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Information and discussion related to the world of SHAMROCK, both present and past. |
I really should write another SHAMROCK story but, coming from a girl who made an epic tale with no less than 13 main can see that I might be just a BIT ... scattered. Lol. Anyway, here's the new page: Which of my 13 main characters is your favorite? Okay, not so much a favorite, since you don't know anything about them, but... I'm hoping to get some input on which ones I should tell people about first, so I'm taking a survey! Hehe. Check the Icons page: Your choices are: 1. Connor, male, tortured soul & leader, Nemah 2. Katerine, female, heart of the group, Kaiylah 3. Michael, male, love-struck wolfy, Wolfbaine 4. Angelo, male, Katerine's former tyrant brother, Kaiylah 5. Sarra, female, mystic dream-oracle, Phrophet 6. Circe, female, crime lord and seductress, Res-naken 7. Raikector, male, lightning-spouting secret-keeper, Dragon 8. Phybee, female, spiritual leader and scientist, Ion 9. Xavior, male, elfy magic-using classical-music lover, Elfkin 10. Nefertini, female, healer of the mind and body and soul, Faerie 11. Erik, male, rockstar and jock and jokester, Golem 12. Maeve, female, chipper fishgirl, Oce'ana 13. Maverick, male, Maeve's trouble-prone twin brother, Oce'ana If you'd like to choose some other characters, feel free, but please also choose at least one main character. Introduction: