A month-long novel-planning challenge with prizes galore. |
Thank you for your, as always, honest opinion, Ma'am. But this was just the synopsis, Ms. QueenNormaJean snow finally!!! , and I didn't want to give too much away, therefore the bare, ordinary facts. But believe me, it's gonna get special because they are they – and they react in a way that will make the difference. Laura hiding the truth in the first place, is out of the ordinary already, I think. And believe me, I didn't see the one Vince will pull off at the end coming at all. I wanted to end the story with them parting at the airport, and shooting each other longing glances across the terminal and them (and so the reader) not really knowing how it will continue... Will they, won't they? But talk about revealing too much. Guess you'll have to wait until November – I'm trying something new this year: airing the story on WDC while writing it. Let's see how I do. |