help! We don't want to make these your average Writing.Com classes where you sign up for a lecture series with a few assignments. We want to offer workshops that truly provide you with an interactive experience that will discuss a topic of interest and answer your questions about it!

In order to make these workshops the most beneficial they can be, we need your feedback on what you'd like to see in a workshop... starting with the general topics! Please take a few moments to fill out the simple and straightforward survey below. Your feedback will help us decide which workshops to offer!

Please note that you can submit multiple surveys, to indicate your interest in more than one topic.

Thank you for your support and feedback. *Smile*

Multiple submissions allowed | (R) denotes a required field.
You may submit your survey anonymously by checking the box to the left.
1.   What type of writing are you interested in? (R)
        Short fiction (flash fiction, short stories, etc.)
        Long fiction (novellas, novels, series, etc.)
        Screenwriting / Playwriting
        Technical writing
        Other (please specify below)
2.   Explanation of other writing type:
3.   What type of information are you looking for? (R)
        General (overview, introduction to a topic, etc.)
        Content (essential elements, standards, etc.)
        Preparation (research, outlining, etc.)
        Technique (writing habits, rewriting, editing, etc.)
        Business (getting published or sold, industry standards, etc.)
        Specific genre conventions
        Other (please specify below)
4.   Explanation of other category:
5.   Please indicate any specific genre(s) you're interested in (if any):
6.   Please include any additional thoughts, comments, or clarifications here:
*Note* Disclaimer: The information submitted will be sent to Jeff . Do not submit anything private or confidential.


Printed from https://writing.com/main/handler/first_in/1/item_id/1758511-Talent-Pond-Workshop-Survey