Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday! |
As usual, I'm late with the goals. Though, this time it's because I included the weekend in reaching my writing goals. I didn't get around to all of them, but considering it was pretty rough week, I'm happy with where I ended. Write/edit/outline every day: Check. My number one goal, so I'm glad I reached it. Do vocal exercises: Also, big checkmark again. I'm really getting into a good habit with tese. / Get exercise: Sort of, mostly, I reached this. I did get in some solid exercise two days of the week. I wasn't as active the other days as I had wanted. / Prepare blog posts: I did prepare and post one of the two posts, which is okay I guess. Novelette line edits: Check. This one was mostly the reason why I wanted to move into the weekend. Submit stories: Well... I did submit the story above. Turned out there wasn't really any open markets left for the older story I wanted to submit, though. At least I tried. Reply to editorial notes: Check. It was last on the list but probably one of the most important goals, so I'm glad I reached it. |