(This message was edited by cat-claws on 10-23-04 @ 11:03 am EDT) Â (This message was edited by cat-claws on 10-23-04 @ 10:18 am EDT) Whoa! Dominique and Crith, salute to you guys! n_~* I got a feeling that this is a beggining of a very *wonderful* friendship... :P Tee-hee! Anyway, here's the WINNERS of my 2nd auction: 1# stefanirose 250 GPs 2# stefanirose 500 GPs 3# stefanirose 750 GPs 4# stefanirose 500 GPs 5# (No bidders) 6# (No bidders) 7# mwchoops2002 250 GPs 8# mwchoops2002 500 GPs 9# mwchoops2002 750 GPs 10A# crithni 1.000 GPs 10B# pcombs 1.000 GPs 10C# (No bidders) 10D# (No bidders) 10E# mmartin570 2.000 GPs 11# (No item) 12# (No item) 13# (No item) 14# (No item) 15# (No item) 16# crithni 1.100 GPs 17# crithni 1.100 GPs 18# spidey 2.200 GPs 19# pcombs 7.600 GPs 20# crithni 2.300 GPs Whew! The bidding war is really full of suspense I keep wondering who would win! n_n; Anyway, congrats on your winning, Dominique! Crith... Don't worry, it's only a minute... :P Better luck next time! n_~* Thanks for the others who have participated! I really, really appreciated you guys' participation! 22.000 GPs is collected for me and RAOK! 10.000 GPs will be donated to RAOK since I feel that lots of GPs are collected enough! n_~* Thanks from us! Next round would be in December, I guess... See you guys there! God bless you all! Happy Haloween! ~(Were)Cat-Claws. |