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Q&A and information for all members of HSP |
1. How important is the title of a story or novel? The first thing that catches my eye when I search for something to read is the title. So, knowing that, I think the title is very important. The title alone can pull a reader to at least check out the book further. It does that for me. 2. Do you think the title should reflect more on the story as a whole or a certain aspect or theme of the story? While I don't think it's extremely important, I think it should at least hint at what's inside. My novel is about a corrupt judge who went missing in NYC in 1929. It's known that the gangsters he was involved with had him killed, the reason for the murder, even after all these years, is still unknown. It's historical fiction. I titled the novel A Matter of Corruption: Revenge Can Turn You Into the Person You Despise. I think it gives a glimpse into what the story is about. 3. How much time do you spend on your story and or book titles? Like Jim Hall most often I have a title picked up while I'm still working out the story. Occasionally I'll change a title when the story is finished, but not very often. |