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Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday!
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May 21, 2024 at 9:22am
Goals: Exploiting my momentum (2024.05.20)
by Tobber
Right. For once, being late with the goals/updates was not entirely a mistake. Yesterday was a national holiday around here, which meant all family time and avoiding everything writing related.

Despite the holidays and generally being late with the goals/updates lately, I've enjoyed some really good writing weeks. I have two more weeks until I start back at work, and I really hope to make the most of that time, exploiting the momentum I've gained and building a good foundation for when life turns back to something more akin to normal. There are probably a couple of tasks to do at home, though, which needs to prioritization as well.

This week I'm going to include both my writing goals and "other" things I need to get done since they might end up affecting how much reading/writing time I actually end up having.

The Writing Stuff
*Box* Write every day: As always, the most important goal is consistency (Monday is excluded from the goal this time around).

*Box* Complete first draft of my Lodestar entry: I made pretty good progress the last couple of week before having to change focus. I'm not quite at the final scene, but I should be able to be done with the first draft come Friday or at least close to.

*Box* Complete another entry for the Stupefying Stories contest: I do have one entry for the competition, but the editor allows for another submission and are specificially asking for something less grim/more humorous, so I give myself the challenge of writing a piece of micro fiction comedy. *Smile*

*Box* Do a review: Again, this is last on the list of reading/writing goals, and with all the other stuff needing to get done, I'll likely miss out on this one. But, hey, I thought so last week as well, and I manage then.

The Non-Writing Stuff
*Box* Vocal exercises: I've made a good habit of doing my vocal exercises the last couple of weeks, and I need to continue with that. (Again, not setting a quantitive goal for this one, though.)

*Box* Prepare bachelor's party/wedding stuff: A friend of mine is getting married this summer, and there's stuff for the bachelor's party and wedding I need to help plan.

*Box* The rest: This is obviously a very non-descript title, but it includes starting my home improvement project of building a new bench/sofa, making a denist appointment, changing tires on my car, and do complete the post-vacation clean up at home.
Goals: Exploiting my momentum (2024.05.20) · 05-21-24 9:22am
by Tobber

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