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As a newbie, one of your first emails, I thought, send you links to the newbie areas. IDK. It's been a while for me. lol But here's one area. "Noticing Newbies" Maybe you already know it. Good luck and thank you for spreading the word about newbie contests to other newbies! I also encourage you to get on the Community Newsfeed. It's a great place to meet other folks, new and old. You can tell when a person joined by mousing over their handle (the name you see -- it's changeable, so some folks will post their mood or what they're doing). This will show you if someone is a newbie or, if you have a question, if they may be more likely to know the answer. Though the colored cases (not black or gray) are more likely to know the answers than black and gray cases. lol When you click Newsfeed, you only go to your Personal Newsfeed. You only see Newsfeed notes from people whose heart you've clicked once or twice. (Twice is better. Once sets them as a favorite of yours, but it's private. Twice makes you a fan of theirs and they are notified. Some folks, like me, reward new fans, so it's best to click until you see the gold heart to increase your chances of a reward. ) If you've not clicked anyone's heart, you'll only see official WdC notes. (You'll always see them, no matter how many or few hearts you've clicked.) To see more of what's going on around the site and to see the notes of everyone whose notes are within your rating limit so you can find new activities and meet new people (it's not like Facebook with hundreds of thousands of people posting all day long lol), go to your Personal Newsfeed (click Newsfeed), then along the top, you'll see "View the Community Newsfeed." Click that and you'll see what everyone else is posting. Scroll, like, comment, and start making friends. You will also run across newbies here sometimes. But this suggestion was more about helping you learn WdC better and to make more friends. |