Write 750 words a day (5250 words a week).
Do my Morning Pages each day. Ask for guidance.
Do my check ins for Dragon Vale and Habit Heroes.
Do a contest entry for WDC - one being for week 27 of I Write in 2024.
Work on various projects - poetry and novel.
Participate in as many writing events as I am able:
Mon. 6 pm Accountability call with Julie and Rebecca.
Tues. 7:30 pm Artist's Date
Wed. 7:30 pm GWN
Fri. 7 pm Open Mic Night at the Dog-Eared Café
Goodreads 2024 Reading Challenge: my goal for 25 books. I have read 18 books.
Reading Mary Magdalene Revisited for my Enlivened Book Club - need to reach page 142 before July 9.
Work through The Way of The Fearless Writer by Beth Kempton (loving this!)
Step up my summer schedule with my client - tentatively Thursdays from 10 to 4 pm.
Find a way to go through this year's work and file it. Do I need to purchase a new filing cabinet?
Claim UI? Go through all my supply hours to see if I would qualify.
8K a day
Water - drink at least 1000 ml a day.
Body Groove - Groove Into Greatness
No eating after 8 pm.
No screen time after 8 pm.
Continue to re-establish my bed time after time for closer to 11 pm.
Take out the Garbage, Green bin and Blue Recycling bin.
Take an Artist Date or a few if I can manage it.
Continue to work on getting my Online presence back. I need to make a list of all the things I need to address.
Help mother manage her finances.