As post in previous entry, on February 13th, I had 11460 XPs.
Using my Dragon Vale MB for
x2 XPs, I have earned
1800 XPs for Valentines Day themed merit badges.
This included
13 heart of gold badges
3 Blessing badges
And 2 Horror/Scary badges
The last two were in celebration of St. Skeletor’s Day on Feb 15th
1000 XPs for my first product review, which earned me an MB
300 XPs for a plug review
300 XPs for the following achievement badges
90 XPs for starting three new subjects in the 7/7 Forum
180 XPs for Small Talk
30 XPs for participating in weekly goals
180 XPs for blog entries less than 250 words
120 XPs for Express it in Eight
2 XPs for check in
This subtotal = 4002
Add it to existing to total and the new TTD (Total to Date) is
15462 XPs