Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday! |
1. Work my way through 'sedimentary structures' and 'introduction to stratigraphy' (otherwise known as catching up). 90% - I have the theory down, I think, and a small book worth of notes... now watch me fail spectacularly as I try and apply it. Success (or, more likely, failure) herein will determine whether there's any time to work on goal 4 over the weekend. 2. Submit volcanology project proforma (hypothesis & methodology) Before the deadline too! 3. Submit volcanology project risk assessment (nb desktop study, so burning alive won't appear therein Before the deadline too! 4. Find tine to finish drafting / editing 'chapter 2' of, as yet, untitled & add to portfolio. I managed to find a few mins here and there, but nowhere near enough to make any real headway. 5. Find time for at least 5 random reviews. (might even get a couple more over weekend) 6. Survive the week with sanity, what little I have, intact. Survived! The sanity part is debatable. So yeah, a mixed bag with lots of writing... just not the writing I wanted to be doing :( |