One week left of work chaos and too many things stealing my time and energy before I go on a late summer vacation.
There will be a lot of the usual goals this week, keeping good habits going/building good habits. There will also be a couple of submission/publishing related stuff I would like to finish off before the vacation so that I can take a break from writing/submissions without feeling any stress.
It will be a long list of goals, but I hope I can check all of them off at the end of the week, for once.
I'll leave out any review goals for this week, though, since everything else on the list will be more than enough to fill out my spare time.
Write/edit/outline every day: Same old, same old. I need to keep the good habit of writing, editing, or outlining every week day going.
Do vocal exercises: This is a regular goal of mine as well. I need to train my voice, and keep doing it daily.
Get exercise: Another semi-regular goal. With work, the kids, and writing taking up so much time and energy, I need to focus on my health as well. I have no firm goal as to how much I should exercise, but I need to stay active daily and, hopefully, get in some heavy exercise/running once or twice as well.
Prepare blog posts: I have two blog posts I want to get started on (about the Danish SF anthology/editor, and about my first decade as a writer/the stuff I wouldn't have experienced if not for my writing hobby). I don't need to finish them but at least get started.
Novelette line edits: I have a novelette/longish short story I've been working at for a while. Now, it's time to do line edits and get it ready for submission.
Submit stories: Above novelette/short story as well as one I got a rejection for last week need to go out into the world and see if they can find a home with a magazine.
Reply to editorial notes: I got editorial notes for my story for the yearly Danish SF anthology. I need to follow up on those, and make sure no unwanted changes were made.