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Rated: E · Survey Form · Business · #1657752
A survey for potential vendors for the First Peoples' General Store.

         This survey is for the Writing.com members who wish to advertise their crafts and hobby wares through the First People's Tribe.

         Through the First Peoples' Tribe, we will advertise your wares on our page for a one-time fee of 3,000 gift points. If another member shows interest by posting in the forum, we will send an email notifying you.

All business transactions with potential clients will be entirely between you both. This includes purchase price, custom orders, and shipping.

To see what your ad would look like, check out:
 Invalid Item 
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#1538942 by Not Available.

Once you've filled out the survey and send your deposit to bank #1654226, your business blurb and any document you wish listed will be added to the General Store page.

If you have any questions feel free to email me at
LdyPhoenix - (ldyphoenix @ writing.com).

Thank you for taking an interest! *Smile*
(R) denotes a required field.
1.   Checking this box means you would like have the First Peoples' Tribe to advertise your wares in the General Store. (R)
      Check this box to agree with the above statement.
2.   By checking this box you agree to the one-time payment to the First Peoples' Tribe of 3000 GPS, and that all transactions between you and the purchaser are your responsibility. (R)
      Check this box to agree with the above statement.
3.   What types of wares will you be selling? (R)
4.   Are there any specifications you would like to add in to your blurb? This would include if you will take custom orders or have your own survey for purchases. (R)
*Note* Disclaimer: The information submitted will be sent to LdyPhoenix . Do not submit anything private or confidential.


Printed from https://writing.com/main/handler/first_in/1/item_id/1657752-First-Peoples-General-Store