Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday! |
1.) Actually complete chapter 1 for the current WIP novel. I've been adjusting and editing it like crazy, I'm ready to get rolling on making the adjustments on chapters 2 and 3. 2.) Add more action in chapter 2 and adjust a particular plot point that I've decided doesn't have enough depth to drive the character's motives. 3.) Need to write a pretty gruesome horror sequence in chapter 3 of the WIP novel. I've got the sequence and even written the entire scene in longhand at work, but I need to segway into it with a sensory overload of the character. 4.) At least one daily review. So far, I've been maintaining that rhythm, I'd like to keep up with that. 5.) Reread Clive Barker's "Hellbound Heart" novel. A lot of my current story is inspired by the Hellbound Heart, so I need a bit of a refresher. 6.) Draft out chapter 4 of my novel. 7.) Donate a couple hundred dollars to the fund at work for one of our USW union brothers who tragically lost his life at one of our sister plants. 8.) Get some decent sleep... seriously, I can get 3 hours of sleep on day shift, and I feel like a million bucks. I get 8 hours of sleep on night shift and wake up wishing I was dead. I don't get it. |