Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed! |
Great work! I've got you marked down for a February entry. You're doing great! Keep it up! Remember to title the post here the same as the contest name. You can remember to do this if you look at other post entries. For example, "Search for a WDC HeartThrob Poet" . That looks like a link to the cotnest, but it's not. It's a link to jaya's entry here. Scroll through the forum and you will see what I mean. It doesn't have to be the whole title. If you notice some people just put things like "HeartThrob" or something, I think. I just need to know which contest it is. I try to count all the contest entries for each contest every month because I want everyone to have 5 entries for their contest. When people put the title of the contest in the title of their post here, I can easily just count how many entries each contest has. Anyway, well done on the poem. Good luck! BTW, if you like reviews, Legendary❤️Mask reviews every entry for her contest, "The Lighthouse Short Story Contest" . See you next month (unless you decide to do another entry this month. lol Check out my challenge