Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday! |
With our youngest being sick and my wife being away for a couple of days, I don't have high hopes for this week. A lot depends on how the kids are acting (as always, I guess). So, I'm not going to raise the bar this week and will instead just aim for the basics (mostly, at least) and keeping good habits going. Write every day: Same old, same old. Number one on the list is jus staying consistent and keeping my good writing streak going. Start writing my entry for the Danish SF anthology: There are about two months left for deadline, and I have a good outline for a story. Now I just need to start writing, so I won't miss up on participating this year. Get exercise/eat healthy: Vague goal as always. This one is really going to depend on how much time/energy the kids leave me with, though. Do vocal exercises: I already started doing them again last week, but I need to keep going, because I really feel like they're working. Do Fantasticon prep-work: This got knocked off the list last week, but I'm feeling a bit guilty about that, so hopefully, I can catch up this week. Do a review: It's low on the list this week, but I hope to get at least one review done. Catch up on Codex: I don't think I've visited the Codex forum for two weeks now, so there are probably discussions that needs catching-up on. Do a blog post: At the bottom of the list and not really like that I'll reach it. Still, I have a couple of ideas for blog posts I want to write. Fingers crossed that I will make this far on the list. |