Phew. That was quite a week. Joined a new project at work which is already throwing tasks my way even though I haven't completed the stuff I was already booked for. Plus I had to take an online course by a US provider, meaning working very late a couple of days when you're in the CET timezone. Plus the youngest kept me awake a couple of nights.
Still, I managed to squeeze in both a fair bit of writing and reading. Even more importantly, I really got started on my exercise routines again. That combined with the sun finally starting to shine a bit around here has definitely help on my overall mood and energy level, making this a great week in almost every way.
Writing Goals
Write every day: Got this one done. It was all writing exercises, though that was more or less according to plan.
Continue my DIY MFA-thingy: Yep. As stated above, I got started on my writing exercises again. I had hoped to do some reading/analysis exercises too, but work got in the way of that.
Do a Codex review: Well, this was new. I had to mark this goal "N/A" as there simply weren't any stories in the forum up for review. I guess I could have done a WYRM review here on WdC instead, but I chose to put my focus elsewhere this week.
Read short stories: Yes! I got plenty of that done. I ended up having read/listened to enough stories to have a short story recommendations to publish over at my blog. It has been a long while since I did that.
Writing Related (sort of) Goals
Get exercise: Giving myself double marks for this one. Two 5-8K runs, a proper exercise session, and making sure I stayed active in the in-between days, that's the most exercise I've gotten since we had kids.
Eat healthy: Meh, probably can't claim success for this one. Though, I'm not feeling too bad about it, for once. Considering the hours I had to work this week and the lack of sleep caused by our youngest being restless at night, I could've gone much worse. Once again, though, I hope I'll do better next week.
Participate in Codex lunch: Got this done, and it was fun and awesome, and it actually feel like I'm building a network of writing peers.
Be active on Codex: Check. Read and commented on a few posts and even managed to combine this goal with my reading-short-stories goal, as some of those stories were recommendations from the Codex forum.
Do vocal exercises: I only managed once a day on average, but that was my threshhold, so I'm okay with that.